Wednesday 7 February 2024

How to Handle Late-Night Booty Calls & Texts

late-night booty callSometimes girls will booty call you late at night. How do you handle these? Can you get a rain check? Who goes to whose place? Here’s the guide.

It’s late one night, you’re just about to get in bed – or perhaps you’re lying in bed already – when out of the blue a girl you know messages you:

Doing anything right now? Feeling bored

What should you do?

What should you say?

The timing is inconvenient (you were just about to fall asleep); can you reschedule her for later?

There’s one thing you need to understand about late-night booty calls and booty texts: whenever you get them, no matter what time it is or what condition you are in, that is a one-time only, limited time offer – and you can either take it then as-is, or pass.

No layaway, no reserving it for later, no rain checks, and usually no counteroffers accepted.


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