Friday 22 March 2024

Planning Out Your Night (When Out to Pick Up Girls)

night game planningIt’s easier to have a successful night out with girls when you plan for it. The keys to successful night out planning: triangulation, transit time, & more.

Hi everyone.

Today, I'll discuss night game logistics and share a strategy for an optimal night out. In the past, I've covered similar topics, such as preparing your place for pulls, and provided checklists before heading out at night, see Logistics Checklist: What to Prepare for Good Seductions

In this article, I'll continue along those lines. I'll go through the steps for planning your night out. When you combine the content in this article with the checklist at the link above, you have your night planned to a T. Everything should go more smoothly. Logistics can make or break a seduction. Good logistics will help; bad logistics will ruin you. It is your duty, I repeat, DUTY, to do all you can to take care of logistics.

You cannot prepare for every aspect of logistics and foresee all logistical hoops. Yes, poor logistics happen, and often they are beyond your control (examples: your favorite venue is dead, your girl lives far away, various wildcards, and more). What you can do, however, is do your best to ensure that you take care of what you can control and prepare for the rest.

The good news is that logistics is one of the easiest factors to fix, and you can implement many measures to ensure your night goes smoothly.

It's one aspect of the game that does not require practice. Just read about how to handle logistics and implement the measures. (You don't need to "practice" to ensure your flat is clean.) That said, experience helps because you may not care about logistics until you lose a good lead (a tough lesson to learn!) And experience helps when you must use logistical thinking to handle difficult and unpredictable situations. However, the latter becomes easier when everything you can control will be in check. And this is what we will cover today.


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