Sunday 7 April 2024

POB's Simple Text Ping for When Girls Leave You on Read

what to ping when she leaves you on readWhat do you do when you ask a girl out over text but she leaves you on read? Simple enough: send her this ping 2 hours after the text & get her reply.

This post originally appeared on the forum here.

For context, please read this first (and the comments).

Let's say you are texting her back and forth using a proven structure.

(Like: get the number, ping, banter, soft close, hard close > date)

Now let's imagine you try to close and are left on read.

What to do?

Normally guys will wait a bit and re-ping.

Is that wrong?

Of course not.

But it means you are re-starting the process all over again. 🙁

A better solution is to press without being pushy!

But how to do it?


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