Tuesday 21 May 2024

15 Tips to Rock Your Walk of Shame with Total Confidence

The walk of shame is every girl’s nightmare of a morning after. Use these tips to make your walk of shame feel more respectable and less insulting.

walk of shame

If you’re a girl who likes living on the fun side of Saturday night, then the early morning walk of shame on a Sunday morning might be all too familiar. Hey, you’ve probably been there often too. What’s life without a bit of wild fun now and then, right? We don’t stay young forever.

Perhaps, someday you young things will start to get bored of these mindless sexy nights.

But that’s not today.

As embarrassing as the walk of shame may be, it’s almost always worth it. Unless you’ve shacked up with a guy who’s so embarrassing that you’d want to get swallowed into oblivion. [Read: The right way to hook up with a guy you like]

The Walk of Shame

The walk of shame almost always captures attention. Imagine the scene: as joggers and morning walkers fill the streets, there you are in your eye-catching skirt that might feel a bit out of place at this hour, your steps slightly staggered, and mascara perhaps not as perfect as it was the night before.

The walk of shame not only draws curious glances but also the stares of women and the less welcome drools and catcalls from men. Indeed, it’s annoying. Yet, it’s only insulting if you allow it to be.

This heightened awareness often triggers a psychological response known as projection. You might start to believe that everyone on the street knows exactly why you’re dressed up at such an early hour.

It stems from a common cognitive bias where we assume others share the same knowledge we do, particularly when we’re self-conscious or anxious. [Read: Anxious personality: Reasons to date an anxious person]

Psychologists refer to this as the “spotlight effect,” where we overestimate how much our actions and appearance are noticed by others.

So while you might feel like your night is written all over your face, in reality, most passersby are likely wrapped up in their own thoughts and routines, paying less attention to you than you might think.

The walk of shame doesn’t necessarily need to be a cringe-worthy experience. In fact, you’ve probably managed several walks from someone’s place the next morning, expertly masking the fact that you’re right in the middle of a classic walk of shame.

How to Own the Walk of Shame with Confidence

If you want to hide the fact that you’re walking back home after shaking the bed with a guy all night, in attire that’s bare minimum and definitely inappropriate for an early morning, just use these easy tips. It’ll make that walk of shame easier to handle, and you’ll feel great about yourself too.

1. Better Safe Than Sorry

As exciting as going home with a perfect stranger may be, avoid it. It’s just not worth the risk. He could turn out to be a serial killer.

If you have no idea about a guy or if none of your friends know anything about him, completely avoid the idea of letting him take you home, especially if you’ve had one too many shooters at the club.

Expect your friends to do you a favor and hold you back when they think you’re going home with the wrong guy. [Read: 25 friends with benefits rules to remember]

2. Don’t Sneak Out in the Morning

Sneaking out in the morning may work in the movies, but it’s not a nice thing to do in real life. Firstly, it makes you feel like a whore working on a timer. Secondly, it makes you feel more insulted and ashamed about the whole one night stand thing.

Wake him up if you’re up early and he seems like a nice guy, or prod him with a stick and tell him you’re leaving.

3. It’s Okay to be Late

Never rush out early in the morning. It may feel like the right thing to do, but it never is. You may be late for a prior appointment. But spend a few minutes to compose yourself and collect whatever you’ve dropped behind in his place. [Read: Quick & easy morning routines to jumpstart a great day]

If you leave in a hurried confusion, you’d be more disoriented than you can imagine. Spending fifteen minutes more in his place is better than walking out like a disheveled prostitute after a busy night.

4. Carry a Few Basic Essentials

Your basic essentials are like condoms. You may not have sex every night, but you still make sure you carry it, just in case. Just like a condom, there are a few things you need to carry with you to a party, just in case you hook up with a cute guy you fancy.

Carry a jacket or a coat, enough money to pay for a cab *plastic is no good here*, a pair of sunglasses and your essential minimal makeup. It’ll make your morning walk of shame easier and well concealed.

5. Keep Your Essentials Handy

Apart from carrying a few basic essentials, make sure they are easily accessible. Organize your essentials like your phone, wallet, and keys in a small, light bag that won’t be a hassle to carry. [Read: 27 subtle ways to be more graceful & elegant with your body & behavior]

This prevents any fumbling around, which can be particularly awkward or frustrating on a walk of shame. It’s all about minimizing stress and maximizing efficiency.

6. Spend a Few Minutes in the Bathroom

This is important. I’m not a morning person, but I do have regular morning routines. Don’t be in a hurry to leave. If you think the guy you left in bed is embarrassing, wait till you walk out on a busy street in your worst bed head look.

Always spend a few minutes in the bathroom to clean yourself up for an as-fresh-as-possible morning look. Use your finger to brush your teeth, untangle your hair, splash some water on your face, dab on some makeup and cover up any smudges. You’ll look a lot better when you’re walking down the street.

7. Call a Cab

If the guy seems nice, ask him to drive you home if it’s not an inconvenience. No nice guy will decline it. But if he’s too drunk to remember your name or if he isn’t moving, call a friend who lives close by and ask them to pick you up. You could always make it up to your friend by returning the favor. [Read: How to kiss a friend accidentally and get away with it]

8. Tell Him Exactly How You Feel

Okay, so you’ve spent the night with a guy. Are you happy about it or are you annoyed with yourself? If you don’t want to see him again or if you want to erase the earlier night from your memory, drop a few hints to let him know about it.

No matter how you feel, make sure you tell the guy about it, be it a happy feeling or otherwise. One night stands have a way of making us feel like we have unfinished business.

And if you don’t tell the guy exactly what’s on your mind, you may end up walking down the street with your hands over your face wondering how to get through the whole ordeal. [Read: Is it okay for a drunk girlfriend to kiss another guy?]

9. Don’t be Ashamed

You had sex the earlier night. You go, girl! That’s a great thing you did. You had a wild night and you had fun. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

A walk of shame is shameful only if you feel ashamed about it. Lift your chin up, smile radiantly, and walk down the street with your head held high. [Read: How to look sexy without trying]

10. Plan Your Outfit

If you anticipate the morning-after walk of shame, think about packing a portable, versatile outfit that can easily fit into a small bag. Choosing an outfit that’s both comfortable for the evening and appropriate for daylight hours can save you from feeling out of place the next morning. [Read: 44 outfit tips & secrets on what to wear on a first date for girls & guys]

This doesn’t mean sacrificing your style but rather adapting it to blend seamlessly from night to morning. It’s all about feeling good in what you wear, whenever you wear it.

11. Choose Comfortable Footwear

Opting for comfortable footwear can also make your walk of shame significantly more bearable. If you’re heading out for a night that might end in a walk of shame, consider packing a pair of foldable flats or lightweight sneakers that can easily fit into your bag.

Wearing heels all night and then trying to walk home in them can be painful and impractical. Switching to comfortable shoes not only eases your walk but also helps you maintain a steady pace and confident posture.

12. Stay Hydrated

Keeping a small bottle of water with you can be a lifesaver during a walk of shame. Staying hydrated helps you look and feel refreshed, even if you’ve had a long night out.

Drinking water can also help clear your head, making your journey back home more bearable and helping you maintain a positive attitude throughout the walk. Remember, it’s not just about the walk but how you feel during it.

13. Have a Friend on Standby

Having a friend you can call during your walk of shame can make a big difference. Whether it’s to chat while you walk or have them ready to pick you up if you feel unsafe, knowing someone is there for you can provide a great sense of comfort.

This person acts as your safety net, giving you that extra bit of confidence to stride home with your head held high. [Read: True friendship: 37 real friend traits & what it takes to be a good, loyal one]

14. Refresh with Facial Wipes

Carry a pack of facial wipes, and trust us on this one. They’re not just for removing makeup, they can help refresh your face after a night out, giving you a cleaner, more awake appearance.

It’s a quick fix that can make you feel more presentable and less like you’ve just rolled out of bed *you know, with the smudged mascara and all*. A simple wipe down can lift your spirits and your look.

15. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Before you even start your walk of shame, take a moment to acknowledge how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling good about the night before, carry that positivity with you.

If you’re feeling uneasy, remind yourself that this walk is just a small moment in time. By addressing your feelings directly, you can manage them more effectively, ensuring that your walk of shame is as dignified as possible.

It’s a Walk of Shame Only If You Allow it to Be

And perhaps you should remember this. All the others who stare at you when you’re walking down the street fell asleep with their fingers for company. All the girls secretly envy you. All the guys secretly wish they could have spent the night with you.

Now how on earth can that ever be a walk of shame? [Read: Easy ways to get an attractive friend to have sex with you]

So the next time you’re lying in a guy’s bed the morning after and wondering how to get back to your place, just remember these tips. It’ll definitely make your walk of shame a lot less insulting and a lot more respectable.

The post 15 Tips to Rock Your Walk of Shame with Total Confidence is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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