Wednesday 22 May 2024

22 No-Nonsense Tips to Get Your Life Back on Track After a Big Change

Do you want to get back on track? Many people have been there, and sometimes it might feel impossible, but it’s not. Here’s how you can do it.

get your life back on track

Have you ever felt like life just threw you off the rails? One moment everything is fine and dandy, and the next, you’re trying to figure out how to get back on track amidst the chaos.

It’s like life has its own way of saying, “Surprise! Let’s see how you handle this one.”

Whether it’s the heartache of a breakup, the shock of a sudden job loss, or the grief of losing someone close, these moments can leave us feeling lost and unsure of our next steps.

The truth is, getting your life back on track isn’t just about dusting yourself off and moving on. It’s about understanding that sadness, setbacks, and upheavals are woven into the very fabric of our existence.

From the pain of divorce to the shock of bankruptcy, these experiences, as harsh as they are, form an integral part of our journey. They test our resilience, challenge our perceptions, and ultimately, shape who we become.

In this feature, we’ll explore how to navigate these rough patches and find your way back to a path that feels right for you.

Remember, it’s not about avoiding the storms of life but learning how to dance in the rain. [Read: 45 secrets to be more positive and fill your mind with positive emotions 24/7]

Understanding the Derailment

Change, as they say, is the only constant in life. But knowing this doesn’t always make it easier when we’re in the midst of turmoil.

So, why do these changes take such a toll on us? Why does it feel so difficult to get back on track or get your life back on track after a significant upheaval?

When life takes an unexpected turn, it’s more than just our daily routines that are affected. Our mental health takes a hit too. [Read: Positive self-talk – what it is, where it comes from, and how to master it]

Think of your mind like an ecosystem – when one part is disrupted, it can ripple throughout your whole system.

Stress, a natural response to change or challenges, can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s like having an internal alarm system that won’t turn off.

But here’s where it gets interesting: our resilience, our mental muscle, is also at play. It’s what helps us bounce back. Picture resilience as a rubber band. The more we stretch it *face challenges*, the more it expands, making us stronger.

However, just like a rubber band, there’s a limit to how much we can stretch before we need a break to regain our shape. [Read: Matras to live by – 21 positive mantras that will transform your life]

Now, what exactly throws us off track? It could be a myriad of things. Career issues, like losing your job or feeling stuck in a role that doesn’t fulfill you, can shake your sense of identity and purpose.

Relationships, whether they’re romantic, familial, or friendships, can also be a source of upheaval. Breakups, divorces, or even conflicts can leave us feeling adrift. [Read: Breakup advice – 22 things to do after a breakup to feel great and hate less!]

And let’s not forget personal crises. Health issues, financial problems, or the loss of a loved one are profound events that can drastically alter our life’s trajectory.

Each of these experiences, in their own way, can push us off the path we thought we were on, leaving us feeling lost and uncertain about the future.

The Psychology of Getting Back on Track

Now, before we dive into the how-tos of bouncing back, it’s crucial to understand the psychology that underpins our ability to get back on track. [Read: Repressed anger – 22 healing ways to release anger and focus on the positives]

This isn’t just about willpower or motivation but also about the intricate workings of our minds and emotions that play a pivotal role in our recovery journey.

At the heart of getting your life back on track is emotional intelligence *EI*. It’s a powerful tool in our psychological arsenal. EI involves two core components that are crucial in dealing with life’s curveballs: self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Self-awareness is like having an internal mirror. It allows us to reflect on our feelings, understand why we’re feeling a certain way, and recognize how our emotions can influence our thoughts and actions. [Read: 25 Honest self-reflection questions to recognize the real YOU inside]

It’s about being honest with ourselves, acknowledging our emotions without judgment, and understanding their roots.

Emotional regulation, on the other hand, is about managing those feelings. It doesn’t mean suppressing emotions or pretending they don’t exist. Rather, it’s about acknowledging them and finding healthy ways to express and deal with them.

This could involve techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing, or even seeking support when needed. [Read: 28 Self-improvement secrets to improve yourself and transform into your best self]

Together, self-awareness and emotional regulation form the foundation of emotional intelligence, helping us navigate through tough times. They enable us to process our experiences, learn from them, and ultimately, find our footing again.

No Nonsense Tips to Get Your Life Back on Track

When a huge life change hits you like a ton of bricks, here are some ways you can deal with everything that’s happening.

1. Get Closure

You have to understand and accept what happened, hold on to it if you must, then let it go. [Read: Closure after a relationship – 29 signs you don’t have it and ways to move on]

Whether you went through an ugly divorce, the death of someone close to you, a big move to another country, or anything else that uproots your life as you know it, be sure to embrace the change, learn from it, and look positively into the future.

2. Evaluate Your Situation

Of course, this is all dependent on exactly what changed in your life. Figure out the basics like getting a roof over your head, a job to keep you busy, a steady income, and so on.

Make a plan to get the basics on track first, then move on to the other stuff that will make you happy like doing something worthwhile, slicing your vices, and whatever else that gives you that zest for life. [Read: 57 Simple life questions to get to know yourself and truths to visualize your future]

3. Set Goals for Yourself

No matter what you went through, you need to start accomplishing goals, no matter how small they may be. Start with a daily and monthly to-do list. Focus and work hard to check everything off your list.

Not only will it give you a sense of accomplishment, it will also give you the chance to get some form of routine back into your life, which is always a welcome addition to your day after a massive upheaval.

4. Focus on Yourself

I realize that this may be very difficult if you have others under your care, like kids. However, you must realize that before you can help them, you need to make sure that you can handle it. [Read: The 3 stages of embracing and overcoming loneliness]

Remember those repetitive inflight safety videos that harp on about putting an oxygen mask on yourself first before doing it for those under your care? Well, it’s the same thing.

If you’re unwell or not ready to take on the challenge of facing life, those under your care will suffer the consequences.

Sign up for counseling or get help from a friend, family member, or support group when you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed. This applies to everything, not just kids. [Read: True friendship – 37 real friend traits and what it takes to be a good, loyal one]

5. Keep Loved Ones Close

You are going to need all the help and support that you can get.

It’s understandable that you don’t want all 500 of your Facebook friends to know what’s going on with you, but be sure to keep a small circle of important people close by. Lean on them when you have to, and don’t be ashamed to ask for help.

If you don’t have anyone you can count on, there are myriad support groups and organizations out there, so don’t ever worry about being alone because you really aren’t. [Read: I want to be loved – the psychology and 22 secrets to find that missing piece]

6. Invite Positivity In

Thwart negativity, and focus on the happy things in life. I know that it’s much easier said than done, and there will be days when you just want to hide from the world, wallow in your misery, and yell at the universe for being so unfair.

That’s totally fine. Get it all out of your system and freeze out the negative energy. Focus on the good that is to come, and strive to get there without letting sorrow get the better of you. [Read: How to master positive self-talk and banish negativity]

7. Quit Obsessing About the Past

As author Mandy Hale once wrote, “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say.” There’s no use in constantly thinking about what you could have done differently to change your situation.

The past won’t change, no matter what you do. What you can do, however, is use what you learned from the experience as a catalyst to push yourself forward. [Read: How to let go of the past and be excited by the future]

8. Travel More

The only way to get your life back on track is to see things from a different perspective. It’s almost impossible to get back into the daily grind after going through something traumatizing.

Getting up, going to work, and going through the daily motions will be harder than usual, so I encourage you to change it up and take some time off from real life.

Indulge in a spot of traveling, and head somewhere new and exotic. [Read: 59 fun things to do on a road trip to create awesome memories together]

Meet people from various walks of life, walk in their shoes, eat their food, laugh with them, talk to them, be inspired by them, and learn from them.

You will come home refreshed and holding onto the epiphany that you can overcome anything.

9. Do Something New

If you cannot afford to travel or if you’re simply too tied down to head off on an escapade, then just do something new. Push yourself to do something that you never thought you would undertake. [Read: How to broaden your horizons and get out of your comfort zone for good]

Whether it’s joining a Toastmaster’s club and brushing up on your public speaking skills or picking up Muay Thai, scare yourself, and push till you hit the very edge of your limits.

You will realize that with enough determination and focus, you can do anything you set your mind to. Apply this reasoning to every aspect of your life, and you will start feeling like your old self in no time.

10. Find a Release Outlet

Don’t underestimate the importance of finding a release outlet. It could be anything that tickles your fancy. [Read: Best friend bucket list – 66 unforgettable and fun things to do with your besties!]

Whether it’s something gentle like writing or playing the piano to something more aggressive like boxing, be sure to find something that you can turn to every time you feel overwhelmed.

It will give you the opportunity to release pent-up energy and negative emotions. Not just that, honing your skills and doing something that you are passionate about can help give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

11. Establish a Healthy Routine

Start by creating a daily routine that includes healthy habits. This can range from a consistent sleep schedule to regular exercise and balanced eating. [Read: 26 Secrets to get motivated to work out and exercise your way to a better life]

A structured routine provides a sense of normalcy and control, which is crucial when you’re trying to get back on track. It’s about creating a new normal that supports your well-being and goals.

12. Learn a New Skill

Engaging in learning something new can be incredibly fulfilling and a great way to redirect your focus. It could be anything from cooking classes to coding.

This not only adds to your skill set but also boosts your self-esteem and can open new doors, helping you to get your life back on track. [Read: 25 Must-know secrets to be successful in life and transform your future today]

13. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for mental clarity and emotional balance. They help in reducing stress and improving focus, making it easier to handle the challenges of getting back on track.

Regular practice can lead to a more centered and peaceful state of mind.

14. Volunteer Your Time

Helping others can provide a new perspective and a sense of purpose. [Read: Ways volunteer work can help heal depression]

Volunteering allows you to connect with your community, contribute to a cause bigger than yourself, and can be incredibly uplifting when you’re trying to get your life back on track.

15. Maintain a Journal

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process what you’re going through. It also helps in tracking your progress, understanding patterns in your behavior, and keeping your goals in sight as you work on getting back on track.

16. Create a Financial Plan

If your situation involves financial stress, creating a clear financial plan can be a huge relief. This includes budgeting, setting financial goals, and finding ways to reduce expenses. [Read: The lazy 20 something’s guide to saving money]

A solid financial plan can provide a sense of security and control as you get your life back on track.

17. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Embrace the idea that challenges are opportunities to grow. A growth mindset encourages resilience, learning, and the belief that effort leads to improvement. This mindset can be pivotal in overcoming obstacles and getting back on track.

18. Seek Professional Guidance

Sometimes, getting back on track requires professional help, be it a career coach, a financial advisor, or a therapist. Don’t hesitate to seek out experts who can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation. [Read: Honest secrets to let go of the past, be happy, and look to the future]

19. Declutter Your Space

A cluttered space can reflect and contribute to a cluttered mind. Take time to organize and declutter your living and working spaces.

This can create a more peaceful environment and help you feel more in control and focused on getting your life back on track.

20. Reconnect with Old Hobbies or Passions

Revisiting hobbies or interests that you may have set aside can reignite joy and passion in your life. [Read: 50 Secrets to get your shit together when you’re feeling really stuck in life]

Whether it’s painting, hiking, or playing an instrument, these activities can provide a sense of fulfillment and normalcy as you work on getting back on track.

21. Build a Support System

It’s crucial to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. This can be friends, family, or even support groups where you can share experiences and gain insights.

A strong support system provides emotional comfort and practical advice, making the journey of getting your life back on track less daunting. [Read: Groundhogging – what it means, 39 signs, reasons, and rules to stop doing it]

Remember, it’s okay to lean on others when you’re rebuilding your life.

22. Embrace Change and Move Forward

Getting your life back on track often means accepting your new reality and the changes that come with it. This can be challenging, but it’s a vital step in moving forward.

Embracing change doesn’t mean forgetting the past; it’s about acknowledging that life is different now and finding ways to adapt and thrive in your new circumstances. [Read: 48 real secrets to change your life & find the right path when you’re lost]

It’s a process of rediscovering yourself and redefining your path, allowing you to grow and evolve from your experiences.

In These Moments of Uncertainty, Your True Strength is Revealed

When you feel like the ground has crumbled beneath your feet, finding a way to rise from the rubble becomes your next mission.

Life’s unexpected twists can leave you disoriented, but it’s in these moments of uncertainty that your true strength is tested and revealed. [Read: 41 Rules of life to never be unhappy and be the one who screams “I love my life”]

As you navigate through these changes, remember that the journey to get back on track is not just about regaining what was lost, but also about building something new and stronger.

Each of these tips is a stepping stone towards regaining your footing and rediscovering your resilience.

[Read: 70 True secrets to happiness to have a happy life and enjoy everything you do]

You are stronger than you think, and with determination, support, and a bit of self-compassion, getting your life back on track is not just a possibility, but a promise of a new beginning.

The post 22 No-Nonsense Tips to Get Your Life Back on Track After a Big Change is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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