Thursday 30 May 2024

Meeting a Girl in a Romantic Way (7 Steps)

meet her in a romantic wayEvery girl dreams to meet a man romantically. If you can meet a girl in a romantic way, not only can you sweep her off her feet – but you raise the odds you get her, too.

Whenever I’ve told women I wasn’t dating how I met girls I was dating, the response from my female listeners is always the same: “Wow, that’s SO romantic!”

Women love how I meet women. Girls I’m with love it, and girls just listening love it. There’s always an element of fate, chance… magic. There is always a way to say, “If I hadn’t gone there that day, if you hadn’t gone here, if this thing that happened had not happened, we never would have been.”

You might think it has to do with meeting girls in romantic places. Or putting together an approach that looks like a Hollywood meet-cute.

In fact, you can meet girls romantically anywhere you see them, and without following a Hollywood script.

In this guide, I’m going to break the process down for you and let you in on the secrets to meeting a girl in a romantic way.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ve broken the process down into seven (7) easy to execute (well, more or less) steps.

Let’s make some romantic meetings!


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