Saturday 25 May 2024

Sex Talk Gambit: Independent Woman

independent woman gambitIn this simple-to-run sex talk gambit, easily transition into sex topic with a topic every woman loves to discuss: strong, independent women.

Hi guys, welcome back. Today, it is time for a sex-talk gambit.

Gambit posts are examples of themes I use that have been extensively and successfully field-tested. This post provides examples of how to deliver a sex-talk gambit, the independent woman gambit, followed by an analysis of why it works.

I’ll describe the gambit and then present an example. Feel free to word it to suit you. I will likely not word the gambit the same way presented here the next time I go out. In field, I remember the theme and key moments and will freestyle, keeping in mind the different mechanisms happening in my setting. By doing so, I can calibrate as factors come into play or, even better, find ways to accentuate them.

To be clear, even though I do not repeat the gambit exactly as presented here, chances are that I am likely to deliver something along the lines of what I describe below. Your version may differ slightly.

Aside from wording the gambit to your style, you can take this (and any other gambit) as inspiration to create a gambit covering similar themes. You could even use different themes using the same mechanisms or try different mechanisms using this theme. So, field test and see what works.

The idea is that this gambit:

  • Conveys that you are skilled in bed or that you are knowledgeable about women and sexuality

  • Communicates that you are a safe lover and have a good understanding of sex’s implications for women (slut-shaming, pregnancy risks, etc.)

  • May arouse her (if you choose to be more explicit)

If you score favorably on a few factors, this may be a good gambit. Only extensive field testing will give a clear answer about whether it works. If it works but not as well as you’d hope, see if there are ways you can tweak it.


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