Tuesday 11 June 2024

How Good Game Differs from Getting Lucky

good game vs. hoping to get luckySpam approachers – guys who go out to ‘shoot their shot’ and ‘get lucky’ – have a very different approach from guys with good, serious game. But what’s the difference?

One of our forum members, Spyce D, mentioned several acquaintances of his whose success comes off the back of what we’d call ‘spam approaching’:

Question : What do you think is more important in daygame - Numbers game or skill ?

I know a few folks who have been going out for years but they still have to do lot approaches , spam approaches (10+ / hour) and then they would get results , if they do.

No doubt , They are getting results but they are also doing ton of approaches a day that too 4-5 times per week + supplementing with nightgame and online .

And there are folks who played the numbers game but couldn't get any results and then left daygame for years only to return after they took coaching .

Hence the question .

Now, when you’re chatting up 10+ girls/hour, in particular during day game, then yes, that is spam approaching. An experienced seducer who is out to approach until he picks up may make 4 to 6 approaches an hour in day game, assuming he is having a few substantial interactions in there, and also not approaching every single woman he sees (i.e., that he is not spam approaching). That’s about the maximum.

A more ordinary man who is out trying to approach during the day (or a skilled seducer who is not gunning hard for a same day lay) will likely make 1 or 2 approaches per hour.

Let’s have a look real quick at what the difference is between guys who get lucky through sheer volume, versus guys who use good game to get success with women.


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