Sunday 9 June 2024

Lay Report: Girl Offers “5 Date System” (LOL)

lay report: 5-date systemIn this report by NarrowJ, a girl met out shopping offers her “5 Date System.” But can NarrowJ lay her in just a fraction of that time? He can & does!

This report was originally posted by NarrowJ on the forum here.

Around 3 PM yesterday I saw a super hot looking little brunette trying on shoes in Macy’s. Walked over and hovered a bit by a rack of sunglasses, pretending to browse them until I could tell she was almost done with the shoes.

I catch her looking at me a couple times.

The first time she turned away quickly, the second time she smiled shyly and looked down. I don’t even walk over to her, I'm about 15 feet away from her and turn in her direction and say "Hey there" and she looks in my direction like she doesn’t know who just said it, and once she realizes it was me I say with a smile: "Come here when you're done over there."

She nods and smiles, hurries up and finishes what she’s doing and walks over.


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