Sunday 2 June 2024

Night Game Blueprint, Part 1: The Realities of Seduction

night game realitiesGet a grounded perspective on the realities of nightlife seduction. Do looks matter? Can you get any girl? Is it resistance or rejection? And more…

This post by Warped Mindless originally appeared on the forum here.

I originally wrote this guide way back at the beginning of 2011. Truth is, back then I wasn't much of a writer (I'm still not as good as I would like but I'm ever improving!) and because of that I apologize.

I'm posting this the way it was originally written so with that in mind, read on and I hope you learn something from it. I had originally intended to turn this into a free ebook but I made it into a very long article instead

Some of my views have changed sense writing this back in 2011 but overall this is a good beginner friendly method that worked great for me and works well for my students.

I'll make a post within the week that covers a condensed version of my current seduction method.


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