Friday 12 July 2024

Developing the Seducer's Killer Instinct

achieving that killer instinctA seduction ‘killer instinct’ separates the men who want a girl but cannot close her from the men who want her and can. The ability to persist past obstacles makes the difference.

Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing well.

I received the following question from a reader:

Is there a chance you’ll come up with a series on increasing your persistence/killer instinct?

I avoid subjects that may lead to overly abstract discussions. I am skeptical about the board concept of inner game (you can do mental work to achieve X). I favor practical subjects, so I provide empirical details and observations. I’m a technical guy, so I give a technical perspective.

Some may interpret this question in different ways. What do we mean by killer instinct?

My interpretation of this question leads to an interesting post. It’s why I enjoy getting article suggestions; I always consider these ideas.

Keep reading for an answer to this question.


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