Monday 30 September 2024

Why Do Girls Always Seem to Go for the Wrong Guys?

why does she keep choosing the wrong men?Women have terrible taste in men. They keep going for the wrong guys again and again. But WHY do girls date the wrong guys? Hint: because they AREN’T wrong!

The single biggest source of frustration and cognitive dissonance for many men is the tendency of girls to date the wrong guys, time and again. A comment from a reader on a recent article of mine sums this up:

I quote myself: "If we know one thing for sure it’s that women rarely ever make the “right” decision for them, at least not what they had in mind." The meaning behind this sentence was and is, that women would rather be with someone who is "bad" on paper than someone who is supposedly a "perfect" match. It's why again I questioned the whole being cautious part you mentioned. In my experience women aren't cautious, they just like to make most men think they are in order to date the guys they really desire.

All too often, women choose unreliable bad boys who neglect them, fail to dote on them, avoid commitment to them, and not uncommonly cheat on them! This seems like terrible decision making from the nice guy point of view.

why do I keep attracting all the wrong ones, is it me?A nice male Redditor in his 30s laments attracting so many 30-something women “ready to settle down” after being jettisoned by bad boy exes.


nice guy bat signalThe Nice Guy Bat Signal


When I first found the seduction community in 2005, nice men were deeply flummoxed over this intractable poor decision making women seemed to have in their mate selection. Years later, men in the red pill community continue to harp on this same exact point – the very one friend zoned men have long lamented.

why do women have such awful taste in entertainment

It seems – to the uninitiated – as if most women have absolutely terrible romantic decision making skills.

Yet, as we shall see in this article, women know exactly what they’re doing.

There’s a reason girls go for the wrong guys and date bad boys instead of nice, safe, dependable men. (crazy as that may sound!)


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