Sunday, 2 March 2025

Lay Report: NJ Sets Up a Threesome

two girls kissing NarrowJNarrowJ finagles his way into a threesome with a girl he’d been seeing casually and a girl he’d just met. As he puts it, “the vibe after we’d slept off was what you’d expect.

This post by NarrowJ originally appeared on our forum here.

I've gotten dangerously close to a threesome only twice in my life.

The first time, I was 19 years old and snuck in a girl's house when she had a couple other girls staying the night with her. I fucked one of them, fingered and made out with another, and the third girl was a virgin who did nothing but watch (although she touched my junk a couple times at the request of the other two girls haha).

The second time I got oh-so-close was about a year ago. That field report is here, if anyone's interested in reading.

So, Saturday night, I finally lived the dream. I can now die a happy man.

P.S., if you only want to read the juicy parts just scroll down to where it says in bold "Things Get Interesting"


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