Friday, 30 July 2021

How to Tell a Girl You Like Her Over Text Casually & Not Be Pushy

If you have a crush on a girl, you need to tell her how you feel. If not now, then when? Keep reading to know how to tell a girl you like her over text.

how to tell a girl you like her over text

When you’re wondering how to tell a girl you like her over text, make it subtle. It’s probably the scariest thing in the world to admit your feelings for someone, and there’s never a perfect way to do it.

Either way, it still requires a lot of courage and bravery on your end. You may not want to ask her in person, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask her at all!

Admitting your feelings through text messages is a personal, yet a real way of telling a girl you like her. However, it’s easier said than done. You shouldn’t just get to the point right away, but it requires the right strategy to do it.

[Read: How to tell a girl you like her… without really telling her!]

Why should you learn how to tell a girl you like her over text?

While it’s ideal to tell someone your feelings personally, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t tell her over text. You won’t have to go through the struggle of finding the right words to say. You don’t have to shuffle your feet awkwardly because you’re fumbling over words. And you don’t have to wonder what she’ll say because she has to respond right away!

It’s generally easier to muster the courage to tell a girl your feelings over text rather than in person.

Regardless of which way you choose to admit your feelings, it’s always going to be challenging. However, you’ll never know if your feelings are reciprocated if you don’t take the risk. It’s better to take a leap of faith than to regret it because you lacked the courage that another guy clearly had. [Read: Approach anxiety – 16 effortless ways to conquer it in a few days]

How to tell a girl you like her over text

Expressing how you feel towards someone you like isn’t easy. You should let her know you like her. But you shouldn’t be too straightforward about it as you might scare her away before giving her a chance to respond properly.

By confessing your feelings over text, you can think about what you have to say properly before sending that text.

Compare this to telling her in person where everything is impromptu and no matter how much you prepare, you could always say the wrong thing!

It’s scary to get rejected, yes, but the alternative is worse. Would you rather risk telling a girl how you feel, or be haunted by what-ifs forever? That’s a choice you’ll have to make.

In this feature, we’ll be discussing the right ways on how to tell a girl you like her over text. Admitting your feelings might be scary, but don’t worry, we’ll guide you through all of it – even the scary parts.

[Read: How to tell someone you like them over text – 19 completely risk-free ways!]

1. If you can, do it in person

Listen, texting isn’t a horrible way to communicate with someone. But ideally, you should do it in person. There’s nothing more intimate than looking someone in the eye and telling them you have feelings for them. Especially when it’s a girl you really admire and have feelings for. so if you’re able to, tell her in person.

This doesn’t just show intimacy, but it shows your effort in having the guts to tell her as you look her in the eyes. Your facial expressions and body language also tell her everything she needs to know to confirm your feelings for her. With a text message, frankly, it’s easy to bullsh*t your way through the right set of words.

You can text someone you like them, even when you don’t, which is why text messages are harder to believe. It’s much tougher to do that when you’re looking someone in the eyes. [Read: How to tell a girl you like her and not come across creepy]

2. Silence is an answer

Sorry to say this, but since it’s over text, it’s much easier for people to simply ignore it if they don’t want to answer you. Unless she’s having technical difficulties with her phone, if she doesn’t respond to your text, it means rejection. Don’t persist in getting an answer from her as she’ll find you annoying and irritating.

Flooding her with messages will completely zero any chances you originally had with her initially. Simply respect her silence and move on with your life. [Read: When a girl doesn’t text back – Why she does that and what you need to do]

3. Build a relationship with her

How can she be into you if she doesn’t know you? This is why friendship is the best foundation you can give someone. When you’re friends with her, this gives you an opportunity to be close with her. Just be sure not to enter the friend zone!

Even if you look like Zac Efron, you’re not getting the girl with your looks alone, remember that. Unless she gets a firm idea of who you are, the possibility of reciprocating your feelings is low. [Read: 18 foolproof moves to make any girl fall in love with you]

4. Hang out in person

Stop being shy about spending time with her and just hang out with her when you can. It doesn’t have to be a date – let’s slow down a little. It can be a friendly hangout where you both get to know one another and share your interests.

That way, you can figure out how she feels about you face-to-face. See if she touches you when you make a joke or sits close to you. Texting is great, but it can be a frustrating barrier when trying to see if she likes you or not. [Read: 15 subtle signs a woman really likes you and wants your attention]

5. Try to find out if she likes you

Knowing how to tell a girl you like her over text all comes down to one question: does she like you?

Every girl shows their interest differently, whether it’s laughing at your jokes, regularly texting you, or unintentionally touching you. You just need to pay attention to the signs to know for sure.

If she never replies to your messages or gives you one-worded answers, then she’s probably not into you. Girls might seem like a complete mystery, but it’s almost obvious when they have a crush on you or not. [Read: 17 signs the girl you like clearly likes you back]

6. Build up your texting with her

You need to create a texting relationship with her before anything else. You can’t just have gotten her number and go straight to confessing your feelings for her. Not only will you push her away, but she might even end up blocking you – not unless you’re cute or something!

So, before you go figuring out how to tell a girl you like her over text, occasionally or frequently, whichever works, start conversations with her and see how they go. If she’s comfortable texting you, then she can tell you almost anything.

You never know, maybe she’d drop the first clue in telling you how she feels if she does feel the same way about you too!

7. Don’t bombard her with messages

Like we said earlier, you’ll sabotage any chances you have with her if you flood her with messages. Coming off as extremely clingy isn’t a good look on anyone. If you want to gain her attention and time, let her text you back on her own time.

Maybe she’s just busy with an exam or she was around friends. Whatever it is, don’t pester her with endless messages if you still want her to potentially reply to your text.

You won’t get a girl’s attention by flooding her inbox, especially since you’re practically a stranger to her. So, if you feel like sending her the fifth message in a row, don’t. Please, just don’t. [Read: How to start a text conversation with a girl – 15 rules to impress]

8. Make the conversation positive

Nobody wants to text with someone who always steers the conversation in a negative light. You want her to remember you as the guy who always seems light and fun to talk to. If you tell her how you feel, you want her to be in a good mood.

No matter how much of a bad mood you’re in, don’t involve her in that negativity. If you seriously want a shot at a relationship with her, always make the conversation positive. [Read: How to make a girl laugh, smile, and like you instantly]

9. Try to get a date first

It could be too soon to admit your feelings for her if you haven’t even taken her out on a date. Going on a date helps you test the chemistry you both share and if you have any mutual interests. It’s entirely possible that your crush isn’t as perfect as you thought and what you’re feeling is often infatuation.

This feeling can go away when you discover you don’t have anything in common at all. It could be that you may not really like her as much as you thought you did.

You may change your mind entirely about telling her how you feel. The possibilities are endless, so a date is a must before you admit your feelings for her. [Read: How to tell if there’s no chemstry and you should stop trying]

10. Don’t tell her randomly

If she gave you her number, don’t just suddenly send her a random text message saying you like her. It doesn’t feel natural. We’ve said it earlier and we’ll say it again – you WILL scare her off by doing this!

Like the tips we’ve mentioned above, you need to form some kind of connection if you want to learn how to tell a girl you like her over a text message. You don’t have to force the conversation, but just talk to her.

Ask her about her day or what interests her. Asking questions is always a great way to get a girl to open up and develop a connection with her. The point is to simply make conversation. And then, through conversation, you gauge the moment of when to tell her how you feel. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]

11. Be casual

Don’t start with some Shakespearean text, confessing your love for her. Girls don’t often like someone who’s too intense. However, you shouldn’t be too casual either, which will make her assume you’re just toying with her.

You must find the perfect balance between being intense and casual when talking to her. Keep it cool and don’t forget to constantly make her laugh. When you manage to make her laugh, you definitely have her attention.

You can also choose to say something like, “You’re hilarious. I think we really get along” or “You’re really interesting, I’d really like to get to know you.” She might perceive you as different from other guys wherein you’re straightforward and show your feelings. [Read: 14 naughty ways to get out of the friend zone in no time]

12. If she doesn’t feel the same way, back off

The general rule of thumb in how to tell a girl you like her over text is if she says no, don’t force her to feel otherwise. No matter how much you adore her and everything she is, you can’t force her to feel something she clearly doesn’t. [Read: How to tell if a girl likes you over text – 28 signs you just can’t miss]

If she doesn’t feel even the slightest admiration or attraction for you, then that’s it. In the end, at least you know you risked everything to make it work. Play it cool after rejection.

It doesn’t matter if you cry or scream, but do it where she won’t see it. You don’t need to be so obvious about your ego being shattered by her rejection. [Read: How to respond when a girl rejects you – 15 ways to behave like the bigger man]

13. Move on

This may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. The final step in how to tell a girl you like her is to move on – after she’s clearly told you she doesn’t feel the same way. Stop trying to change her mind, and just accept the rejection.

Sure, there could be a day when she has feelings for you. Don’t wait for that day to happen. It’s not your responsibility to change her mind, especially as you can’t make someone change feelings for you.

If she likes you, well duh, ask her out. If she doesn’t, then you need to accept this and move on. As the saying goes, there is plenty of fish in the sea. [Read: She rejected you but still acts interested? Here’s how to read his mind]

So how to tell a girl you like her over text?

You tell her you like her by first building a connection with her, and the rest is easier. It’s more challenging to get to know her and change her perspective of you.

You want her to think of you as a potential lover rather than just a weird stranger. Even if you have both known each other for a significant period of time, you still want her to see you as a potential crush.

[Read: How to get a girl to like you – 20 things you MUST know to impress her effortlessly]

Now that you know what you need to do when it comes to knowing how to tell a girl you like her over text, it’s time! Text her and ask her how her day was. Go on, stop being afraid! Life isn’t going to pause for you, you know?

The post How to Tell a Girl You Like Her Over Text Casually & Not Be Pushy is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

What Is a Frame War?

frame warWhat is a frame war? This phenomenon occurs when someone seeks to seize control of the frame from you and you seek to seize it back.

Hey guys. Welcome back!

Last week we looked at the meta-frame and how to set it. To recap, the meta-frame is the “frame of frames,” a frame that must be respected and set to acquire the benefits from other key frames (social and sexual frames). This is the frame where you are the prize, and she chases you, which must be set and maintained. Every other frame you set must be coherent with the meta-frame.

The meta-frame positions you as the prize, and she chases you. All frame control becomes difficult or nearly impossible without it since the prize has the most power and compliance over the other, so that person will be the dominant one in the interaction.

Dominance is not about being a dick toward other men or acting like an obnoxious bad boy. It involves your ability to set and control the interaction's frames and having people accept them. That’s dominance. And women like dominant men, which means they like men who set and maintain frames.

The meta-frame makes her compliant to you – very compliant if strong enough. Yet something interesting happens sometimes: frame wars.

You are in a frame war when you have the meta-frame (she is chasing you), and the girl wants to turn it around and steal the meta-frame.

A frame war emerges when you both want the other to chase. Wars are always devastating, and the same applies here: it usually generates tons of collateral damage.

Today’s subject is frame wars and their implications. Next week I will discuss how to avoid them and deal with them when they occur.

So, first things first: how do you know when you are in a frame war?

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

LAST Chance to Pick Up "Meet Girls Everywhere"

meet girls everywhere: last callToday’s the last day to pick up the Girls Chase day game course “Meet Girls Everywhere.” Learn how to naturally meet women wherever you go throughout the day.

Time's nearly up to pick up your copy of our new "approach girls anywhere" day game course.

At midnight tonight, Pacific time, the doors CLOSE, and you won't be able to pick up Meet Girls Everywhere anymore.

If you get in, you're IN.

You'll be able to access the course any time you want from inside your Girls Chase Courses member area.

However, if you didn't make it in in time, after today you won't be able to grab the course.

Then it's DATING APP DOOM for you, exiled off with all the swipe-peasants!

I kid, I kid.

But doors ARE closing, and if you want to get in, you're going to have to get in now.

20 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You and Spend His Life With You

Do you think your man’s ready to settle down forever? Here are 20 signs he wants to marry you and commit to you for good.

how to know if your guy wants to marry you

You’ve been dating a guy for a while now. He seems great, and everything about the relationship seems perfect. But is it progressing forward, or have you both reached a comfortable spot and don’t plan on changing anything? Is he happy just staying how it is? Sometimes, you need to keep an eye on the signs he wants to marry you if you’re secretly expecting more from the relationship.

Is he interested in getting married… eventually?

When you’ve been dating a guy for a long time, it’s very easy to just let things stay the same. He’s happy, you seem happy, so why fix something that isn’t broken, right? Or at least that’s what your guy could be thinking!

While marriage is literally nothing more than a way to legalize your relationship as per the laws of the state, it’s one of the ways the world we live in defines a “real” relationship.

If you’re serious about each other, and intend to stay committed, you marry. Or that’s what we’ve grown up believing. After all, if your man does love you and does intend to stay with you till the end of time, why not put a ring on it, right?

While most men see marriage as the next step of a healthy relationship AND proof of commitment, not all men think this way.

[Read: Is he going to propose? 15 signs he’ll be going down on one knee anytime now!]

Is he just toying with you for now?

Some men just enjoy living in the now. Why mess with something that’s perfect as it is? Why add more pressure on the relationship?

Or worse, what if he’s content now, but doesn’t actually see you as marriage material? *gasp!*

Will he turn out to be one of those guys who claim they’re not ready for marriage only to break up with you a year from now, and go down on one knee with the very next girl he dates? What if you’re only a foster girlfriend who’s being used by a guy because he’s too lazy to look for the one?

Of course, as irrational as all of these thoughts may seem, it’s only human to consider it. But just because he hasn’t popped the question yet, doesn’t mean he isn’t serious about you or totally in love with you. Maybe he’s immature, maybe he’s afraid of commitment, or maybe he does truly love you, and has every intention of marrying you when he’s got his “ducks in a row.”

[Read: 16 signs he will NEVER marry you and you’re just his Maybe girl]

20 very obvious signs he wants to marry you even if he hasn’t said it out loud

If you’re getting older and you’re wondering if your man is ever going to pop the question, here are some tell-tale signs he wants to marry you, and that he’s getting close to asking *so you should stick around*.

1. He uses the word “we” rather than “I”

This is a funny one. Subconsciously, guys know from very early on in a relationship whether they’re in it for the long haul or not. Even if they don’t realize it, the way they speak about their future plans can reveal how they think you and him are going to work out.

If he uses the word ‘we’ when describing plans and actions, he knows that you’ll be there and recognizes your importance in his life. If he consistently uses the word ‘I’, you’re just an add-on.

2. He still believes in marriage

A lot of people *especially men* have lost faith in marriage due to rising divorce and separation rates. It is important to have casual conversations with your man to find out if he still believes in marriage and the institution of it.

If not, this is a major red flag. [Read: Top 20 reasons for divorce that most couples simply overlook!]

3. He doesn’t react negatively when he sees posts about weddings

If you’re trying to find signs he wants to marry you, look no further than his reaction to social media posts about marriage and weddings. They’re everywhere!

If these make him smile or he talks about how he envisions his own big day, you’re on the right track. [Read: 25 obvious signs both of you are high on wedding fever]

On the other hand, if he rolls his eyes at them or tells you he thinks the whole idea of marriage is silly, believe him instead of hoping he’d change his opinion… someday!

4. He’s comfortable around you

If your man feels no need to dress up all the time, if he acts relaxed and normal around you, and he doesn’t feel the need to put up a front with you; you’re definitely on the right track. See if your man feels like he can be himself around you; if so, this is one of the tell-tale signs he wants to marry you. [Read: 14 tips to make living together before marriage work for you]

That doesn’t mean he’s “letting himself go.” It just means that whenever he’s around you, he feels like he’s home and there’s no need to put on a mask or a fake act. And it’s not just about the way he presents himself, he’s also able to show you a side of himself that very few people are able to see.

5. His family starts to treat you like family

He takes you with him whenever he’s meeting his family members. You’re already on a first name basis with most of his relatives, and they know more about you than just your first name.

Meeting the parents and getting to know the family is just the first step. But now that you’re already a permanent fixture by his side during family functions, soon enough you just might become a member of the family.

6. You’re a part of his plans for the future

Lots of couples talk about the future. But not all couples involve each other in their future plans. Most men would probably list down what car they’d want to be driving, how much money they’d want to make or how many places he’d like to have visited by then.

When he gets asked about what he sees himself doing in ten years, your name pops up.

He might say that he’d like to be a top executive by then. He’d be driving his sports car to and from work. And when he gets home, he’ll be greeted by his kids, and their gorgeous mother *you!*. Aside from that being the sweetest thing he might say, it’s also a clue that tells you that it’s you he wants to spend his life with. [Read: 20 subtle signs to know if he sees a future with you or without you in it]

7. You talk about the kids you’ll be having

Talking about kids is a big deal for most men. Not all of them are looking forward to revamping their home entertainment room for a playroom for the kids. But if your guy is very open about it and he actually takes in your input regarding kids, then that’s good news!

Kids are a big part of life and the future for most couples, so talking about it is a positive, and one of the biggest signs he wants to marry you. [Read: What is the right age to get married?]

8. He shares and talks about everything with you

Whatever he’s thinking, whatever’s bothering him, you’d be the first person to know. You’re always a major factor in his decision making process, and your input bears a lot of weight. But other than this, he may be sharing other more tangible things with you.

For instance, you might already have a joint bank account where both of you plan your finances. You might already be sharing a home or at least considering it as a possibility in the near future. Marriage has a lot to do about sharing, and when your guy already shows the initiative that he wants to share with you, then marriage may not be that far behind. [Read: 20 good reasons to get married and life happily ever after!]

9. He asks about wedding and engagement-related things

This is pretty much a no-brainer. He’s starting to ask you things like where your dream wedding is, who you’d like to invite and what you want to dance to on your wedding day.

If you’re completely dense, you might think he’s just asking you to tell him about the wedding of your dreams. But when he starts snooping around your jewelry box to find out what size ring you’re wearing, it’s pretty much a certainty! [Read: How to elope and have the perfect wedding of your dreams]

10. He flirts with you, constantly

A good relationship involves constant love and affection. ‘Never stop flirting with your partner!’, you’ll hear from marriage counselors and old couples you speak to over the years. If he constantly flirts with you, he’s looking at you long-term.

11. A lot of his friends are already married or engaged

This is one of the biggest signs he wants to marry you. Most guys don’t want to take the plunge first, so a great sign that he might be ready for marriage is if a lot of his friends or the people around him are already getting married or engaged.

Who knows, he might just follow the trend.

12. He’s always on time for you

This might not seem as important as all the other ones, but trust us, it is. If he’s always on time to meet you, if he prioritizes seeing you and is never late to date night; you are a priority to him.

You mean so much to him, that he is always making sure that time with you comes first. He values you. [Read: 18 signs a man is emotionally attached to you and ready to get closer]

13. Does he miss you?

One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is if he misses you even after the two of you have been together for a while.

If you are just an add-on to his already perfect life, he won’t miss you that much when he’s not with you. However, if you’ve become an integral part of his life, he will miss you when you’re not there.

14. He only has eyes for you

Everyone has a little bit of the wandering eye every now and then; and it’s perfectly okay to appreciate beauty around you.

However, does he have eyes for only you? When you walk into a room, does your man’s attention go to you straight away? If so, you might be the one for him. [Read: Does he love you? 37 real signs he’s past like and totally in love with you]

15. He starts making the big commitments

Think about the things that tie two people together. Buying a house, having a child, opening a joint bank account, connecting your car insurance.

If you man starts to make the big commitments like this, it might be a sign that he’s getting close to taking the plunge with you.

16. He likes to stay in with you, even if it means skipping out on plans

This is love, isn’t it? Does your man like to stay in with you on a Friday night, even if his boys are out having fun without him? Do the two of you sometimes cancel plans just to stay in and spend time with each other?

This means that the both of you love each other’s company. This is crucial for marriage, and a great sign for upcoming nuptials. [Read: Should I marry him? 17 big signs that scream “YES”!]

17. He asks your opinion and values it

Does your man ask for your input when it comes to decisions?

Whether it’s work, clothing choices, or problems he’s having; it’s an important step for your man to ask for your input and value the response he gets.

18. He’s there for you emotionally

When you cry, does he hold you? Or does he back away and not really take much notice? This is a show of compassion and love, and you’re going to need a lot of both if you get married! If he truly cares for you enough to want to marry you, he should love you enough to be there for you emotionally too.

It’s a two in one, and this is one of the clear signs he wants to marry you.

19. “If” changes to “when”

If your man is saying ‘if’ when he talks about your future, you’re with the wrong man. Trust us! If you are in a long term relationship and he’s not using the word ‘when’, when talking about your future; it is most likely that you need a new man.

When if changes to when, he’s getting ready for your future together.

[Read: 25 signs your man sees you as wife material and not just a dating material]

20. He’s open about his love for you

A wedding is about expressing your love for each other publicly. And if your man doesn’t do that already in the day to day, he won’t want to do it on a grand scale and in a tux.

One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is if he is constantly expressing his love for you in both public and private environments.

[Read: How to get your man to propose by reading his mind]

It’s not easy to know if your guy wants to get married to you, or sees you as his partner for life, without really asking him about it. But if you see quite a few of these signs, you can rest assured that he already sees you as his soulmate, and it is just a matter of time until he pops the question!

The post 20 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You and Spend His Life With You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Monday, 26 July 2021

How to Get Your Crush to Like You: 22 Ways to Make Them Fall Hard

If you want to know how to get your crush to like you and slowly make them fall for you even without asking them out, here’s what you need to do.

how to get your crush to like you

Crushes happen all the time, sometimes it’s a passing glance, and sometimes, they’re all you can think about. Do you have a serious crush on someone? Do you want to know how to get your crush to like you back? There are a few specific things you need to do, to slowly make them fall for you, one day at a time!

Honestly, most people are far too shy to approach their person of interest, chat them up, and hint that they like them. Most of the time, when you have a crush on someone, it’s like you have a 20-ft barrier between the two of you, and you just wave from a distance. But if you want to make them like you, you need to move past this.

After all, if you ever intend for your crush to turn into something more, you need to let them know you’re interested. Or better yet, you need to show yourself off in all the right ways, and make them fall for you!

[Read: What are you experiencing? Is it a big crush or is it limerence?]

How to make your crush like you

We all want our crushes to like us. But, understanding the art of knowing how to make your crush like you is a completely different story.

You shouldn’t need to change who you are or use manipulative tactics to get them to like you. That’s not how it should happen. But there are things you can do to help them get to see the real you and decide for themselves if they like you or not.

[Read: How to act cool in front of your crush and grab their attention]

How to get your crush to like you – The steps you need to focus on

You’re probably sitting there thinking there’s no way they can possibly like you because… well… they’re “perfect,” right? 

Well, there’s nothing wrong with believing your crush is perfect. But that does make it impossible for you to see them as just another person or even try to approach them.

If you want to get rid of your approach anxiety and actually make them like you, start with this guide on how to approach your crush and get noticed by them. It’ll give you the confidence you need to walk up to your crush and catch their eye in all the right ways.

And once you’ve done that, just be yourself and follow these helpful, surefire ways to get your crush to like you and ignite that spark in your crush’s heart in no time!

1. Be yourself

Please don’t cringe or laugh at the clichĂ©-ness that is this first step, because it is so vitally important. Too many people get around their crush and start acting like a completely different person. Why do they do this?!

When you act like yourself, you’ll be relaxed, calm, and happy, and your crush will see all of this and want it. Plus, when they finally do reciprocate your feelings, they’ll actually like you for you and not who you’re pretending to be. [Read: The right way to get your crush to notice you and catch their eye]

Sure, you can fake it and pretend you’re someone else. And yes, you may succeed in getting someone to fall in love with you by being fake. But eventually, they’ll see your true colors. So, it’s important that no matter what, you stay true to yourself. They need to fall for you, not the person you’re faking in front of them or on social media.

2. Be around

How can someone like you when you’re only watching them from a distance and they never have the opportunity to get to know you? Be around—wherever they are. Now, please note: this does not give you permission to stalk their life and show up out of the blue. We repeat: no stalking.

But if they’re going somewhere with a group of people and you’re invited—GO! Be there whenever you can, and they’ll take notice of this—and you. [Read: The life of the party – How to get noticed and be liked by everyone]

3. Make eye contact

You can be yourself, but of course, a little flirtatious eye contact never hurt anyone. Eye contact is an important part of communication, and you can tell a lot about someone and what they’re thinking just based on their eyes.

Now, don’t give them a creepy look, that won’t work out well for you. [Read: Subtle but powerful eye contact flirting moves that work like magic]

4. Talk to them!

Get up and go talk to them. They need to know who you are and talk to you from time to time in order to decide if they like you or not.

Talk to them about their interests and hobbies, and also give them some information about yourself. Open up to them and let them get to know you! If you’re not sure what to talk to them, use this guide on how to talk to your crush and learn all the real secrets to make them fall for you.

5. Subtly show them you’re interested

Don’t make a huge spectacle of it, but drop subtle hints that you’re interested in them. A great way to do this is to make comments that suggest it.

If they ask if you’ll be at a certain event, reply by saying, “Only if you’re going.” Perhaps add a sly smile to pique their interest.

This will show them that you want to be where they are and are uninterested in anyone else being around. As long as they’re there, you want to be there, too. [Read: How to flirt with a friend – 18 ways to tease them without being weird]

6. Join in on their interests

If you’re invited to tag along on some fun hobby of theirs with a group, you’d better go! You should always join in on things that they find interesting and even take an interest in them, yourself—but only if it’s a genuine new interest.

It shows them that you can definitely kick it with them and their favorite hobbies—a very desirable trait in a potential partner.

7. Dress to impress!

You know, we can’t say there has ever been a time where a well-dressed person hasn’t made an impression on their crush!

And what have you got to lose? It definitely doesn’t do any harm! So, whenever you’re around your crush, make an effort to look your darn best. Just make sure not to overdo it or overdress for events. [Read: How to be classy – 20 classy people traits that command awe and respect]

8. Let your personality out

Yes, your dorky, weird, awesome self has to come out of the overbearing shell you’ve got it trapped in if you really want to get your crush to like you. Your personality is what makes you likable in the first place.

Surprisingly, those little quirks are what someone is going to like the most about you. So, let them out, and don’t hold back if you really want your crush to start crushing on you.

9. Don’t overthink it too much

Overthinking your every move, word, or text is going to hurt your chances, not help them. Let things happen naturally and take a deep breath.

Relaxing and letting it flow how it should is a foolproof way to get your crush to like you. Overthinking makes you nervous, tense, and choked up. Relax and let it be! [Read: How to have swag – 22 super cool ways to look non-pretentious doing anything]

10. Find the similarities

It’s easy for us to look at the differences we have between other people, but look at the similarities you two have. And use those similarities to create a connection and bond. This will give you more genuine topics to talk about with them.

11. Flirt with them!

Umm.. this is your crush, right? Then you should flirt with them and let them know you’re not looking for a friendship. If you want to know how to make your crush like you, be flirtatious, and let your personality shine through. You need to show them that you’re interested in them.

If you pretend you just want to be friends, you’d be put in the friend zone. You don’t want to be there, do you? Flirting is such a great way to not only let them know you’re interested, but to gauge their interest, as well.

It also gets the chemistry flowing naturally between two people and allows for the next steps to happen easily. [Read: 40 casual questions to ask your crush and subtly flirt with them]

12. Prove your compatibility

Show them you can keep up with their life. Is the guy you’re crushing on a work-a-holic? Make time for him on his rare day off. If the girl you’re eyeing is passionate about environmental issues, discuss your willingness to “go green.”

Without changing your personality, demonstrate that the two of you would make a fine pair.

13. Make them jealous

Nothing brings out hidden feelings more than making someone jealous. A lot of people may not even realize they have feelings for you… until they feel jealous.

It’s often the first emotion that’s present before they realize you’re special to them. [Read: How to make a guy jealous – 30 wicked ways to get his attention and make him realize he wants you]

14. Make friends with their friends

This part is crucial. You may be a little nervous talking to your crush, so why not talk to their friends first? They’ll be able to get an impression of who you are, and by the time you talk to your ex, they’ll be filled in about who you are. Plus, if their friends like you, that’s a good start. 

If you want to take things slow until you feel confident, start being friends with their friends. When you’ve got their friends talking about how awesome you are, they won’t be able to help themselves: they’ll start seeing you in a whole new light. [Read: How to flirt with your crush and make them fall for you]

15. Keep in touch with them

The best way to do this is to text them every now and then. Texting keeps the line of communication open, and you can learn a lot about someone—and they can learn a lot about you—when you keep in regular contact.

Plus, it gets rid of that nervousness you might have when talking in person. It also lets you flirt a lot without the fear of confrontation. [Read: How to text your crush without boring them or being annoying]

16. Spend time with them

If you want someone to like you, then they’ll need to get to know you. You’ll need to spend time with them, so they learn about who you are and all your quirks. If not, they won’t be able to truly connect with you. [Read: How to ask your crush to hang out in the most casual ways possible]

17. Get to know them

You have a crush on this person, but do you actually know them?

If this is just someone you stare at when they walk by, talk to them. Who knows, you may not actually like them as much as you think. The best way for someone to fall for you is by getting to know you and vice versa.

18. Put your phone away

If you get the chance to talk to your crush, put your phone away. We can’t stress this enough.

Okay, maybe you’re nervous and your phone is now your new best friend to try and act cool and uninterested in front of your crush. But don’t do that. It may be awkward for a few seconds, but deal with it. You’ll get into the flow of conversation in no time!

You finally got the chance to talk to them, why would you ruin it by being on your phone? Use this time to get to know them! [Read: 43 things to talk about with your crush and leave them thinking of you]

19. Be fun!

Have you ever seen someone having the best time of their life and thought, “Nah, I don’t want any part of that”? Probably not. Want to know why? Because EVERYONE wants to be in on the fun.

If you’re the source of that fun, they will want to be right there with you—all the time. When you make any situation more fun, they’ll crave your presence and this will, in turn, cause them to like you back.

20. Be adventurous!

Being shy and cute may work for some people, but being outgoing and adventurous is a much better way to get someone to like you.

When you’re up for anything and ready to go at the drop of a hat, they’re going to look to you when they want to make plans with someone. Hello, alone time with your crush!

21. Tell them how you feel

Your crush will always be your crush until you try to take things to the next level.

So, eventually, when you feel the time is right, you should tell them how you feel. If they don’t feel the same way, stop wasting your time on them. [Read: How to tell your crush you like them and make all the right subtle moves]

22. Their feelings don’t reflect who you are

Whether you tell them how you feel or not, there’s a chance they may not feel the same way as you. You’re hot stuff, and they will probably like you. But in the worst-case scenario where they decline you, either because they like someone else, or if they believe you two aren’t a good fit, that’s okay too. [Read: The painful and soul-crushing signs your crush doesn’t like you back]

If you don’t get the answer you want even after you’ve followed all of these steps, don’t take it as a reflection of who you are.

Just because they don’t have feelings for you, it doesn’t mean you’re less of a person. Not everyone is going to like you, but the right person will. 

[Read: Does your crush like you back? 15 things you MUST do immediately]

The key here is to be yourself and let things happen organically. However, adding in a few little tricks here and there will definitely heighten your odds when it comes to knowing how to get your crush to like you!

The post How to Get Your Crush to Like You: 22 Ways to Make Them Fall Hard is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Prepare for Sex: 20 Things You MUST Do to Enjoy It Way More

Learning how to prepare for sex in the right way gives you a better chance of enjoying it. Unfortunately, sex doesn’t come with instructions! 

how to prepare for sex

Whether it’s the first time you ever have sex, the first time with someone new, or the millionth time, learning how to prepare for sex in the right way gets you in the best frame of mind.

At the end of the day, sex is supposed to be enjoyed. Sure, it’s nice to be spontaneous every now and again, but with a little preparation and planning, you can have the best sex possible and make sure that your partner enjoys every second too.

Of course, the first time you ever have sex is likely to be a nerve-wracking experience. It goes without saying that you should never have sex until you’re ready.

There is no rule book, there’s no specific time when you should do it, and there’s no right or wrong. If you feel ready and your partner feels the same way, go for it.

However, if you’re not sure, there’s nothing wrong with waiting a little while either.

To help you enjoy your sex life so much more, let’s check out a few things you can do in preparation. [Read: Losing your virginity and having sex for the first time]

How to prepare for sex in the best possible way

By preparing yourself for sex, you make it an overall easier experience, and of course, more enjoyable!

So, nevertheless, let’s not waste time – here is how to prepare for sex, and feel really good about yourself the next time you’re jumping into bed with someone.

1. Don’t hype it up in your mind

It’s sex, not the Golden Globes. Yes, it’s fun and arousing, but don’t hype up sex.

When you start hyping yourself up, you can easily develop anxiety and, well, then you may not perform as well as you hoped to. So, deep breaths – billions of people have had sex before you, and billions will after you. [Read: Sleeping with someone new for the first time? 13 must follow rules]

2. Keep your expectations low and you won’t be disappointed

If you want to know how to prepare for sex, this is an important one.

Do not expect the sex to be mind-blowing. Okay, let’s hope it’s mind-blowing, but don’t place expectations on people regarding the quality of sex. Sex is very subjective so what you think is arousing might not be to your partner.

We always expect the other person to rock our world, but sometimes that isn’t the case.

It’s good to have a standard and know what you like, but if you’re sleeping with the person for the first time, it probably will not end up exactly how you thought it would. That’s why there’s a second… and a third time… [Read: Untold sex secrets no one ever talks about but you must know]

3. When learning how to prepare for sex, good hygiene is everything

When you were younger, you didn’t like to wash your hands after going to pee. But, the amazing thing is that you’re not a kid anymore. Washing your hands is cool! Taking a shower is even cooler!

People like being around clean people. And, get this, people like having sex with clean people. Maybe it’s the smell or something.

So, just take some time before sex to have a shower and scrub all your nooks and crannies. It’s respectful to your partner to make sure that everything is fresh, clean, and smelling good! [Read: 7 smelly body parts that can ruin really great sex]

4. Have extra condoms, just in case

Whether you’re a girl or a guy, just bring an extra condom. You never know what the other person is thinking. Or maybe they ran out, but, no worries, you can prepare.

Always have a condom in your wallet or bag for moments like these – or if you end up having some spontaneous sex. Put that condom to good use.

When figuring out how to prepare for sex, this is tops on the list. [Read: Condom types and how they can improve your sex life]

5. You don’t have to plan it exactly, but have a rough idea of when

If you’re going on a date, try to predict when you may be having sex. That way you can quickly run into the bathroom or sneak lubricant into your bag.

Yeah, that’s called planning ahead of time, eh? Then you can kind of know what’s going to happen and dress accordingly *or clean your room*. Small things in life are what matter. [Read: How to have the best sex of your life with 15 easy bedroom rules]

6. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable and confident

We know you want to wear your 100-button shirt because it’s quite a statement piece. However, now is not the time. Really, it’s bad timing.

If you’re going to have sex, don’t wear clothes that are difficult to take off and on.

That means not wearing an excessive amount of buttons, clasps, or zippers. Keep it easy to slide on and off. Also, wear something sexy underneath your outfit, as opposed to the underwear you wear to the gym.

Also, make sure that whatever you wear, you feel comfortable and a little sexy in it too. [Read: How to dress for sex and arouse your partner every single time]

7. Hit the bathroom beforehand

If you know you’re going to be having sex, go to the bathroom beforehand and just freshen up. Make sure your clean down there and make sure you are smelling… well, not sweaty and stale.

Your partner will appreciate it when they’re making their way down south to the promised land. [Read: Secrets to making your vagina smell good and taste even better]

8. Cut out the distractions – turn off your phone!

No one wants their phone going off during sex. Sure, you’ll be able to ignore the ringing, but it does ruin your concentration. Sex is intimate, and it should be experienced in the moment.

Remove any distractions. Your Pokemon Go, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram – they can all wait. You won’t find a Pikachu right now.

9. Tie up your hair

If you happen to have longer hair, just put it in a bun. No one wants to suffocate on a glob of hair while having sex, or having to remove strands of hair from their mouth. It’s off-putting and, well, just plain distracting. Yes, your hair is sexy – we’re not saying it’s not. But it’s sexy on you and not in their mouth. [Read: Sex for the first time: The teen’s guide to a great time]

10. Know what not to eat

There are certain foods that can actually make you taste sweet. So, stick to fruits such as cranberries, pineapple, lemon, and apples. They’ll make your cum taste sweet as opposed to bitter.

Foods that will not do you justice are red meat, onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, and alcohol – you can thank us later. [Read: 17 foods to avoid before you have sex]

11. Stay hydrated – but not with alcohol!

You’ll probably be developing quite the sweat session when having sex, so you want to stay hydrated. It’ll make sure that you don’t lose too much water from your body, and you’ll also be able to last longer.

If you’re not hydrated, you may end up crashing right after the first round, and we’re sure you’ll want to be able to go for round two pretty soon after. And that’s how to prepare for sex romping.

However, hydrating yourself with alcohol to give you extra courage is going to work in the total opposite way – you’ll end up dehydrated and probably won’t remember the good bits either.

12. Stay in shape

You need to keep your cardiovascular system in top-notch shape. You’ll be needing a lot of stamina and endurance to have a good time. So, go to the gym or go for a run. Keep yourself feeling good.

Plus, it’ll also help with your self-confidence – a true win-win. [Read: Inspirational tips to get you motivated to work out]

13. Set the mood

Sex is all about the energy between two people. That being said, set the mood for you and your partner. Maybe light some candles, put on some love-making music, or cook a romantic meal – things that’ll sexually arouse you and your partner.

You may think that this isn’t a big deal, but the little things can actually take you a long way. [Read: 24 sexy bedroom ideas to make any room look and feel sexy]

14. Number 1 rule when learning how to prepare for sex – keep yourself groomed

70s bushes aren’t a bad thing, however, it’s always nice to trim it down. Not for yourself, but for the person who’s going down there. So, take some time to trim and attend to any “wild” hair. People will appreciate the effort you put in.

Also, if your armpit hair is going in all sorts of directions, just take it down a notch – it actually holds on very well to the smell of sweat. [Read: Here’s how to shave your pubic area]

15. Foreplay it up

Don’t just go for it, build up to it. Foreplay is always kicked to the curb, but it’s the best part of sex.

It lets you explore the other person and develop to the climax. That’s what you want – you want to make it like a movie, not like a hit and run. So, invest some time in foreplay. You’ll love it and so will your partner. [Read: Sexiest foreplay moves you can ever use in bed]

16. Get enough sleep

In general, you should be trying to aim for 8-hours of sleep a night. Of course, that’ll work for your overall health as well. But also, you won’t be able to perform well if you’re sleep-deprived.

If you sleep properly, then your sex life will be great because you’ll actually have the energy to have sex.

17. Communicate with your partner

This one might sound a little cringey or even embarrassing, but the bottom line is that if you’re not confident enough to talk to your partner about having sex, you’re not ready to have it.

Make sure that you’re both ready, and also make sure that you have protection to hand. Talking about sex can help bring you closer together because it builds that special bond. [Read: How to talk about sex without sounding like a pervert]

18. Don’t rush

You might be keen to schedule your sex session and get straight in there but come on, do you really want to be rushing it?

Don’t try and get down and dirty in-between appointments or places you need to be. Make sure that you choose a time that’s not only comfortable and free of distractions, but one which allows you to actually take your time and relax.

19. Chill the hell out

If you have a pretty good idea that you’re going to be having sex that evening or that day, do your best to stay calm. Yes, sex can be nerve-wracking if you’ve never done it before and even if you have, having sex with someone new can bring on a case of anxiety.

However, if this person wants to hit the sack with you, that’s a pretty good sign that things are going in the right direction anyway!

Focus on doing things that make you feel calm. Try having a bath, listen to your favorite music, or just sit outside and try and be still for a while. Sex isn’t supposed to be scary, it’s supposed to be enjoyable! [Read: How to relax during sex: Free your mind and enjoy your orgasms]

20. When learning how to prepare for sex, know that you don’t have to go through with it

Of course, you should always know that if you change your mind, even at the very last minute, you can back out whenever you want to.

You might think you’re ready and be all for it, but when faced with the truth of what’s about to happen, you might suddenly realize that it’s just not the right time for you. That’s fine – remember, no means no.

When figuring out how to prepare for sex, how can you be sure that you’re ready?

Ah, the million dollar question. The answer? You just know. It’s really that simple. It feels right. You can talk to your partner about sex without feeling too embarrassed and there’s no little voice in your head telling you not to do it.

At the end of the day, listen to your gut.

If it feels right to you and you’ve been sensible and covered all the safe sex bases, then basically, you know. Make sure that you know your partner well and that they understand that it’s your first time.

Even if it’s not your first time, you can still talk to them about how you’re feeling and that you’re a little apprehensive. If they’re a decent person, they’ll understand and move at a pace that works for you.

When it feels right to you, that’s when you’re ready. You’re the only person who can really ever know.

[Read: Sexiest types of sex you can ever have in your lifetime]

See – you don’t need a manual to learn how to prepare for sex. Simply follow these tips and you’ll have an amazing sex life.

The post How to Prepare for Sex: 20 Things You MUST Do to Enjoy It Way More is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Make Day Game Practical for Your Life

day game in daily lifeMany guys wish they could easily meet women as they go about their days without hesitation or fear. Well, you can, with the right strategy – however, it takes some short-term sacrifice.

The Holy Grail of game for a great many men is the ability to be 'always on'.

If you can reach that point, the thinking goes, then you can just meet women anytime, anyplace. You'll never freeze from approach anxiety or not know what to say.

The reality of course is that, excepting when you're on a 'run' with girls, you are pretty much always going to deal with at least a little approach anxiety.

However, it is absolutely possible to become a more social man, and integrate this into your day-to-day life... then mix in daytime approaches to women as a part of that.

If you can do it, you can turn yourself into that man who really truly does meet girls as he just goes about his day.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Girly Things: 30 Unintentional Things You Do That Guys Love

You might think that getting a guy to notice you is hard. In reality, it’s the subconscious girly things you do that capture his attention for real. 

girly things girls do that guys love

Most girls think that trying to get a guy to notice you can be hella-difficult. Sometimes that’s true, whether you’re single or in a relationship with one. Figuring out just what men want and like can also be a tad confusing. That is why women go to so many lengths to look pretty. After all, guys are highly visual creatures and are more quickly drawn to things that are pleasing to their eyes. However, have you ever stopped to think that the girly things you do could be just as effective?

In reality, it doesn’t take much to please a guy. Just the fact that you’re a woman is enough to get them to notice you. Even your slightest girly side is enough to melt their hearts and make them fall head over heels!

[Read: How to be feminine and reveal the softer girly personality in you]

The girly things that drive men wild and make them love you

Read up on these surprising, unintentional girly things you do that drive guys crazy over you.

1. Wriggling out of tight clothes

You might feel like an elephant wriggling out of your tight LBD, but to your man, you’re an undressing goddess.

The way you take off your clothes and shimmy out of them can be a major turn on for guys—especially when they get to see what you’re wearing *or not wearing* underneath. [Read: 18 physical turn ons that arouse guys instantly]

2. Crawling into bed

For guys, every little move you make can just seem so sensual.

This is especially true when you approach him by crawling into bed beside him. Your feline moves are enough to make them purr and it’s one of the girly things he adores.

3. Twirling your hair is one of the best girly things

There’s something about your long hair that gets men’s senses on high alert. Whether you’re pulling at it, twirling it, or caressing it, there’s something about it that men find cute and sexy. [Read: How to look cute: 25 ways exude cuteness and melt any guy’s heart]

4. Your perfume

Maybe it’s man’s animal instinct, but getting a whiff of your perfume as you pass by can leave them giving you a lusty second glance.

5. Your shampoo

As with perfume, something as unintentional as your shampoo can leave guys crazy over you. Smelling your hair is a major turn on, and you probably don’t even notice it. As far as girly things are concerned, the smell of your freshly washed hair is right up there on the list.

6. Your lingerie

Whether you’re wearing Victoria’s Secret, or your everyday pair of mismatched underwear, there’s something about the sight of you in lingerie that can naughtily provoke your man’s mind—and his groins. [Read: 25 things guys find really sexy and attractive when they see a girl]

7. Making eye contact is one of the sexy girly things you do

The way you make eye contact with them can also leave them exhilarated. This is especially the case when you look at them and then coyly or innocently look away.

8. Closing your eyes for a kiss

Men especially love it when they lean in for a kiss and, for that split second, they can see you trustingly kiss them with your eyes closed.

The same goes for when they break the kiss and you leave your eyes closed for just a few more seconds, like you’re savoring the feeling—and they savor just how exquisite you look. [Read: 15 Kissing techniques for that heartbeat-skipping kiss]

9. Slowly breathing out

There’s also more to a kiss that turns guys on. The way you breathe out a shaky breath after a kiss can be enough to drive them loco. It’s like their assurance that you like them and what they did, and they go crazy for that. [Read: How to turn a guy on and leave him hard with just a kiss]

10. Pursing your lips

The lips are a very sensual body part. Whether it’s a new guy, or your man who sees you purse your lips, especially when you’re concentrating, they always find it hot and endearing.

11. Biting your lip

There’s a reason why lip-biting is an age-old form of flirting. There’s something about it that makes men notice you. And when you find some guy staring at you while you unconsciously bite your lips, you can be sure that he’s having nice *or naughty* thoughts about you.

12. Blushing

Men find blushing girls too cute. It’s one of the girly things they adore. Maybe that’s why pick-up lines were invented—to provoke that rosy glow.

The sight of you blushing, especially if they caused it, is such a big pat on their backs and it makes them even more drawn to you. [Read: 25 tips to look really cute and melt any guy’s heart effortlessly]

13. Stretching out

Whether you’re in the grocery store, reaching for that can of pasta sauce, or at a guy’s place, trying to reach the top shelf of his cupboard, believe it or not, men will take their sweet time before helping you, because they’re admiring the view. The view of a woman’s body, stretched out, and perked up—it’s irresistible.

14. Arching your back

So, you got tired from sitting in your desk, or you just want a good stretch. For you, it’s nothing, but for guys, it’s everything. The sight of you arching your back, with your ta-tas pointing out, can leave them with all the hots for you. [Read: 9 naughty ways to get your boobs noticed without looking trashy]

15. Your giggle

That honest giggle that lights up your face is enough to bring guys to their happy place, too. Not only does it put them at ease, it also makes them more attracted to you—especially if it’s their jokes you’re laughing at. As far as top girly things go, your giggle is a major contender.

16. Crinkling eyes when you laugh

Actually, it’s not just the sound of your laughter. It’s also the way your eyes crinkle and smile, that can make guys swoon. It shows you have a good sense of humor and you’re confident enough to let out a good laugh when you feel like it, which guys absolutely adore. [Read: 12 things guys absolutely adore in a girl beyond appearances]

17. Dressing up in your girly things

It’s not just the sight of you undressing that can bring all the boys to the yard. The way you get all dolled up and dressed for them is also important. Guys like the idea that you spent time and effort to look great for them, and they’ll appreciate every inch of what they see as soon as you step out of your vanity.

18. Calling his name

Whether you call out their name in the bedroom, or just whisper it naughtily when you’re out in public, you will find guys loving it.

Even something as simple as calling them out for help or greeting them is enough to make them secretly giddy inside. [Read: 15 classy ways to make a guy go crazy over you]

19. Your wild hair

Flipping out your hair or even tossing it around can be a major turn on for guys, too. There’s something about your rolled-out-of-bed, tousled hair that makes them want to inch closer and comb through your locks.

20. Biting something between your lips

There’s also something sensual about the way you bite a straw or a pen between your lips.

For you, this might be a mannerism you’re completely unaware of, but look across the room, and you’ll find guys dreamily staring at you. [Read: Lip biting: The scientific explanations as to why it’s oh-so sexy]

21. Wearing glasses is one of the girly things he loves

Maybe there’s really something good about looking geeky; guys like it when you’re wearing glasses. It could also be because the sight conjures up teacher fantasies for them.

22. Smiling

There’s nothing that can melt even the toughest guys’ hearts quite like a genuine smile.

Showing your pleasure, especially if they’re the ones who caused it, makes men’s hearts puff up with pride because, after all, they too want to impress you and be noticed. [Read: How to make a girl smile: 50 things you can do to make her happy]

23. Scrunching your nose up

You probably don’t know you’re doing this and it’s one of the girly things that men love. When you’re concentrating on something or even when you don’t like something, you scrunch your nose up in a look of disgust. It’s cute!

24. When you’re unsure of yourself

Of course, men love confident women but when a confident woman lets her guard down for a second and is unsure of herself, it’s cute.

It could be “how do I look in this outfit?” with a look that says you’re a little unsure of whether it suits you or not. It works wonders!

25. When you become entranced by a movie

One of the girly things that men love, although they may not admit it, is when you get so into a movie that you’re totally entranced. You cry at the end because you were so into the plot. [Read: 60 most romantic movies in the world that are a must-watch this year]

26. When you get flustered

Of course, he doesn’t want to see you stressed out. But when you get a little flustered over something, such as the housework or the fact you can’t figure out what to wear, it’s cute to him.

27. Your caring side is one of the girly things he admires about you

Not all women are caring, that’s for sure, but most are.

When you show your caring side, it’s one of the girly things he loves about you and whether he admits it or not, it makes him go a bit gooey-eyed!

28. Singing without realizing it

Do you often sing along to yourself under your breath or burst into song when you’re driving or in the shower?

Guys love this, even if he tells you that your voice is terrible! [Read: 20 most romantic songs for the one you love]

29. Your open heart

Most women are happy to talk about their feelings and whilst men aren’t such fans of huge heart-to-hearts, they do admire the fact that you have such an open heart and willingness to talk about your emotions.

30. When you get excited

There’s something extra-sweet about a girl when she’s excited about something. It’s almost like she reverts back to childhood for a second! It’s one of the girly things he loves about you.

[Read: The secret art of attracting men in a way they just can’t resist]

You may not be aware of it, but there are tons of girly things you unintentionally do that turn guys on. Just being your sweet, girly self is enough to make them notice—and when you let out that little vixen in you… well, you’ll have them in the palm of your hand.

The post Girly Things: 30 Unintentional Things You Do That Guys Love is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Saturday, 24 July 2021

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Friday, 23 July 2021

How to Kiss With Tongue: 20 Tips to Make You a Make-Out Maestro

Knowing how to kiss with tongue is a necessary skill for the modern lover. Here’s how to give your lover the sensual experience they crave, every time.

how to kiss with tongue

When it comes to converting a sexual connection or romantic spark into an actual make-out session, there is more to think about than just when to make a move. You might have heard people make comments on previous lovers in criticism of their kissing technique. But whether you think you are a great kisser or not, these 20 top tips will teach you how to kiss with tongue and make you a kissing expert.

Don’t be a boring kisser!

Nobody wants a boring kisser. A kiss sets the tone for every aspect of an intimate relationship left to come, from sex and any intimate activity all the way to a potential long-term connection.

If the kiss is boring, everything else will be too! [Read: 15 ways to tongue kiss and arouse your date in seconds]

How to kiss with tongue *without the mess*

As hot as an intense make out session can be, using too much tongue can make it gross and messy. No one wants to feel like they’re kissing a dog, so let’s avoid the slobber.

If you want to know how to kiss with tongue, learn how to avoid giving your lover a sloppy wet one by using our tips.

1. Don’t go straight in with tongue!

Never go straight in with the tongue! This is a massive turn-off, especially if you’re kissing the person for the first time or you’re in a new romantic entanglement.

Just because someone has indicated they want to kiss you doesn’t mean they want to swap saliva with you already. Don’t force it, it could backfire and turn them off completely. [Read: 19 types of kisses that will gross the other person out]

2. Get into a groove before trying out tongue

No matter what kind of kiss you’re having, it is important to get into a steady rhythm before trying anything new. Use this as a rule of thumb for any sexual or intimate encounter you have!

It’s also a great rule of thumb to use when kissing, because it will avoid confusion or your tongues getting mixed up and things getting awkward. Let your bodies naturally lean into the next step when you’re in a groove. [Read: 15 secrets to make your first kiss a really memorable one]

3. Assess the moment

Learning how to kiss with tongue is pointless if you don’t know when to use it. A kiss with tongue is romantic, sensual, and an overtly sexual and suggestive act.

Because of what a tongue kiss represents, you shouldn’t be going in with a lot of tongue at a family gathering or in a public place. Save your tongue skills for an intimate and private setting. [Read: 15 tips for a fun, satisfying make-out session]

4. Allow them to make the first move *tongue-wise, that is*

When using tongues, the best way to avoid an awkward pause or an unwanted move is to let your partner slip the first tongue in.

If you give this a go first and it doesn’t go to plan, it could end up with a break in the groove or an awkward *probably, last* kissing encounter which sets a bad tone for the whole relationship.

5. Graze their bottom lip with your tongue

If they’re not making any moves but you really want to try tongue kissing them, just slide your tongue along their bottom lip. It’s like you’re testing them to see if they want to go further. If they open their mouth, it’s very likely they want you to slip in a tongue!

If they keep their mouth closed, however, that’s a clear sign they just want to stick to non-tongue kisses for now. You can even nibble at their bottom lip after grazing it with your tongue to make it even sexier. [Read: 15 types of kisses and the truth behind their smooch]

6. Pull their body closer to you

Pulling someone in closer during a kiss is incredibly romantic, and will definitely intensify the moment of your kiss as a whole.

It can also distract them if you happen to lose rhythm in your kiss, or accidentally get a bit sloppy. Romance covers up a little kissing faux pas or two.

7. Don’t forget to breathe!

Taking breaks during kissing is almost as important as the actual kissing itself! A quick pause allows for you to reset the rhythm of your kiss, swallow any accumulated spit, or just clean up your kiss a little.

These breathing breaks will help you both catch your breath and savor the moment too. If you’re worried a break from kissing will end the sensual moment, just move your face a bit lower and kiss their neck for a few seconds so both of you have some time to breathe. [Read: 22 tips to make any kiss a really amazing one in a few seconds]

8. Take it slow

Whether kissing them with tongue or otherwise, slow kisses are a recipe for romance.

Although fast and uncontrollable passion is great, taking it slow will make them think you mean every kiss you give them. It will romance the moment and increase the likelihood of another make out session!

9. Get a read on your partner

Don’t let yourself get so caught up in the moment that you forget about the person you’re kissing. If they want the kiss to end, they will start closing their mouth and kiss you less.

So, pay attention to their body language and their mouth. Otherwise, your kiss could get really awkward. [Read: 12 foolproof kissing tips for a perfect smooch]

10. Watch your tongue!

Although tongue kissing is sexy, there is more to kissing than just swapping saliva.

You don’t want to be so tongue-heavy that your kiss gets unenjoyable or messy. So take time doing other things and switch up the tongue-kiss for something different every now and then. [Read: What you MUST know while making out – The subtle moves that’ll make you oh-so-good!]

11. Don’t rush the process!

It is important to remember that kissing is most of all, romantic! Take your time as you lean into the kiss and take your time during. Don’t rush a good thing, enjoy every aspect of the lead up, and the kiss itself.

12. Always begin with the tip of your tongue

No one wants a whole tongue to be wedged into the back of their throat straight away, so it’s important to start simply with a little flick of your tongue or just a tip touching their lip.

It’s unlikely that someone wants to feel like they are kissing their dog, with slobber all over them. Just try the tip, and then go further if it feels right. [Read: 26 signs of a bad kisser and the best remedies you need]

13. Enhance the moment by adding eye contact

Everything is improved with eye contact. The eyes are the windows to the soul, after all. Lock eyes with your paramour and watch their soul light up with excitement.

Your eyes should entice them in again, inviting them to dive further into your romance with another kiss.

14. Grab the back of their head *or find something to hold onto and steady yourself*

A steady kiss is a good kiss. You don’t want to be falling off the couch or fumbling around to try and steady yourself, as this WILL ruin the moment!

A tried and true trick is to run your hands through their hair and grab onto the back of their head. This is a sexy move that will turn them on while also practically steadying your kiss.

15. Be relaxed

Don’t be too tense! Even if you don’t know what to do, pretend that you do. Fake it till you make it. Relax into the kiss and let it just happen naturally.

Don’t be uptight, no one likes an uptight kisser. Learning how to kiss with tongue is pointless if you can’t relax into it. [Read: The 15 types of kisses and how to decipher what they feel towards you]

16. Pull away to leave them wanting more

Don’t give your other half everything you’ve got in your locker the first time around. It is so important to leave them wanting more and wondering what the next kiss is going to be like.

Don’t let them tire of your kiss, so let it naturally end when it feels right.

17. Play with their tongue as you get more comfortable

Tongue kissing is a practiced habit, and as you get more confident with your knowledge on how to kiss with tongue, you can up the ante.

As you get more comfortable with your other half, you can play with their tongue and lick the inside of their lips to sensualize the moment. [Read: 12 very sensual tricks to turn anyone on and make them horny when you kiss them]

18. Try a little lip biting action

Tongue kissing is nothing without the things that work around it. A little nibble on the lip and a kiss on the side of the mouth will enhance your kissing technique.

It will also make you look like a kissing maestro.

19. Kiss on other areas around the mouth to increase seduction

Don’t just focus on the mouth! Kissing is about seduction and arousal; as well as the sexual build-up to an intimate encounter.

Kiss sensual areas like the nape of the neck, give them a nibble on their ear. All of these actions contribute to a fantastic kissing session. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes kissing you and is turned on while kissing]

20. Stay active during the kiss

Never let yourself go into autopilot mode when you’re kissing, especially when there are tongues involved! No one wants to kiss a robot, so change up your kissing and stay active during the kiss.

It’s the little surprises you throw into a kiss that keep that spark alive!

[Read: The hardcore dos and don’ts of French kissing you can’t mess up]

Learning how to kiss with tongue is about knowing moderation. It is about comfort and confidence, but also letting your other half lead. You’ll only get more comfortable kissing with tongue if you try it! So get kissing…

The post How to Kiss With Tongue: 20 Tips to Make You a Make-Out Maestro is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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