Friday 23 July 2021

How to Make a Man Feel Loved: 23 Ways To Make Him Feel Desired

We’ve all watched The Notebook or Love Actually, and maybe that’s the problem. Knowing how to make a man feel loved doesn’t have to be so dramatic.

how to make a man feel loved and desired

We’ve exposed ourselves to several romcoms that we forget it doesn’t take a grand gesture to know how to make a man feel loved. You don’t need to buy him a brand new car or profess your love by singing outside his window – real love doesn’t work that way. The reality is that men are extremely simple individuals. 

While big gestures can work in making them feel loved, there are other ways to do so too. Reality is nothing compared to a romance movie and not everything requires grand gestures. 

How to make a man feel loved and desired

Of course, you want to make your man feel loved and wanted. However, it’s still possible to make him feel loved regardless of how much money you spend, or how clingily you hold on to him. The factor that plays a significant part in why relationships don’t last is that you weren’t showing him love in the right way.

You don’t have to worry, we got you. We’re going to learn the best ways on how to make a man feel loved.

1. Get to know him

You can’t love your man in a way that he feels loved if you don’t know who he is in the first place. Sometimes, we end up getting so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget about our partner entirely. If you want to make your man feel loved, the focus should be on him rather than on yourself.

This also means learning more about his love language and the things that make him feel cared for, whether that’s knowing how he likes his coffee or making his favorite breakfast. Making someone feel loved doesn’t always require big splurges or endless planning. Don’t hesitate to ask him questions if you want to get to know him deeper. [Read: 25 ways to make a guy feel appreciated and cared for]

2. Ask for his opinion

You might be unaware of this, but men appreciate needing their opinion on certain things. Why else would you have a partner if you’re not going to ask them what they think about certain topics? A relationship is all about partnership, which requires sharing one another’s opinions.

There’s no reason why you should hold back on asking for help from him, especially when you know it makes him feel appreciated and loved. 

3. Treat him

Men deserve to be spoiled in the same way that women do. Just like we want to be treated with flowers, gifts, and all kinds of material things, the same goes for men. If you’ve never attempted to do this for your man, you might want to start treating him.

Have you ever surprised your man by taking him to his favorite restaurant? Or buying him tickets to his favorite sporting event? Don’t forget that effort should be a two-way street. [Read: 40 secrets on how to make your man feel happy and lucky to date you]

4. Make him feel safe 

The relationship should feel like a safe space for him rather than something that robs his peace and happiness. You want him to be able to vent out his frustrations and worries to you. Just as you tell him everything that frustrates you, the same goes for him.

The last thing you should do is to make him feel like his emotions and thoughts aren’t valid, as this will build a wall in your relationship. [Read: How to be a better listener in your relationship]

5. Show him your appreciation

A relationship should be about mutual effort, so if you see an opportunity present itself to show your man your appreciation, don’t hesitate to take it. If he’s been amazing lately and really helping you out, show him or tell him how much you appreciate what he’s doing for you.

Just because he’s not expecting anything in return, doesn’t mean you can’t show how much you appreciate his efforts. It doesn’t have to be anything grand – it can be as simple as taking him to dinner. 

6. Be affectionate

Duh, of course, right? Who isn’t affectionate in a relationship? But you’d be surprised by how many people overlook physical affection, especially when it’s not their love language.

Even small acts of affection like kissing them on the cheek and holding their hand are ways on how to make a man feel loved. There’s a reason why physical affection is one of the integral parts of any relationship. [Read: How to be more affectionate in a relationship and show your man you care]

7. Don’t forget sex

Yeah, sorry, but sex is important in any relationship. If you want your man to feel connected to you, take the time to actually have sex. It’s the most intimate act you can enjoy together as a couple and no matter long your relationship has been, don’t overlook sex.

If you have children, that’s a whole other story. However, if you want to keep the spark and chemistry alive, sexual intimacy isn’t something you can ignore altogether. [Read: 18 naughty ways to make time for sex in a busy schedule]

8. Give him space

Now, you may be confused. I should give them space? Yes! Just as you need alone time to recharge your energy and do your own thing, the same goes for your man. Suffocating him with your presence might do the opposite and push him away from you, which is what you’re avoiding.

Let him hang out with his friends and play video games, and you can do your own thing as well. You don’t have to worry – he won’t love you any less when you give him space. [Read: How to give a guy his space without losing or confusing him]

9. Give him compliments

There’s not one person in the world that doesn’t like receiving compliments. If he’s looking particularly good today or he smells amazing, make sure you give him a compliment or two.

Men may portray themselves as secure, but they too have their insecurities and doubts. As his partner, it’s your job to lift him up and reassure him at every opportunity you get.

10. Don’t use your phone as often

We’re just as guilty as using our phones as men are – maybe even more. Social media is highly addictive, but it can cause you to neglect your partner altogether.

Instead of spending all your time scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, you can spend quality time with your partner instead and put all your focus on them. Set your phone aside on the table if you have to, but don’t ever let a screen come in the way of love. [Read: The happy couple’s guide to social media etiquette]

11. If you’re buying something for yourself, include him

This is an unspoken rule for relationships you need to follow. If you’re buying yourself a cup of coffee on your way home, get him something as well!

Even without asking him, this gesture would make your man feel wanted and acknowledged. After all, actions always speak louder than words. With this simple gesture, it’s as if you’re reminding him that you love him and think of him all the time too!  [Read: 25 must-follow relationship rules for happy love]

12. Take turns paying

Society does a good job convincing us that men always have to pay for everything. However, sometimes men like it when you pay now and then too!

Taking the initiative of paying will make him feel appreciated and loved, especially when it’s not something that’s often done. 

13. Engage in eye contact

Eye contact is such an underrated form of intimacy, but it’s very important when it comes to knowing how to make a man feel loved. Okay, maybe you don’t have to go all hippy and do some eye-gazing practices with him, but you can hold eye contact and smile.

Be playful and flirtatious – he’ll love it. Eye contact might seem mundane, but it’s intimate enough to make him feel wanted and loved. [Read: How to use prolonged eye contact while flirting with your man]

14. Make him a priority

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s difficult enough to balance your career, family, personal interests, AND your relationship on top of all that. However, you can always find time to show your man that he’ll always be one of your priorities.

Time is the most fragile yet concrete thing you can give him in making your man feel loved and acknowledged. Of course, don’t sabotage your other priorities, but learn how to create the right balance. [Read: 15 sweet gestures to express love without words]

15. Listen to him

Your man deserves to feel listened to, just as much as he listens to your endless rants about everything going on in your life. Don’t shut him off or simply nod, but actively listen to everything he’s trying to say.

You never know the impact this has on how to make a man feel loved and heard, especially when he feels like you’re also invested in the conversation. [Read: How to tell how your partner feels and learn to read his mind]

16. Try out his interests

We know it’s a difficult thing to do, but try your best to place an interest in the things he’s passionate about. Maybe he loves video games or watching sports, so why don’t you try doing these activities with him? Not only will this make him feel loved, but it’ll bring a spark in his eyes just watching you try to learn his hobbies!  

17. Trust him

The foundation of any working relationship depends primarily on trust, so if you want them to feel loved, it all comes from trust.

Otherwise, what’s the point of being in a relationship with your man if you always second-guess his every move? If you trust him, then he’ll already feel an abundance of love! [Read: How to build trust in a relationship and make it last]

18. Refrain from controlling him

As we said earlier, a relationship is a partnership and this means you shouldn’t try to control him, just as he isn’t trying to control you.

If you don’t like who he is right now, then what made you jump into a relationship with him? You can’t show a man love by trying to control him – you show love by accepting him. 

19. Forgive him

Whenever your man messes up, do you shove his mistakes in his face or do you forgive and understand him? *as long as it’s a forgivable mistake*

Your actions reveal a lot about how he feels loved, so make sure your actions align with the love you feel for him.

Forgiving your man doesn’t mean he won the argument, but it’s a reflection that your love for him is stronger than your pride. It means you’re choosing to forgive him rather than making him suffer just to hurt him or get even with him.

20. Fight alongside him rather than against him

In an argument, it’s easy to forget that you and your partner are on the same team.

Instead of attacking and bringing him down, what you need to focus on is the problem. Your partner isn’t your enemy, and if you want to make him feel loved even in an argument, remember that he’s always on your side. [Read: Fighting in a relationship – how to do it right]

21. Be his best friend 

One of the factors on how to make a man feel loved is when you provide him with friendship along with the love you two share. When you’re his best friend, he’d feel more loved and appreciated, because you’d know him better than he knows himself.

Whether it’s making each other laugh or doing your individual things together, when you’re his best friend, he’d already feel loved. 

22. Support him

When a man is going through challenging times, the last thing he needs is someone nagging him. This will cause even more anxiety and frustration than he already feels.

Instead, make him feel loved by giving him the support and understanding that he so clearly needs. [Read: How to motivate your man and make him feel like a champion again]

23. Don’t give up on him

Obviously, you can’t make a man feel loved if you keep giving up on him. Never threaten to leave or abandon the relationship in every fight, or prove to be unreliable in difficult situations. Prove to your man that you’ll stay by his side no matter what – that’s how you make him feel loved. 

So, what are ways on how to make a man feel loved?

A man feels loved when you put in the effort to show him your affection, and make it all about him. Always remember that loving him is never about grand gestures, but the thoughts and emotions that come from your heart. 

Most importantly, when you show your love, you should be doing it with the purest of intentions. Love comes without any conditions, so whether you’re bringing him a cup of coffee or showing him affection through cuddles, don’t do it expecting something in return. Do it because you feel loved, and want him to feel loved as well.

Now that you know how to make a man feel loved and wanted, it’s time you gave these a try. Express your love and make him feel desired, and he’ll feel like the luckiest guy ever to date an awesome girl like you!

The post How to Make a Man Feel Loved: 23 Ways To Make Him Feel Desired is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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