Thursday 22 July 2021

How to Turn On a Guy: 25 Seductive Moves to Turn Him On Instantly

Getting a guy to make out with you isn’t the hard part, but learning how to turn on a guy while you make out with him is the ‘hard’ part.

How to Turn On a Guy

The primary make out session *or any thereafter* can sometimes be a little bit terrifying at first. If you know where to start but not exactly how to carry on or turn a guy on to the best of your ability, this is for you. Don’t let your cluelessness or nervousness get in the way of turning on your guy!

For us women, getting a guy to make out with you is definitely not the difficult part. However, the next step is often where we falter.

An interested guy is not hard to find, but often a guy expects you to lead when showing him how interested you are. No matter how easy it is to find someone who is interested, it is more important to keep them interested by learning how to capture their attention through how you turn them on.

So how should you attempt the practice of turning on your man?

It’s all down to the little things. How fast you move, how slowly you become more intimate, and the little specific things you do that you know will turn on the guy sat right in front of you.

[Read: 18 physical turn-ons guys find irresistible in a girl]

Benefits of knowing how to turn on a guy

You might be thinking, “Why is it necessary that I learn how to turn on a guy?”. The answer is two-pronged. Not only will learning the tips and tricks of how to turn on a guy make you an absolute beast when it comes to your dating life, it will also have a ripple effect on your confidence.

So not only will you now be able to turn on a guy who is already interested in you, you will now exude confidence.

Men love confidence, so suddenly you will have hoards of men gagging to be with you. And almost no effort, you will become a temptress that can make a guy horny by just being around him for a few minutes.

[Read: How to make any guy horny just by sitting next to him]

How to turn on a guy while you’re making out

These tips can be used by anyone, it doesn’t matter if you’re new to the makeout game or if you’re an experienced temptress just looking for some new tips to spice things up in your relationship.

If you are finding you’ve lost an element of spark or sexual chemistry in a long-term relationship, or you’re looking to ignite a spark for the very first time, these tips will help you have the hottest make-out session, ever.

Although these tips are tried and true, they might take a little bit of practice or a boost of liquid courage to try them out successfully.

Remember, don’t be discouraged if not every tip or trick works on your guy. Turning on a guy is mostly about knowing what makes them tick. What turns on your guy might not quite do it for another.

That’s why we’re giving you 25 tried and true tips to help you learn how to turn on a guy. No normal man can resist a combination of these seductive techniques. Take some notes!

1. Be confident and self-assured

This seems easier said than done for some of us. If you are not a naturally confident person, this might take a little bit of work and effort.

Be assured of yourself. Buy some sexy underwear if that makes you feel good, or go to the gym and get some endorphins before you get on top of your man.

Whatever makes you feel sexy and confident, and whatever works for you is going to do the trick. Every woman is different, so find what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.

[Read: How to stop being insecure: 15 steps to transform your life]

The worst thing you can do when trying to turn on a man is be timid or nervous. If he thinks you’re not quite sure whether you want to make out and get intimate, he won’t get your vibe, and he’s probably not going to be turned on either.

Guys might fall for the timid little girl act at first, but it is the confident woman who knows what she wants that will turn a guy on and keep him ‘up‘ and interested in every way you can imagine.

2. Know what you want, and demand it

Similar to the first tip around self-assurance, it is important to know what you like, and ask for it from him. As we said before, guys love a girl who knows what she wants. If you don’t know what you like, take some time to explore yourself and your sexuality before you try doing so with him.

Don’t be a fragile little girl. It’s not the 20th century anymore, you don’t have to pretend to be innocent and naïve. Women are more than allowed to love sex!

Sex is fun and turning on a guy is hot and enjoyable if you do it right. Know what you want him to do to you. And for a little extra spice, whisper what you want in his ear. This is irresistible. [Read: How to have sex with yourself and learn what turns your body on]

3. Take the reins when turning on a guy

Don’t always let him take control. Although some guys like to be in control sometimes; it is a common myth that they always want to be in charge. If you always let a guy lead, they won’t experience the pleasure of knowing you crave them and want their touch.

Men love it when you tell them you want them and be demanding. Show him where you want to be touched, move him around when you’re turning him on. Act demanding and like you know what you’re doing sexually. Be bad, it’s actually pretty fun. [Read: 12 bad girl traits every guy wants in his girlfriend]

4. Have some fun with his ears

Kissing should not always be about the mouth. Take your kissing all around his body, especially the sensuous areas that are known for turning a guy on.

One of the most popular areas for men is their ear lobe and all around the side of the ear. Have a nibble, use your tongue. Switch things up so that he feels your tongue, mouth, and lips all over him. This is absolutely irresistible and also a massive tease. [Read: 8 erogenous zones to touch a guy and leave him weak]

5. Use the Nape of the Neck

Continuing on from the ears, take a quick trip down to the neck. The nape of the neck is an instantaneous turn on for a lot of guys. It shows that you’re moving down from the mouth and closer to where they really want you to be.

The neck is a fan favorite for turning on a guy! Just be careful not to give him a hickey—guys aren’t fond of those. [Read: 15 tips for a sizzling, satisfying make out session]

6. Use your hands

Many women get stuck just using their mouth in a make out session; so don’t restrict yourself!

Move your hands all around his body in a sensual manner and watch his eyes go wild with desire. It will instantly turn him on to know that your hands are starting to wander, because it’s exactly where he wanted this to go.

7. Grip him, and don’t let go

This tip is very much tied into the taking charge and demanding side of turning your guy on.

Grip him in places where it won’t be necessarily painful, but it will make him feel like you desperately want him and need him. The action of grabbing him will portray an overall sense of desire. [Read: The art of make out mastery: 20 tips for powerful success]

8. Press your body up against him when exploring how to turn on a guy

There is nothing sexier than being pinned up against a guy and having your bodies collide into one. Why do you think us girls love being pinned up against a wall by a guy? The feeling of being as close as you can get with your clothes still on makes our minds run wild with what will happen once they come off.

For a guy, being pressed up against your body will allow him to either feel your boobs or your bum, and either one of these options will get him going. You might even feel something starting to press up on you once you try this technique out.

And the best part, this also allows pheromones to be better received by both of you—which turns both of you on. [Read: What are pheromones? The scent of sex and the role they play]

9. Position yourself on his lap

Now, for obvious reasons, this is going to get a guy all worked up. This is an especially good one if you know what your best asset is.

If it is your bum, he’ll be able to grab your ass while your rub up on him and wrap your legs around him. If it is your breasts, he’ll have a great view while you get him going by slowly rubbing up on him.

10. Kiss his collarbone

As you are slowly making your way further down his body, it will make him think you’re going to continue your trip further down. This will get him very excited straight away. The best idea is to head down to the collarbone right after you’ve spent some time on his earlobes and the nape of his neck. This constant progression downwards will frustrate him and tease him intensely. [Read: How to touch a guy: 17 subtle moves to make him lose his mind]

11. Get closer to what you’re turning on… *if you’re ready*

Now this is definitely a bigger step, but a surefire way to drive your man wild. Whether it’s running your finger over his pants, or looping your hands into his belt loops; he’ll start to feel like you’re getting to the place he really wants you to. And this move could quickly escalate your make out session to something a little less PG!

However, even if you’re just using it to tease him; it will turn him on completely to fantasize about how close your hands are to where he wants them to be.

12. Incorporate your tongue

Don’t forget about your tongue! It is one of the best tools we have to turn on a guy. Kissing is definitely about more than just your lips. The hottest kiss will definitely come with an element of tongue, if not a lot more!

However, don’t forget to use it in moderation! We don’t want a sloppy kiss, just one that will make him fantasize about where else your mouth could be…. [Read: How to kiss with tongue sexily and avoid a gross sloppy mess]

13. Let him touch you up

In all honesty, he will probably do this of his own accord. So let him!

Let his hands explore your body and touch what he wants to. You know what your best assets are, so his hands will probably wander to what his eyes and mind have always wanted to touch. This is bound to turn him on and drive him wild.

14. Run your hands through his hair and tug on it slightly

As you’re making out, run your hands through his hair and around the back of his head.

A great show of desire is to tug on his hair slightly. This will show him that you desire him and want him, which will bring him an immense amount of pleasure and increase the build-up of sexual tension overall. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes kissing you and get turned on when you kiss him]

15. Communicate! It’s sexy

Don’t be nervous to tell him how you feel! Tell him that you’re so turned on by him, tell him how hot and attractive he is.

Communication is sexy, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. If you tell him what you like and enjoy, he’ll feel comfortable to reciprocate; opening up a form of healthy communication for future intimate sessions that you might enjoy together.

16. Run your fingers and nails up and down his back

A little bit of pain is so hot. Run your fingers up and down his neck, back, and over other parts of his body.

The scratching of your nails and the tingling sensation that your rubbing all over him will bring will be an immediate turn on for your guy. Don’t draw blood *obviously* but don’t be afraid to be forceful if it starts to turn him on loads, and have a bit of fun with it if it tickles him. [Read: 15 dirty ways to have the sexiest rough sex ever]

17. Keep your hands on the sensual parts of his body consistently

Be consistent with your touching and rubbing all over his body. Don’t take your hands off the wheel, if that makes sense.

Try not to ever go into auto-pilot in a makeout session, because that is where you lose the spark. Rub all over him and explore parts of him that you haven’t touched or tried out yet.

18. Tease him

Teasing is fun. Why do you think edging is so popular in the bedroom? Getting your man excited and worked up will not only be enjoyable for him, it will also turn you on in the same way.

Pleasuring your man will be enjoyable for you, and it’s fun to realize that you can have so much of an effect on him. [Read: 15 really sexy moves to tease your boyfriend and leave him stiff]

19. Give him ‘sex eyes’ to turn him on

Eye contact is so key when it comes to turning on your man. Sex eyes are a real thing. They portray a ‘come hither’ look of passion, lust, and desire. All three being very key in any intimate encounter we have!

Your man will instantly know that you are not only attracted to him, but that you want him in the exact same way he wants you at that moment.

Sex eyes are key to any intimate activity, and portraying lust through your eye contact will turn on a guy instantly. [Read: What are bedroom eyes? How to master the art of seduction just with your eyes]

20. Nibble on his body

We talked about how important the use of your tongue was, and now it’s time for the teeth.

Nibbling gently on your man’s bottom lip and then continuing to nibble around his body as you make your way down to the important areas is a surefire way to turn on a guy.

21. Make him feel like a man

Men love to feel like they are ‘the man’, and one of the easiest ways to turn on a guy is make him feel powerful.

Make him feel sexy and confident in himself and what he has done to you to make you so attracted to him. Make him feel like ‘the man,’ and he will start to get more and more turned on. [Read: How to be a good girlfriend – 27 ways to make him love you more]

22. Shoot him a secretive smile

We all know the sexy smile that we shoot someone when we want them.

Shoot him a sly and secretive smile which lets him know that you’re enjoying yourself just as much as he is enjoying himself. This will encourage him to get more into what you are doing to him and reassure him that the sexual attraction is definitely reciprocated.

23. Portray desire and passion

Your eyes, your words, and your actions all combine to portray how you feel during a make-out session. If you want to know how to turn on a guy, make sure your eyes, words, and actions all line up to portray a lustful desire for the man you are making out with, and you will definitely reap the rewards.

24. Bite your lip seductively

Lips, teeth, and mouth; all seductive and sexual parts of the body. Lick your lips when you look at him, bite your lip when you glance down to look at an area that might excite him.

Look at him like you want to devour him, and let your body show him and react accordingly. Biting and licking your lips portray a feeling of hunger and desire that will intrigue and excite him. [Read: Lip biting and the scientific reasons behind why it’s so sexy]

25. Be mysterious

Don’t let all of your skills be showcased right away! Be mysterious, tease him, and let his mind run wild with fantasies of what’s going to happen once you take off your clothes. The chase is sexy, and teasing a man will make him desire you intensely.

[Read: 20 sexy things that turn guys on every single time]

Trying to analyze how to turn on a guy while making out can be nerve-wracking! Take our advice and read these tips to turn him on like a pro.

The post How to Turn On a Guy: 25 Seductive Moves to Turn Him On Instantly is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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