Saturday 5 February 2022

Does He Have a Crush on Me? 30 Signs a Smitten Guy Just Can’t Hide

You know this guy, and he seems to hang around a lot. Do you find yourself wondering, “does he have a crush on me?” Here’s what you need to know.

does he have a crush on me

You’d think that guys would be the type of people who are easy to read *and easy to tell if they like you*, but they’re pretty much the exact opposite! Guys don’t often like to show their emotions, and that can make things VERY difficult when you’re trying to figure out how they feel about you. So, you like a guy, catch him looking at you, and you are probably wondering, does he have a crush on me?

Not knowing whether or not a guy has a crush on you can even hurt your chances at a relationship if you’re into him, too.

Both of you may just crush on each other for a long time, always too nervous to ask the other how they feel, and then miss out on the opportunity for a great relationship. [Read: 20 strong signs of sexual tension to know you make each other horny]

Why people try to hide their true feelings

You may think it’s really silly for people to hide how they feel about someone else – especially if that person might like them back. Yes, it’s completely ridiculous, but that’s how we are as humans. We hide how we feel as a means to protect ourselves.

We’re not necessarily protecting ourselves from harm, but rather, we protect ourselves from heartache.

We’re all afraid of rejection, and in order to avoid that feeling, we just keep our feelings hidden so we never have to face it – even though we may miss out on something great.

Think about it. When you like someone, it’s a scary thing. If you find out that they don’t like you back, it can be embarrassing. So, it’s likely that people – and guys in particular – will beat around the bush instead of just coming out by saying that he has a crush on you. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes you but if afraid of rejection – And the best ways to encourage him!]

Does he have a crush on me? 30 signs he’s smitten and loved up

If he’s been looking at you more, or you have a crush on him, chances are you’re wondering, “does he have a crush on me, too?” Not knowing is probably driving you nuts and making you re-think if you should ever go forward with your feelings.

If you really want to know if he has a crush on you, there are some very obvious signs – and some not so obvious ones, too. This is how you can discover his true feelings and find out if he really has a crush on you!

1. He looks at you often

When a guy has a crush on you, they basically just want to look at you all the time. That’s what you want to do to them, right?

If you notice that whenever you look over at him, he’s already looking at you – and probably looking away so you won’t notice – then he has a crush on you. [Read: 13 subtle eye contact flirting tips to catch a guy’s eye from afar]

2. He tries to talk to you a lot

This is a pretty obvious sign that a guy likes you. If he’s always the one initiating the conversations and coming up to you to talk, then he has a crush on you.

3. He goes out of his way to be near you

If he doesn’t need to be walking in that general direction to get where he’s going, but does so anyway and you see him looking at you, it’s because he likes you.

Guys don’t normally take the long way to anything. And if he’s doing so, it’s for a good reason! [Read: 20 signs he thinks about you a lot even if he’s playing cool]

4. He asks you a lot of questions

Now, guys aren’t generally curious people. They don’t really care much what kind of cereal you eat in the morning – unless they like you.

If you notice that he’s asking you all about your life and hobbies, you can stop asking the question, “does he have a crush on me?” because you know the answer already!

5. He acts nervous when you’re around

Does he stutter or even just look really nervous whenever you happen to wander near him? If so, it’s because he has a crush on you and likes you so much that he can’t even keep his cool! [Read: Is he shy or not interested? 26 signs to easily decode his behavior]

6. He ignores you completely

Sometimes, guys are really immature and in order to hide the fact that he likes you, he ignores you completely. That, or he’s trying to play hard to get and ignores you in the hopes that you’ll get frustrated and run after him. [Read: How to flirt with a shy guy – 15 baby steps to help him get closer to you]

7. When you’re in a group, he’s always by your side

If you’re out with a group of friends and notice that every time you turn around, he’s right there, then it’s a sign that he has a crush on you.

Being near you gives him the opportunity to overhear the things you like/dislike and it gives him the chance to talk to you.

8. His body is always turned toward you

This is a more subtle sign that indicates that he’s into you. If you notice that his body is always facing you – even when he’s talking to someone else in the group – then he definitely likes you. [Read: Male body language – 24 subtle clues to instantly read his thoughts]

9. He adds you on social media

This is simply so he can creep on your pictures and get a better idea of who you are. Pretty much everyone adds their crush on social media so they can keep up with their day-to-day lives as if they’re a part of it.

10. He makes eye contact

If there’s one thing that gives away the fact that he has a crush on you, it’s that he makes a lot of prolonged eye contact. When he does this, he’s trying to connect with you on a deeper level than other people. [Read: Prolonged eye contact when flirting – What it means and how to master this]

11. He smiles a LOT

You make him happy! If he has a crush on you, and is smiling more around you than anyone else, then it just shows how happy you make him and how much he likes you.

12. He laughs at all your jokes – even the bad ones

It’s a proven scientific fact that we find people we like to be funnier than other people. So if he’s laughing at all of your jokes and they’re horrible ones that even your friends tell you they suck, then he definitely has a crush on you.

13. He asks if you have a boyfriend

This is pretty much the only indicator you need to figure out if he has a crush on you. If he asks if you have a boyfriend, he wants to know because if you do, it means he has to give up.

But if you don’t, you’re fair game for him! So girl, you can definitely stop asking, “does he have a crush on me?” [Read: Why isn’t he asking you out yet?! 17 reasons why]

14. He points out that you have similar interests

Whenever you’re talking about your hobbies and he points out that he likes to do those same things, he likes you. By pointing out your similarities, he’s hoping to show you how compatible you two are.

15. He agrees with pretty much everything you say

This is something that people have a hard time NOT doing when talking to their crush. If he’s agreeing with your views on life and pretty much everything else, he definitely likes you.

16. He gets jealous

This is another big sign that he’s crushing on you BAD. If he gets jealous over you talking to another guy, then he definitely likes you and is not happy with someone else moving in on his territory. [Read: How to tell when a guy is jealous – 25 hints that he just can’t hide]

17. He tries to impress you

No matter where you are, if he’s talking himself up or even acting in a certain way – doing tricks and whatnot – and trying to impress you, then he definitely has a crush on you.

18. He teases you

Teasing isn’t just a child’s way of showing that they like you, adults do it just the same. If he’s teasing you about little things that are fun and cute, then he has a crush on you. [Read: How to tease a guy and 15 sneaky ways to make him realize he likes you]

19. He compliments you

This one is a little tricky because guys can compliment you in some of the weirdest ways, so you may not even think it’s a compliment at all.

If you notice that he even just says, “that was cool,” or something really low-key, that’s a good possibility that he has a crush on you. [Read: How to tell if your crush likes you – 20 subtle but failproof signs]

20. He texts you a lot

When we have a crush on someone, we want to talk to them, right? So, if you find that he is finding every excuse under the sun to text you or interact with you on social media, then he probably has a crush on you.

21. He asks to hang out with you

He might be too shy or embarrassed to ask you out on an official date because he doesn’t know how you feel about him.

So, he might take the safer route and ask you to just “hang out” sometime. If he wants to spend time with you, then he is more than likely crushing on you. [Read: 23 signs your friend has a crush on your and can’t wait to date you]

22. He touches you

Maybe when you are laughing together, he will touch your knee. Or as you’re walking along outside, he might put his arm around you briefly. As you pass a room, maybe he places his hand against the small of your back for no reason.

If he seems like he is looking for any and every chance to touch you in some way, that is a good sign. [Read: 15 cute signs he’s into you and clearly crushing hard too]

23. He asks your friends about you

You might not even know him very well, but you still suspect that he has a crush on you. If your friends are telling you that he is always asking them questions about who you are and what you like, then he wants to know more.

He probably thinks it’s easier to ask your friends because it is less risky than to put himself out there and ask you.

24. All of his friends know who you are

If you know some of his friends, they may tell you that he is always talking about you. And if he’s talking about you to his friends, then he definitely has a crush on you.

He wouldn’t put his ego on the line and talk to his guy friends about you if he wasn’t interested. [Read: 20 solid signs he’s pretending not to like you but he really does]

25. He gives you gifts

Maybe when you were texting with him one night, you mentioned that you have been looking for a heart necklace, but you haven’t been able to find one yet.

Well, if he just suddenly surprises you and presents that necklace as a gift to you, then that probably means he is smitten and totally into you.

26. He borrows something from you

Maybe you’re in class with him, and he doesn’t have the notes from last week. Or he doesn’t have a pen or the textbook. If he is asking to borrow things from you, it gives him an excuse to talk to you again when he has to return the items.

27. He buys you coffee or brings you food

If he remembers the food or drinks that you like because of a conversation you had with him, that is a good sign he has a crush on you.

So, if one day he shows up with your favorite mocha coffee from Starbucks or the chocolate cupcakes you have been craving, that means he’s been craving YOU! [Read: Does my guy friend like me? 15 signs he’s crushing on you]

28. He jokes about what it would be like to date you

If you notice him saying things like, “Well, if I was your boyfriend, I would never let you go. I would treat you like a queen!”

That is a sure sign that he is imagining what it would be like to have you as his girlfriend. Also, he is trying to drop hints to see how you react to it. [Read: How guys flirt – 15 subtle things guys do to show you they like you]

29. He talks about the future with you in it

Okay, we’re not talking about marriage and riding off into the sunset here. But we are talking about things like, “Omg, that concert we both want to see is coming to town next July! We have to go together!”

If he’s talking like there is a future with you in it, then he definitely wants you in it!

30. He says so

Sometimes guys can be very straightforward and the ladies don’t even notice it. If he says something like, “I like you, you’re cool,” then he 100% has a crush on you and you can’t miss it!

[Read: 23 unmistakable signs your friend is totally crushing on you and can’t wait to date you]

Discovering a guy’s true intentions can be kind of tricky if you don’t know what to look for. And we all know how agonizing it is to keep asking yourself, “does he have a crush on me?” We’ve all been there. But luckily, these signs should help you decode his true intentions right away!

The post Does He Have a Crush on Me? 30 Signs a Smitten Guy Just Can’t Hide is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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