Thursday 13 October 2022

Sex with Socks On? All the Reasons Why It Makes Sex So Much Better

When you first hear about sex with socks on, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s totally not sexy. However, there are more benefits than you think!

sex with socks on

We’re all for getting 100% naked and having a good time with someone you like. But if there’s a way to make the sex better by keeping just one article of clothing on, then we’d definitely refuse to take it off. This just so happens to be the case with socks. Here is our case for sex with socks on!

Socks. Of all the articles of clothing that could make sex so much better, it happens to be socks. We know what you’re thinking. How could socks possibly make the sex you’re currently having any better?

We were just as skeptical as you are at first, but it turns out that keeping your socks on might not be as unsexy as you think. [Read: Top 50 kinky sex ideas worth trying at least once in your life]

A better sex life leads to a better relationship

There are many reasons a person might want to improve their sex life. First of all, a better sex life is just fantastic. Who doesn’t like sex that just keeps getting better and better? But that’s not the only way a better sex life benefits you.

It also benefits your relationship. In some cases, you can mend a troubled relationship just by making the sex better. Better sex leads to better communication and a deeper connection. You’ll care for each other a lot more than you do when your sex life is struggling.

That’s not to say that you need sex to have a great relationship, but it certainly doesn’t hurt! To help boost that emotional connection and keep you both as close as possible, you do need to put some effort into your time in the bedroom – or out of it. Whatever the case may be! [Read: How to have great sex with your lover]

How can sex with socks on actually be a good thing?

Now that we’ve gotten all that out of the way, don’t you want to know how having sex with socks on makes it SO much better?

There is a lot of evidence supporting the fact that something as simple as keeping your socks on during sex changes the sex itself. See, you don’t have to start swinging from the chandeliers or try to be kinky when it doesn’t feel natural to you – just keep your socks on!

The next time you plan on stripping down for your lover and hopping in the sack, remember that you should always leave your socks on.

Here are all the important reasons you should always have sex with socks on. [Read: Sexy striptease 101 – How to strip for your man like a pro]

1. You’ll feel more relaxed

What’s the one thing all people—specifically women—need in order to have an orgasm? That’s right. We all need to be relaxed in order to climax. Otherwise, our bodies just won’t let it happen. That’s where socks come in.

Studies show that women need certain areas of their brains to be relaxed in order to finish. When you wear socks to bed, you’re keeping a level of comfort that’s allowing you to be completely relaxed.

This means that there’s a better chance of you orgasming than if you don’t wear them. [Read: Orgasm during sex – The surprising reasons she’s not having one]

2. Cold feet can be very distracting, but sex with socks on solves that

A distraction can be the worst thing for someone who’s trying to get off by getting on their significant other. It’s been proven that having literal cold feet can be just as distracting as leaving the TV on or your phone going off in the middle of your bang sesh.

By wearing socks, you’re not allowing your feet to drop down to a temperature that you’d be distracted by.

3. Socks are cozy and could reduce anxiety

Anxiety comes from many different things. When it comes to sex, it definitely arises from the thought of being uncomfortable and completely naked. Sex with socks on can work wonders in reducing your anxiety. [Read: Relationship anxiety – 20 mistakes you need to stop making]

It’s like a blanket of familiarity giving you some peace of mind while getting naked with a lover. Less anxiety leads to more orgasms and a better sex life.

4. You’ll be less insecure about your feet

This one is especially true for women. There’s just something comforting about not being 100% naked all the time. Or maybe you hate your feet and didn’t have time for a pedicure. Now, your feet look terrible and you’re super self-conscious about it.

Keeping your socks on alleviates a lot of those self-esteem issues. [Read: Effective ways to stop being so needy and insecure]

5. You’re upping the comfort level

Just as I’ve mentioned above, keeping your socks on is really comforting. I think we can all agree that slipping into a pair of cozy socks after a long day relaxes and comforts us.

For this reason, it makes it easier for women to have an orgasm. Women need to feel relaxed, comfortable, and safe in order to achieve orgasm. If we have socks on, we keep that layer of comfort, and we’ll have a much better chance of finishing.

6. Some people find socks quite sexy

I don’t know about your man, but my man LOVES it when I walk into the room wearing nothing but a pair of knee-high socks. He thinks it’s one of the sexiest things on the planet. [Read: How to be sexy, look sexy, & feel sexy without ever trying too hard]

That being said – wearing only socks during sex not only pleases you mentally, but it can also drive your partner wild. If they think you look especially enticing, they’re more likely to be hyped up and ready for some great sex.

7. It adds a layer of mystery

Maybe your man has a foot fetish. Maybe they’re just driven wild by the fact you’re not completely naked, but SO close.

Wearing only socks might not cover anything significant, but it can add a layer of mystery that spices up even the dullest of sex lives. [Read: 30 mind-blowing ways to spice up your relationship tonight]

8. It gives your partner something to tear off mid-sex

While the whole point of keeping your socks on during sex is that they actually stay on for the duration of it, it also makes sex better by giving your partner something to rip off mid-sex.

I once wore only socks during sex and when I got into a position that allowed my boyfriend to peel them off, it was one of the sexiest things I’ve seen.

There’s just something about them tearing off that last article of clothing during sex that pushes the envelope even further. [Read: 15 dirty ways to have the sexiest rough sex ever!]

9. Sex is better when you’re more chilled out

When you wear socks during sex, you’re making it feel so much better, which means that you’ll feel more pleasure.

This also makes your partner feel good about themselves because they’ll be happy that you’re enjoying it so much. It’s a win-win for both people in the relationship because it benefits both equally.

10. All of the above leads to a better sex life

This is the cold-hard truth. When you wear socks to bed, you are more likely to reach orgasm because you’re cozier and more relaxed.

This means that you’ll not only be more satisfied by your partner, but your sex life will be much better than it was when you weren’t always finishing during sex. [Read: Your guide to better sex – What you need to do differently]

11. Your libido will skyrocket

Just as I mentioned above, leaving your socks on during sex leads to more orgasms. We all know that the more orgasms we have, the more we want!

This causes your libido to increase drastically. If you know you’re going to have that orgasm, you’ll try for it a lot more often than when you weren’t having as many. [Read: Safe and natural ways to increase your libido]

12. A better sex life leads to improved health

A bonus benefit to wearing socks during sex is that it increases your sex life so much that you’ll actually be healthier because of it. Sex not only plays a role in making sure that your immune system is healthy, but it also makes your heart healthier by working it harder.

Be sure to wear your comfiest socks, but make sure they don’t have holes in them! By doing that, you’re grabbing all the above benefits, and you don’t have cold feet, either!

[Read: 87 fun “this or that” questions about sex, life, and food]

It may seem weird to have sex with socks on, but if you’ve read any of the important reasons above, then you’ll know just how big of an effect it has on your sex life.

The post Sex with Socks On? All the Reasons Why It Makes Sex So Much Better is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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