Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Fake Breasts: The Subtle Implant Signs to Tell If Your Girl’s Boobs Aren’t Real

Are you wondering if your girl’s breasts are too good to be true? Here’s how to tell if she has implants or fake breasts, or if they’re all-natural.

fake breasts boobs

Are they, or aren’t they? What do fake breasts actually feel like? Why did she go through the trouble of getting her breasts augmented? These are all questions you might have if you suspect that your girlfriend’s boobs are, ahem, enhanced.

Just size alone isn’t an indicator of whether or not a woman is sporting a silicone pair. Breasts come in many different shapes and sizes, and so do breasts that have had augmentation surgery. It should be pointed out, however, that fake or not, all boobs are pretty fantastic – from the au naturel sets to the cosmetically enhanced versions.

Allow us to assist you in ascertaining if your girl has indeed had some work done on her blouse bunnies. [Read: The truth behind why men like breasts so damn much!]

What is breast augmentation?

Although this procedure can be complex, we’re here to sum it up for you. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance a client’s breast fullness, shape, and size to her liking.

Typically, this surgery is done to make the breasts larger, or to reconstruct the breasts after an illness or mastectomy (breast removal).

There are two methods used in breast augmentation surgery. Doctors either insert breast implants under the skin to mimic extra breast tissue, or instead use fat transferred from other parts of the body.

How do breast implants work?

Breast implants are medical prostheses that are inserted in the breast to enlarge it.

Breast implants are made of different types of material, typically silicone or saline. Both breast implant types are widely used and have their own pros and cons. The type of implant used is based on the client’s personal preference, and the type of look she wants to achieve.

Saline implants are silicone shells that are filled with saline, or sterile salt water.

Silicone implants are silicone shells that are filled with plastic gel, or silicone.

Depending on the type of implant the client chooses to use, the surgery may be performed differently. However, all breast implants are inserted through incisions around a woman’s chest area.

How can you tell if she’s had surgery on her breasts?

So, how do you find out if your girlfriend has had some work done without performing a squeeze test? Staring is rude, but you may not be able to help yourself when it comes to her mysterious rack. Read the tips below to help you solve the mystery of your girlfriend’s fabulous breasts.

1. The shape test

The biggest indicator of whether your girlfriend is sporting breast implants or not is the way they look.

Although natural breasts come in all shapes and sizes, they often take on a sloped look; real breasts are pear-shaped, with the bulk of the tissue being at the bottom of the breast. *thanks, gravity!*

Breast implants, however, defy the laws of physics and retain their perfectly rounded shape, no matter what position they are in. If she can lay flat and her breasts stay round, they’re most likely fake. [Read: How to touch a girl’s breasts and feel her up for the first time]

2. Their height

Natural breasts usually fall at about armpit height. Some poorly done breast implants, however, will have the breasts starting far too high up on the chest. If you’ve seen real ones in real life, odds are, you’re going to be able to spot the discrepancies in the altered ones.

3. Their position

Similar to their height, if a woman has breasts that are constantly pushed up and next to each other, they are more than likely not natural. Natural breasts usually have a 3 inch space in between each boob.

Natural breasts are not pushed against each other, and they do not have noticeable cleavage without the support of push-up bras, breast tape, or other means. Although some breasts may have more defined cleavage than others, they are not naturally close to each other on a woman’s chest. [Read: Nipple play – 26 ways to focus on a girl’s breasts and make her orgasm]

4. Added perks

It should be noted that natural breasts are prone to eventual sagging, even at a young age. If your girlfriend is sporting an impressive set of boobs that look unnaturally perky – both in and out of a bra – she has probably had implants put in.

Bigger boobs will naturally sag more, so if hers stay up *despite being HUGE*, they may not be real.

5. The horizontal test

Similarly, you’ll want to take note of where her breasts sit when she is lying flat on her back. Natural breasts will fall back to the sides of her chest, towards her armpits.

Similar to “porn” boobs, breast implants will not have a natural “lay” on a woman’s body. Instead of falling to the sides, they’ll stick straight up as though she were still standing. [Read: How to check out her breasts like a gentleman]

6. Movement

Natural breasts are fluid and have lots of movement. If a woman’s breasts seem rather stiff in their movements, they are probably not real. [Read: Fun and fascinating facts about breasts]

7. Scarring

If you’ve had the chance to see your girlfriend naked or in a bikini, you may have noticed a bit of scarring around the bottoms of her breasts, nipples, or in her underarms. These are all common signs of having had a boob job.

8. Noisy boobs

Spooky, right? A little-known fact about breast implants is that they can sometimes make noise. There may be a light, swooshing sound when she moves around, due to the liquid inside the implant. Those with perfectly trained hearing will be able to spot the sounds of a definite implant.

9. Body proportion

If your girlfriend is weighing in 100lbs with triple-Ds, it is most likely that she had a boob job.

Although breast surgery is often performed to make a woman’s breasts proportionate to the rest of her body, not all surgeries are done with this in mind. Many women choose implants that are not proportional to their bodies, resulting in an unrealistic effect.

Women’s bodies are generally proportional. If she has tiny hips and a tiny waist, usually her breasts will be proportionally small as well. While this is not always the case, it sure is a dead giveaway for spotting fake breasts. [Read: Sexy physical aspects of a girl that give men an instant turn-on]

10. A heavenly handful

How do they feel? Aside from the given answer of “Great!”, think about the texture. Natural breasts are soft, squishy, and full of body fat, making them fabulously jiggly to the touch.

Breast implants, on the other hand, will feel firm and relatively immovable. No matter what type of implant a woman gets, saline or silicone, fake breasts will always have a hard feel to them and have less realistic movement than natural ones.

Now that you know they’re fake…

What now? The correct answer is, “Nothing!” A woman getting a boob job is no different from a woman who chooses to bleach her hair or a man choosing to get a hair transplant.

It’s often for the sake of aesthetics, and you can bet she got an instant confidence boost when she had her breasts augmented.

As a gentleman, it’s your responsibility not to mention that you have proof that her breasts have been tampered with. It’s up to her if she wants to open up about it, but if she doesn’t, just be happy about the fact that her breasts have been enhanced.

[Read: How to touch a woman’s breasts the sneaky way]

If you’ve got a feeling that your girl’s breasts contain implants, the clues above may be able to help you determine the truth. But whether your hunch is correct or not, at the end of the day, boobs in any shape, size, or form are still pretty awesome!

The post Fake Breasts: The Subtle Implant Signs to Tell If Your Girl’s Boobs Aren’t Real is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

19 Truths to Stop Liking Someone or Crushing on Them If They’re Not Into You

Stopping liking someone is a lot easier said than done, but you can find a way to move on.

how to stop liking someone

Unrequited love is just the worst, isn’t it? Learning how to stop liking someone isn’t fun or easy, but it is possible. However, if you have spent weeks or even months building up feelings for this person, it’s going to be hard to stop liking them. This is true even when you find out your feelings are not reciprocated.

But you have to stop liking them. And you have to remember that life goes on. A single rejection is nothing to dwell about. [Read: Loving someone you can’t have – the best ways to handle the pain]

Remember that rejection is a part of life

Rejection doesn’t mean you are unlovable or a failure– sometimes people won’t like you for things that are totally out of your control, and that’s okay. Rejection is a normal and healthy part of dating. 

Learning how to stop liking someone you can’t have isn’t easy, but it’s a life skill that will benefit you greatly in the long run. You will learn to move on so you can meet someone who returns your feelings. 

It is painful to endure the feelings of unrequited love, and that pain is valid. But you need to push through this to the other side. Read on to learn how to stop liking someone and move on to greener pastures. 

Confirm why you need to stop liking them 

In order to end this crush, you need to think about why exactly you need to stop liking them. We have listed some reasons below. Once you find out, hold firm to your decision to put them out of your mind as much as possible. [Read: 16 signs it is time to move on]

1. Your crush is already taken

This is an easy answer to why you need to stop crushing on someone. Sure, you can tell yourself that their partner doesn’t matter, or that your crush would be happier with you than with their current partner.

But ask yourself why you want to date a cheater. If your crush were to leave their partner for you *and that’s a big if*, what would stop them from leaving you for someone else? Do you really want to be the third party in a nasty breakup?

Save yourself the heartache. If your crush is taken, you need to stop liking them ASAP.

2. They don’t like you back

Remember that thing about rejection being part of life? It may seem harsh, but the sooner you accept that your crush doesn’t like you back, the sooner you can move on.

If your crush was someone you often confided in, you might be tempted to tell them about how they broke your heart. You might even be angry and want to lash out at them for hurting you by not reciprocating your feelings. 

Don’t do that. Don’t lash out, don’t beg, don’t seek “closure” *it’s a myth, anyway*. If you want to move on, you need to accept that nothing you do is going to change the fact that they don’t care about you the same way you care about them. 

3. Your crush likes someone else

This is a tough one. Finding out your crush likes someone else can feel like being kicked when you’re down. You may feel like you lost a competition for your crush’s love. But you didn’t- try to remember that human relationships are complicated.

Just because your crush likes someone more than you, does not make you less likable. That just means you weren’t a good fit for that person. Dust yourself off and try again with someone who is more likely to reciprocate your feelings. [Read: 39 secrets to get your crush to notice you & stages to get their attention]

4. They’re not a good partner for you

Okay, so you like this person, right? But ask yourself, what do you really like about them? What do you even really know about them?

When we find someone attractive but don’t really know them, we tend to build a fantasy version of that person and develop a crush. So in your head you two make a perfect couple, but reality may not be so kind.

The best way to learn how to stop liking someone is to realize that you actually don’t have anything in common. You might like the way they look– but if that’s all, that’s not really a relationship. 

There’s more to being with someone than having intense feelings for them. The two of you probably wouldn’t make the best pair, and realizing that helps you deal with the fact that you can’t be together. [Read: 50 questions to check if someone’s right for you]

5. Your crush doesn’t care about you

Does your crush come over for booty calls, but disappears when you start talking about emotions? Does your crush like the attention you give them, but isn’t particularly interested in actually getting to know you? Then we are sorry to say that your crush doesn’t care about you.

Nothing makes you stop liking someone faster than realizing they don’t really care about you. If your crush doesn’t care about you, it’s time to stop liking them and seek affection elsewhere.

How to stop liking someone who doesn’t like you back

To stop liking someone, you need to treat yourself with equal measures of strictness and self-love. You must stop thinking about them in a romantic way and forgive yourself for how long the process is going to take. Because, depending on how long you have liked them, it might take a while. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself, and read on to learn how to stop liking someone you can’t have. 

1. Respect their relationship

If you like somebody that is already in a relationship, it can feel like you’re a third wheel that no one even knows about. Unfortunately, this is a sad situation of your own making and the only person who can put an end to it is you. 

Even though it may hurt that they’re with someone else, if they’re happily in a relationship, then it will be a lot easier for you to just stay away from them. Don’t wait around hoping for them to break up and begging for attention. You’re better than that. 

Besides, if you really love this person, you should want them to be happy. If they’re happy with their life and relationship, then you should want what’s best for them and look elsewhere for love. [Read: Am I cheating? – signs you’re accidentally doing it]

2. Surround yourself with people who care

A rejection, no matter how normal, can make you feel unwanted and alone. Try to surround yourself with people who care- whether that be loving friends or family. Spending time with those that love you can help you remember that one rejection doesn’t make you less of an awesome person.

3. Flirt with other people

Finding yourself pining over a person who doesn’t like you back? The best remedy might be to try dating again. 

When you are thinking about someone you can’t have, you idealize them. This obsession can take up a lot of your brain and trick you into believing that there is nobody as perfect for you as your unrequited crush. But this is far from the truth.

When you start dating again, you will realize that your old crush is just a person– nothing more, nothing less. Dating can give you perspective and maybe even help you find someone new! 

You don’t need to redirect these intense feelings, just meet new people and see what’s out there. You’ll be surprised by what interacting with a stranger does for your confidence. Plus, you never know who you’ll find if you put yourself out there. [Read: How to meet new people even in hard times]

4. Indulge in your favorite hobbies

When you want to stop liking someone, it feels like all you can think about. The best way to get over them is to keep yourself busy. Go skydiving! Run a marathon! Do something that takes your mind off of them and the fact that you can’t have them.

Try volunteering, redesigning a room in your house, or just deep cleaning your rug that surely needs it. While you’re out living your own life, you may even bump into someone new! [Read: How to get over someone – steps to get there really fast]

5. Cut off communication with your crush

They’ve decided they don’t reciprocate your feelings… Now you have to leave them alone. Yes, that includes texting them and hitting them up on social media. 

This is hard, especially when you are feeling really down and just want a chance to see them. But you have to resist that urge. Don’t “accidentally” bump into them out and about, or tag them in posts on social media. These little moments only deepen your feelings, or worse, make you feel pathetic.

Seeing your crush often will only prevent you from moving on. Whether you work together or run in the same crowd, avoid them. This isn’t petty, it is for your own good. [Read: Reasons why the no contact rule always works]

6. Ask yourself if you actually like your crush

You may believe that you really liked this person, but they do not feel the same way. Could it be that you don’t like them, but you like the fantasy version of them you made up in your head?

You don’t know all of your crush’s little quirks and habits. They might have some nasty, unpleasant personality traits you just glossed over.  

It’s time to separate fantasy from reality. One of the best ways to learn how to stop crushing on someone is to make a list of what you actually like about them. If most of the items on the list are purely in your mind, only physical or not set in reality, you may realize these feelings aren’t what you thought they were. [Read: Lust vs. love – signs you’re feeling lust and not love]

7. Let go of expectations

Just because things like this work out in movies doesn’t mean they work out in real life. Telling someone how you feel won’t miraculously make them feel the same way. So if you expect the person you love to reciprocate your feelings, you’ve set your expectations too high.

Don’t be tempted to tell your crush your feelings just to get “closure.” This is likely to backfire. You can’t make someone like you back, it’s just there or it isn’t. [Read: The pain of missing someone: Your heart will mend in time]

8. Control your thoughts

This sounds much harder than it is. Controlling your thoughts should be a gentle practice. Every time your mind drifts to that someone you like, gently bat the thought away like you are hitting a balloon.

Letting yourself obsess about this person causes you to fall deeper for them without even realizing it. In order to stop liking someone that doesn’t like you back, you need to stop letting yourself go there. Don’t dwell.

If your mind goes to them, just gently bat the thought away. Don’t be hard on yourself for struggling, but don’t give up either. Soon you will find you don’t think of them at all. [Read: How to think positive and reprogram your mind]

9. Stop stalking their social media

You may have a thousand excuses for why you want to keep your crush on your feed. But the reality of the situation is that you cannot move on when you are constantly reminded of them. Staying in touch as friends or as a follower will only ruin your chances of moving on.  

Unfollow them, block them, or just hide their posts. It may seem intense, but it will be so worth it when you hit that first day where they don’t cross your mind at all. [Read: How to make your ex jealous & leave them begging for forgiveness]

10. Write a journal

Writing in a journal is one of the best ways to work through your feelings. If this rejection is really bothering you, writing in a journal can help alleviate your pain. It gives you a safe place to vent without fear of judgment, making you feel better overall. [Read: Learn how to let go of a relationship that is bad for you]

11. Let go of a friendship with your crush

A lot of times, when you are trying to stop liking someone that doesn’t like you back, they are your friend. You don’t want to lose the friendship even though it is hurting you. But, why?

This friendship isn’t providing you with anything positive. It is only offering you pain. If you’re afraid to hurt them by ditching them as a friend, so what?

If they are a good person they will understand that you need distance to get over this hurt. Maybe down the road, you can rekindle a friendship, but don’t bank on it. [Read: How to unfriend someone in real life]

12. Put yourself first

Stop putting them first. In your attempts to woo your crush you probably went out of your way for them, putting yourself out to spend time with them and maybe even doing favors. But now that you know that they do not feel the same way about you, it’s time to start thinking about yourself.

Put yourself first. Stop saying yes to them. You shouldn’t be talking to them at all, but if you work together you need to set boundaries. Help them when it is necessary for your job, but not just because.

Putting distance between you and your crush is the only way to stop liking them and move on. [Read: How to stop loving someone else… and love yourself more!]

13. Work on improving yourself

Often when we get hung up on unrequited love, it is because something else in our lives feels unfulfilled. Ask yourself, have you been taking the best care of yourself that you could? Or have you been putting all of your energy into your crush?

Now is the time to focus on improving yourself. Have you had a hobby you were thinking about picking up? Want to join a local runners club, or learn how to surf? Now is the time to do it. Maybe pick up a new workout routine or look for a new job.

When you start working on yourself it will build your confidence and help you forget all about your crush. [Read: How to ghost someone when you’ve never ghosted anyone before]

14. Accept your situation with dignity

The final stage of it all. To fully deal with the reality of you not getting what you want, you need to accept it. Yes, it really does suck. Yes, it would be SO much better if you could just be with them.

But you can’t. And the sooner you realize and accept this, the sooner you can move on and be happy with your life. And you should be proud of yourself for accepting rejection with grace and dignity, for it is one of the hardest and most mature things a person can do. 

[Read: Signs you’re lovesick and ways to get out of it]

You can learn how to stop liking someone you can’t have. No matter why they are unavailable, remember there is an abundance of ways you can deal with it and be happy!

The post 19 Truths to Stop Liking Someone or Crushing on Them If They’re Not Into You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Getting Started Quick with Charisma: Beginner's Guide

charisma beginnersCAPTION

When you have charisma, everything you do socially gets (a lot) easier.

  • People like you more, respect you, listen to you, defer to you, want to get to know you

  • Girls want to go out with you, want to keep going out with you, and go to bed with you

  • Men want to roll you into their networks and introduce their friends to you

  • Hiring managers want to put you into all kinds of different jobs

It’s like everything you touch starts turning to gold. Everything interpersonal becomes so much more streamlined.

>> Get My End-to-End Charisma Mastery Course Charisma in a Bottle; 27% Off Before Friday

The HARD, however, is taking those first steps toward being charismatic.

When you’re not charismatic yet, it may feel like charismatic individuals exist a world away from you.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss how to start diving in to the world of oozing personal magnetism.

How to Date an Introvert: 41 Must-Knows Before & During the Relationship

Dating an introvert can be a wonderful experience, but you need to understand them carefully beforehand. Remember, quiet doesn’t always mean shy. 

dating an introvert

Many people think of themselves as introverts because they like movies, reading, and being indoors on crappy days. However, a true introvert has an entire personality that not many people even get to witness. In that case, dating an introvert requires information beforehand.

As a modern culture, we value people with traits associated with extroverts–people who are outgoing, open, and naturally social. But by placing these characteristics in the forefront of what’s important to us as a society, we put a great deal of pressure on introverts to adopt those traits.

We assume that all introverts are shy and lack charisma because they don’t seek out the spotlight like extroverts. Introverts, however, can become open and social in certain situations. If introverts feel comfortable or feel the need to speak up, there is no reason why they wouldn’t. [Read: Motivational tips and tricks for shy people and introverts]

What is an introvert?

For those of you who aren’t familiar with what exactly an introvert is, we’ll explain it as simply as we can. Basically, from an outsider’s view, an introvert is someone who is shy, withdrawn, and even sometimes antisocial.

An introvert is REALLY a person who is drained by being around a ton of people. They gain their energy when they’re alone, oftentimes pursuing creative projects. They can’t handle huge crowds for very long, and they find complete happiness in being alone. [Read: Introverts vs. extroverts – which side are you on?]

The best things about being an introvert

While introverts get a bad rep for being awkward and shy, they actually have some great qualities that are often overlooked in a world that loves naturally social people. Introverts have many hidden qualities that make them great friends, partners, and colleagues.

1. Introverts take time to develop deeper relationships

Extroverts tend to surround themselves with a larger group of people, whereas introverts usually run in smaller circles. Most often, this means that they get to know people on a much deeper and more meaningful level. It’s the old “quality versus quantity” debate.

While extroverts have more friends and acquaintances, they can’t always be expected to know intimate details about these people. Introverts take the time to really get to know the people in their circle. They listen to people’s needs and wants and take the time to support them. [Read: Charming ways to be more approachable without saying a word]

2. Introverts observe first and then speak up

The loudest voice is not always the most reliable or valuable. Introverts can often be found on the outskirts of a conversation, observing and reading the situation.

They don’t feel the need to chime in on every detail, but if they feel that there is something crucial they need to add, they will take the time to form a great response and deliver it.

3. Introverts take the time to think and then act

Extroverts are known to jump straight into a conversation and act quickly without thinking about the effects of their words and actions. However, introverts take the time to process information, look at what’s in front of them, and then make a perceptive decision.

Yes, it’s true that people often think that introverts are slow to act, but their deliberateness is their strength. Introverts also have a knack for keeping calm in stressful situations, and this is extremely important when something requires finesse. [Read: 15 easy conversation starters for introverts looking to socialize]

4. Introverts excel at being able to focus

We’ve all seen extroverts at work bouncing from one thing to the next and trying to get everything done at once. While their energy is admirable, it can also be ineffective.

Introverts can focus on a goal and deliver. They know how to harness their energy and concentrate on producing great results, whether in personal or professional relationships.

5. Introverts are excellent listeners

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with an introvert, you know that they’re listening because they’re not only talking less but also taking in your concerns and coming up with something meaningful to say. Extroverts, though they can also be helpful, may sometimes seem like they’re listening when, in fact, they’re just waiting for their turn to speak. [Read: 19 ways to be a much better listener in a relationship and read their mind]

Things everyone should know before dating an introvert

It may sound like a chore to date someone who is so withdrawn and distant from a lot of people. In all reality, dating an introvert can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.

However, there are certain aspects of introverted behavior that you’ll have to know about before diving into a relationship with one. Here are all the things you need to know before dating an introvert.

1. They need alone time

They don’t just like watching Netflix by themselves because it means they’re ditching their responsibilities. They NEED to sit and watch Netflix by themselves in order to be sane. Alone time is what they need to refuel themselves.

They can’t spend day in and day out being around someone else. This might make it frustrating for you if you want to spend the day with them and they don’t want to be around you, even if they’re just chilling at home alone. [Read: How to make the absolute most out of your alone time]

2. You might think they’re upset, but they’re not

Just because they want to leave a bar or party early doesn’t mean they’re mad or upset. It just means that they’ve hit their quota for how much “people time” they can handle at once. They’re perfectly fine as long as they get away from the crowd in a reasonable amount of time.

3. They’re not shy

People mistake introverted people for shy people all the time. The truth is that if you approach them and strike up a conversation, they’ll be more than happy to talk to you without an issue. They actually love to talk to people.

The problem comes when too many people start to talk to them at the same time, and they can’t balance them all at once. So instead of trying, they just sort of shut down and don’t speak, thus, making them look pretty shy. [Read: Why introverts are much more than just shy and awkward]

4. If you don’t hear from them for a while, they’re not mad but recuperating

They don’t need constant communication with their significant others. In fact, they don’t even want it. So if they kind of go MIA for a few days with only a couple texts here and there, they’re probably not mad at you – they’re just refueling.

5. Don’t spring things on them last minute

Hello, anxiety! Introverts usually plan their days to be spent at home reading or watching a movie. They do like to go out every now and then, but they like to do so if they’ve planned for it.

Surprising them with a last-minute night out will fill them with anxiety and will most likely result in a response of, “Oh, sorry! I have plans already,” even if their plans only involve them, a bath, and a good book. [Read: How to plan a romantic evening when you’re broke]

6. They can’t spend more than a few hours in a crowd

And that’s pushing it. A concert is about all they can take, and then they need complete solitude for a good hour in order to replenish the lost energy. So don’t expect them to spend a day out in public and then a night on the town. They can’t do it! [Read: Motivational tips-n-tricks for shy people and introverts]

7. They’ll be very loyal to you

They’re not about going out and finding many other people to talk to, be with, and take home. No! That being said, they will be the most loyal to you.

They don’t want to spend the energy going to look for someone else when they’ve already found what they want. [Read: 18 emotional affair signs you probably didn’t notice]

8. You’ll never have to worry about them going out for too long

Send them out for a night with their friends and you’ll get them back within a few hours, tops. You’ll never have to worry about them going out and staying out.

9. You can always expect they’ll be down for a movie/chill night

If you’ve had a rough day and want to cancel plans for going out that night, don’t think for a second that they’ll be bummed about it. They would prefer a movie night over an outing any day.

10. They’re not always verbal about their feelings

Introverts tend to hide their feelings more than other personality types. You won’t always know when they’re mad, sad, upset, or even happy. You may have to ask more often than not if you really want to know what they’re feeling. [Read: Ways to read mixed signals and turn the signs into love]

11. They will never call the pizza delivery guys

Or the Chinese food place or anywhere, for that matter. Introverts HATE being on the phone with strangers. It’ll take a lot for them to actually make a phone call, and if you call from a different phone and they don’t have the number, don’t expect them to answer because they won’t.

12. They love cuddling

Even though introverts don’t like being around a lot of people, they love being close to the people they do enjoy being around. This means that they love cuddling. Coming in for a close hug will leave them elated. [Read: How to cuddle – cuddling positions to be a loving cuddler]

13. They love animals

Animals are different than people. For most introverts, animals actually serve the purpose of energizing them. They can be in the middle of hundreds of different animals for hours on end and never feel the exhaustion of being in a crowd.

This means that you should prepare to have a lot of pets around because they love their company. They don’t get drained from an animal’s company.

14. They get frustrated by their introverted ways sometimes

If for some reason, they suddenly get annoyed and frustrated, it might not have anything to do with you. They could be mad at themselves for being such introverts when they want to be extroverts.

They WANT to go to that party, they WANT to go on that cruise, and they WANT to be introduced to all of your friends. However, they just can’t handle those things all the time, and it can make them mad. So just understand that when they’re mad for no reason, sometimes there really is a reason, and that reason just might be themselves. [Read: Why introverts are much more than just shy and awkward]

15. They rarely make the first move

Talking to people is taxing enough. Talking to someone you like is usually even more difficult. Introverts prefer it when they hold the reins in a conversation, but it’s counterintuitive for them when they start the conversation.

They function better when they focus on creative and thoughtful pursuits rather than social interactions with strangers or people they hardly know.

16. They’re not as expressive as extroverts

They process things quietly and subtly. Extroverts seem to prefer analyzing things when surrounded by people or when there’s someone there to throw their ideas at.

When it comes to dating, it can be a little hard to determine what an introvert is thinking. They prefer to internally analyze their situation instead of telling their partner how they feel about it. [Read: How to express your feelings]

17. They are mostly non-confrontational

Introverts are the kind of people who won’t directly start a fight. They usually approach disagreements using passive-aggressive tactics or subtle expressions of their emotions.

This is probably the perfect example of your partner telling you nothing is wrong when, in fact, something is very wrong. [Read: Reasons people have a fear of confrontation]

How to date an introvert

Now that you know how an introvert functions, you’ll need some direct tips on how to date one. Handily, we’ve got you covered.

1. Do your homework

Most people are only aware of the basics of being an introvert. They don’t realize that introverts aren’t just people who don’t like being around other people. There’s more to it than that.

Learn more about them for the sake of your relationship. [Read: Dating an introvert – 15 adorable quirks that set them apart]

2. Forget what you know

Throw away all of your assumptions about introverts. Not all of them like staying at home. Not all of them can’t function in a crowded setting. There’s so much more that you don’t realize about introverts.

It’s high time you learn about it directly from the source – your partner.

3. Connect with your inner zen master

Being with an introvert seems like a good deal considering that they usually keep to themselves, but that’s only a small concession. Introverts are highly unpredictable, even more than their extroverted counterparts.

Things may get a little tough, and the fact that they’re introverts means you won’t reach them as easily. [Read: How to calm down]

4. Find your inner yin and yang

For your relationship to work, consider what your partner needs, and urge them to consider your needs, as well. Look for a sense of balance between how you treat each other and how you spend time together.

Put yourselves in each other’s shoes, and experience what the other offers. Share your interests, try things the other person likes, and always consider their views and opinions. [Read: Compromise in a relationship – tips to give in without losing]

5. Work with what you’ve got

You can’t change a person. Even they can’t force themselves to change, so it’s a moot point. Let things run their course.

Your partner may never adapt to being an extrovert, but it’s hardly the end of the world. Acceptance is the key to maintaining a relationship with an introvert.

Forcing them out of their comfort zone can only end badly. The most you can do is suggest that they try to step out of it from time to time. [Read: Powerful steps to break out of your comfort zone]

6. Mellow out

If you’re highly extroverted, your partner might see this as a threat to the relationship. You do not need to change, but you do have to adjust yourself accordingly. Extroverts are highly energetic, and it’s likely that introverts feel overwhelmed by their intensity.

If you’ve been dating for a while, it’s not too late to work on this. Just try to spend some downtime with your partner. A little peace and quiet might help. [Read: How to calm down when you’re angry and regain your composure quickly]

7. Ask nicely

Introverts can sometimes be reluctant to do the things their extroverted partners want to do, like go somewhere fun and exciting. When you’re faced with decisions like this, it’s better to ask your partner nicely.

Don’t force or manipulate *i.e., guilt-tripping, passive-aggressive statements, etc.* them into doing what you want.

Tell them why it’s a good idea, and be honest about how you feel about it. They’re more likely to consider things when they know it makes you happy and not because rejecting the idea might make you feel bad. [Read: Dating questions: – 80 questions to ask before getting serious]

8. Let them lead

To become a better partner to your introverted love, help them grow out of their shell. There is nothing bad about being an introvert. However, having a partner means striving to be better and create a more meaningful connection with them.

That can’t happen when you close yourself off from new things.

Let your partner make decisions or plan what you’re both going to do. Show them that being an introvert does not mean you’ll end up being the more outgoing and proactive member of this relationship. [Read: Introverts vs. extroverts – which side are you on?]

9. Make the first move

Initiate. Wondering how to date an introvert and impress them? Making the first move is your safest bet because introverts are generally reluctant to approach people they hardly know. Aside from that, you can find out what your chances are from the start. [Read: How to make a move on a girl – ultimate ways to seal the deal]

10. Reach out to them in a quiet setting or on social media

You want your introverted partner to be at their most comfortable, which is away from a lot of people.

Talk to them in a quiet place or send them a message on social media, and you’ll get a better response.

11. Be clear about your intentions

Honesty gets you further than you think. Opening up to a person shows that you’re trustworthy. Openly and honestly is also the best way to start a relationship. [Read: Being brutally honest – scenarios when its an obligation]

12. Don’t be aggressive

Being honest is different from being aggressively frank. You don’t have to be too forward. Tell your love interest how you feel, but don’t make them feel uncomfortable about it.

13. Make your first date relaxing

It’s an easy choice to make, considering your crush doesn’t like to be thrown into a crowd of people. Say no to concerts and yes to intimate acoustic sets. [Read: Top 50 amazing first date ideas to wow your date]

However, just because your partner’s an introvert does not mean that they don’t want to experience new and exciting things from time to time. Go bungee jumping if you want to, but not with a crowd.

14. Communicate as much as you can

This is extremely important because it’s the only way for you to know how you feel about each other and anything else that concerns your relationship. But you need to focus on listening, too.

15. Refrain from too many public displays of affection

PDAs draw strange and disapproving looks, but your partner will be more concerned about the fact that a lot of people are looking. When out and about, stick to small, simple gestures. [Read: Couples and social media PDA – to share or not to share?]

16. Ease them into your social circle

Your friends are still strangers, which means your partner won’t be enthusiastic about meeting them all in a group. Try to introduce them in small groups instead of letting them meet at a party.

It’s the same concept with family, but more intense. There’s a different air about meeting someone’s family because they are a more permanent fixture in your partner’s life. [Read: How to be more outgoing – ways to help your partner step out of their comfort zone]

17. Know when to step back

Your partner needs to constantly interact with you, which makes it that much harder for them to find their happy place. Give them some space, but try to be there when they need you.

18. Learn from each other

Being together is not enough. You need to learn from your partner and vice versa so that you can grow together. Introverts learn just as much from their extroverted partners, you know. [Read: 60 get-to-know-you questions for a new romance]

19. Make them feel safe

The best way to do this is to let them know that you accept them, no matter who they are. Introversion is not a flaw, but not being able to cope with it can be difficult for your partner.

It’s not easy to be with someone who feels more empowered by themselves. You need to know when to let go and when to step forward. This type of balance can be achieved by being a patient and understanding partner. [Read: Unrealistic expectations that can ruin your love life]

Introverts have depths you need to understand

We place so much interest in extroverts these days that we seem to see introverts as lacking in some way. By this point, you should understand that’s not the truth at all. Introverts are extremely deep, and their depths are what make them special.

Take the time to understand your partner, and don’t force them to change. There is nothing wrong with their introverted self. They just need you to understand their limitations.

[Read: The introvert’s foolproof guide to dating an extrovert]

There are a few things that make dating an introvert difficult, but there’s even more to love. Before you set your sights on an introverted person, you should know the quirks they have first.

The post How to Date an Introvert: 41 Must-Knows Before & During the Relationship is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

33 Types of Girls You Should NEVER Fall For & Ways to Avoid Dating Them

The dating game always comes with the risk of heartbreak. But, you can reduce that chance by knowing the types of girl you shouldn’t fall for from the get-go. 

Types of Girls

While pain, heartbreak, frustration, and loneliness can be inevitable in any relationship, you can minimize the chance of these negative feelings popping up by choosing the right person to be with. This will save you a lot of trouble, misery, and heartbreak in the long run. A good way to do this is to know the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for.

However, it’s difficult because sometimes people don’t show their true colors straightaway. That means that while getting to know someone, it’s best to be on your guard and look out for any major red flags as they arise. [Read: How to find love and learn to be open to all that life has to offer]

The types of girls you shouldn’t fall for if you want to avoid disappointment

Here, we cut to the chase and let our experiences be your teacher. Here’s a short list of the types of girls you should NEVER fall for. Behind the charming smiles, hot curves, bouncy hair, and sweet exterior may lie a personality that’s far from what you expect.

Thus, be warned and avoid these types. [Read: How to get a girlfriend – A guide to find and win over the perfect girl]

1. The material girl

First on our list of types of girls you shouldn’t fall for is the material girl. To her, your role in her life is to shower her with gifts as your way of loving her. After all, it’s all about the money and the objects and what you can give.

From the get-go, she’ll likely complement your car and your watch, and she might even ask about your job and how much you make.

Her type seems to have a yardstick for the guys they date—and that’s your annual salary. She’ll be such a sweetie if you buy her a necklace, but never ever come to her empty-handed because she’ll be the coldest witch you’ll ever know. [Read: Signs to know if you’re being used for sex or money]

2. The barbie doll

She’s pretty, she’s charming, and she has a great body. Every inch of her is perfect—well, except for her low IQ. While she may not have retained anything taught to her in school, she seems to have a Ph.D. in the bedroom.

Plus, she makes guys look at you with envy when you two go out together.

However, just hope she doesn’t open her mouth to speak her mind because that’s when it will all go downhill. These types of girls may be great to be with temporarily, but you won’t be able to bring her home to meet Mom unless you want to witness a disaster. [Read: Why is inner beauty more important than outer beauty?]

3. The all-about-me woman

She thinks the world revolves around her, so she feels entitled to everything, even your love. You may admire her confidence and strong will, but underneath this exterior is selfishness and self-centeredness that makes her insufferable.

Be in a relationship with her, and you’ll find yourself constantly drained as you try to do what it takes to keep her happy. All while she languidly takes what you can give without any reciprocity. [Read: Subtle signs you’re being manipulated by your lover]

4. Miss cripplingly insecure

This is another of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for. Men and women can both be achingly insecure, but this type of girl takes it to a whole new level.

She’ll talk negatively about herself *or, worse, about other people* just so she’ll feel good about her flaws. She’ll constantly fish for compliments and affirmations, completely believing that these will validate her self-worth.

5. The drama queen

She’s the type who believes with all her heart that the world is out to get her. But don’t be fooled. Drama doesn’t just follow her—she has a way of whipping it up all by herself.

It’s like everyone, and everything, is against her, and she’s somehow always the victim. The problem is that she’s incapable of owning up to her faults and taking accountability for her own actions. Soon enough, this blame game will seep into your relationship, making it all too toxic. [Read: Ways to handle your girlfriend’s dramatic tantrums]

6. The nitpicker extraordinaire

She can be considered a perfectionist who keeps her world pristinely spic and span and expects other people to be the same… or else. That, or she just has something to say about any fault she finds in other people.

And she won’t stop there. She’ll constantly nitpick you, too, from the way you wear your tie to even the way you kiss. She’ll constantly put you down until you begin to believe her criticisms. [Read: How to stop negative people from sapping your energy]

7. Queen dependence

She has a handful of good, endearing qualities. For a time, you might even consider taking her to meet your parents. She’s the submissive type, in fact, so much so that she can’t make up her mind on her own.

For a while, you’ll feel good because that puts you in a position where you can really feel like the man in the relationship. That is until you realize that she depends on you for everything.

Once you realize that she can’t live her life without you, you’ll quickly see that kind of burden gets old really fast. [Read: How to spot codependent behavior early and regain your self-identity]

8. The desperate chick

She’ll be needy, controlling, manipulative, and very talented in turning on the waterworks just to get you to do what she wants. She is motivated by a deep desperation to be with anyone, no matter who it is, all for the sake of just having someone.

Hapless and desperate, she might follow you around for some crumbs of your attention, and if you don’t give her what she wants, she might threaten to hurt you or herself.

This is definitely not the kind of added stress you want your relationship to foster. That’s why she’s one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for. [Read: 18 critical signs of an unhealthy relationship]

9. The chatterbox

She’s nice, friendly, and great to talk to. However, as time goes by, you’ll notice that her conversational skills aren’t learned; they’re innate. Pretty soon, you’ll see that her ability to talk is awfully, insufferably, non-stop.

She’ll talk about herself, her friends, her work, how her day went, the barista that served her coffee that morning, and so on. Soon, you’ll learn just how much she LOVES to talk, and not just about herself, but about other people, too.

Eventually, she’ll get herself *and you* into trouble because she just can’t keep her trap shut. [Read: People who talk too much – Why they do it and 21 ways to handle them]

10. The player

Charming and seductive, she’ll say and do everything that will make you fall under her spell in a split second. The problem is that she also plays the same game with other guys, even in your presence.

She toys with your emotions, only vaguely committing to anything more than a casual relationship because her sights are still set on other guys. While this girl may be great for flings and one-night stands, you’d better steer clear if you’re looking for a more serious relationship. [Read: 18 sure signs the girl you like is just using you!]

11. Ms. Jekyll & Hyde

You saw her, and it was love at first sight. She’s got everything you’ve ever wanted in a girl and so much more. However, things take a different turn after a while.

On the outside, she’s really great, but behind the curtains is a totally different person.

One way or another, you’ll begin to see her other half—the mean, manipulative, calculating, deceitful, and two-faced side. Sure, she’ll smile at your friends, but she’ll say the worst things about them behind their backs. This makes you wonder just what she says and does behind your back, too! [Read: How to deal with difficult people while keeping your cool and sanity]

12. The gold digger

Not to be confused with the material girl, a gold digger takes it to another level. A real gold digger is a woman who, at the initial glimpse of wealth, pounces at the chance to have some of that moolah. She doesn’t necessarily have to be attracted to you; she’ll do anything to get a taste of your wealth.

Clues that say she’s a gold digger include expensive tastes and not caring about anything else other than what you can purchase for her.

Sometimes, she might hint that she’s in a sort of financial need to tap into your sense of chivalry and get you to help her out. [Read: Signs you’re just being used for your money]

13. The princess

She shares the expensive tastes of the gold digger, but she’s not necessarily after your money. She’s the woman who wants to be treated like royalty, and anything less than that will be met with her scorn.

In short, she’s a high-maintenance woman who insists on getting what she wants all the time. Spoiled and not the least bit ashamed of it, the princess expects only the best.

She’ll drive you insane, and that’s why you shouldn’t fall for this type of girl. [Read: 15 hard-to-miss signs of a high-maintenance princess]

14. Ms. can’t-do-anything-on-her-own

Why do it herself when she can ask you to do it? She’s the perpetual damsel in distress. She’s always putting on the “poor me” act, and she expects you to do everything for her.

The worst part is that when you start to wean her off your assistance with some tough love, she’ll start going on about how you don’t really care about her enough to help her. [Read: Subtle signs you’re being manipulated by your partner]

15. The feminazi

How dare you open doors and pull out chairs for her! Do you think she’s some sort of weakling who can’t do these things herself?

The feminazi is the militant feminist who will relentlessly try to prove that women should be treated with absolute respect, no questions asked. Of course, she has a point, but she takes it to a whole other level.

Any offhand comments or remarks about a woman may be interpreted as disrespect, a way of objectifying her, or just outright sexism. Most of your arguments will revolve around your “closed minded view of the female sex.”

With her, you have to watch everything you say, lest your words are misinterpreted. [Read: 20 signs you’re dating a control freak]

16. The chameleon

Leave her to her own devices, and she won’t have much of a personality. In her attempt to get you to like her, she’ll start mimicking everything you do. Whatever you’re into is her latest interest.

You may think this is ideal since she’ll be down to do anything you want. Yet, if you ask her for her own views on things, she might not be able to give you an answer. This is one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for if you don’t want to become bored very quickly. [Read: 21 signs of a clingy girlfriend and how to avoid turning into one]

17. The daydreamer

Daydreaming is fine. However, she may be living in her own fantasy world. She sees what she wants to see and hears what she wants to hear. She tends to have selective hearing whenever you’re telling her something she doesn’t want to deal with.

In her mind, everything is fine and dandy, and she avoids conflicts instead of dealing with them.

You, in turn, end up taking in a huge chunk of the work required to make your relationship last. She’s in it for the good times, but you may not be able to count on her when the bad times come. [Read: Couple goals – 27 fake and real things you want in a relationship]

18. The suffocator

She’s relentlessly breathing down your neck, wanting to know everything you’re up to. She’s clingy, possessive, and intolerant of not being able to know the latest thing that’s happening in your life. You may notice that she always wants you to reply to her messages ASAP.

She doesn’t take no for an answer when she wants to see you. She gets angry whenever you’re not within her sights.

At first, it may seem like she’s just a bit attached because she likes you so much. But after a while, you’ll realize that she’s like this because she’s deathly afraid of any sign that you might disappear on her. [Read: Smothered in a relationship – 37 signs and ways to stop feeling suffocated]

19. The super mysterious one

The mysterious woman is intriguing in that she doesn’t want to reveal a lot about herself. It can be a fun part of the chase since you feel like you’re uncovering her, layer by layer. However, you may start to wonder why she doesn’t reveal as much as you would like to know.

A couple of weeks into dating, you may even be surprised by the fact that you hardly know anything about her. But when you’re in a relationship with someone, you would, of course, want even the least bit of openness.

You’re always on the receiving end of wishy-washy responses. And then, when paranoia gets a hold of you, you might be wondering what she’s hiding. [Read: 15 signs of a bad girlfriend that will make your life a living hell]

20. Miss ‘not that into you’

There is nothing worse than falling for a girl who is just not interested in you. She might be a friend, a colleague, or someone from your past. This is usually the case, leading to you coming into consistent contact with each other.

Seeing her regularly keeps the feelings fresh and makes it impossible to forget about her.

Really, the best thing to do is avoid her and cut contact for a period, at least until you have met someone else or you have completely done away with whatever feelings you have for her.

Meeting someone else is the best way to get over her and is also, funnily enough, the thing that is most likely to make her like you since other women liking you can instantly make you desirable in her eyes. [Read: How to tell if a girl doesn’t like you]

21. The one who just wants to be friends

The classic line that women will say to let a guy down gently, and she uses it a lot. She might give reasons, such as the fact that she isn’t looking for a relationship or she doesn’t want to ruin what you already have as friends.

Once you have been “friend zoned,” it is nigh on impossible to get out of it. She doesn’t view you as a potential romantic partner, and you should move on as quickly as possible to avoid putting yourself through a fruitless emotional rollercoaster. [Read: 18 signs you’re in her friend zone even if she doesn’t say it]

22. The one who isn’t over her ex

This isn’t your fault, but she’s one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for. If she can’t get over her ex, perhaps she is still in love with him and maybe even continuing to sleep with him. In that case, she will not give herself to you fully.

When her emotions are elsewhere, you will never connect on a deeper level. You might be able to have a fling or a rebound relationship with her, and if you choose to pursue that, it is your prerogative. However, keep in mind that you may not progress any further. [Read: 15 signs she’s leading you on and taking you nowhere]

23. Little Miss Busy

If she has blown you off three times with excuses about being busy, she is probably just stringing you along. Chances are, she only sees you as a guy whom she can have at her beck and call whenever she feels like getting some attention or validation.

She might promise to make it up to you, or she might show her remorse, but if all she has to offer you are excuses and apologies, then you’re better off not seeing her. What you can do, however, is try to turn the tables by being unavailable when she tries to reschedule. [Read: How to flirt with a girl the friend way and get her to like you]

24. The texting fanatic

We spend all day staring at our phones, and women especially love to text and chat all the time. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of becoming text buddies. You think you’re “getting to know each other,” but really, communication through technology is no replacement for talking in real life.

This type of girl is so addicted to texting that’s really all you’ll ever do. Forget actual conversations.

If you want something with more substance, this is one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for. [Read: The right way to text a girl and make her want you]

25. The flake

You’ve made plans, and she flakes on you at the last minute by making excuses or, worse, not even showing up. If she has flaked on you more than once, she is probably not really into you, and she’s just keeping you around as her backup plan.

This type of girl does this all the time. She’s keeping her options open, or she just likes the attention. Whichever it is, she’s not worth investing your time in.

26. The disrespectful lady

This is one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for at all costs. She has no respect for anyone, including you. Hell, she doesn’t even respect herself!

She’ll always pull other people down, make hurtful comments, and she never shows one ounce of respect to those who truly deserve it. You’ll start to really dislike her once she shows you her true colors. [Read: Proper social etiquette – rules that redefine modern manners]

27. The compulsive liar

She can’t help herself. She’s told so many lies she just doesn’t know what the truth is anymore. If you expect an honest and trusting relationship with this type of girl, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

She lies about where she is, where she was, what she’s doing, and who she’s talking to. Then she lies about her job, her past, and anything else she can think of.

You cannot build a solid relationship with a girl like this. [Read: How to spot a compulsive liar – signs it’s time to walk away]

28. The one who is dripping in bitterness

This girl had a bad experience with an ex, and she just won’t move on. She’s so bitter about everything she’s been through that she expects the world to give her exactly what she wants.

By spending a lot of time with her, you’ll be dragged down by her negativity, and in the end, you’ll start to wonder what you saw in her to begin with.

How to avoid these types of girls

That’s a lot of women you need to avoid! So, how can you do your best to avoid these types of girls and focus on finding someone who is not only a lot saner but someone you can develop a strong relationship with?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind. [Read: How to deal with negative people and stop them sapping your energy]

1. Look beyond the obvious

Sure, she’s very attractive, but what else can you see? Look at how she interacts with those around her, and you’ll find out a lot more about her than you might think.

By looking past the glaringly obvious, you’ll know whether she’s one of the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for before you’re in too deep.

2. Learn how to say ‘no’

It’s very easy to agree to everything, and then you find yourself being dragged down a path you don’t want to venture down. Learn to say ‘no,’ and you’ll not only avoid the types of people you don’t need in your life, but you’ll have a lot more time for yourself too. [Read: How to say no – 15 ways to reason politely, stop pleasing and feel kickass]

3. Know your worth

It’s easy to end up with the wrong type of girl if you don’t value yourself. Know what you deserve versus what you don’t, and that means understanding your worth.

If you’ve been in a bad relationship before, you might find yourself drifting toward situations that won’t serve you well. Focus on yourself for a while and develop your confidence before looking to date again.

4. Establish your boundaries early on

Know your boundaries and communicate them to your partner. Perhaps they’re not aware of their behavior and how it affects you. By talking things through and making it clear where your boundaries are, you’ll have a much better chance at a good quality relationship.

Of course, knowing your boundaries also tells you when you need to walk away. [Read: How to set boundaries – crucial steps to feel more in control]

5. Don’t ignore the red flags

When you’re attracted to someone, and you’re in that first phase of passion, it’s very easy to overlook glaringly obvious red flags. Tune yourself into anything you see, and don’t ignore it.

If it’s the first time you’ve seen something concerning, keep it in your mind. But, the second time, take action and know that it’s just going to continue.

Keep your eyes open to find the right kind of love

Finding the special lady to spend the rest of your days with isn’t an easy task. There are many different personalities out there, and you need to keep your eyes peeled for behavior and traits that you simply don’t like.

But don’t let this long list of difficult types put you off. She’s out there, and she’s worth the wait.

[Read: What to do when she’s playing hard to get]

While you may come across many types of girls along the dating road, life is too short to put up with people who make your life hard. Know the types of girls you shouldn’t fall for and side-step the drama.

The post 33 Types of Girls You Should NEVER Fall For & Ways to Avoid Dating Them is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Monday, 28 November 2022

17 Must-Knows to Ask a Friend Out On a Date Subtly & Not Risk the Friendship

Do you have your eye on someone who just so happens to be a friend right now? It’s tricky territory, but you can learn how to ask a friend out the right way. 

ask a friend out on a date

Are you confused about your feelings toward a friend? Do you think you like a good friend in a more-than-a-friend kind of way? And most importantly, do you want to know how to ask a friend out on a date without losing them, or your friendship with them, forever?

Understanding what to do when your feelings toward a friend are more than platonic can be difficult. To help you out, here’s a complete guide on dealing with the confusing dilemma of crushing on a friend. [Read: Should you date your best friend? 32 pros, cons & signs to make sparks]

Is it a good idea to date a friend?

Before we get into how to ask a friend out on a date, let’s put the most obvious thing out there.

They may not feel the same way. It’s harsh to say, but it’s a risk you need to be aware of. If they don’t, what does that mean for your friendship?

You need to think carefully about whether it’s a good idea to date this friend before you make a move. How important is this friendship to you, and could you handle it if they turned you down? If the friendship is very close to your heart, you might want to wait it out and be more sure about their reaction before taking the plunge.

Of course, that’s the negative side. There is a positive side to consider. [Read: First date with a friend – How to go from friends to something more]

Maybe your friend has feelings for you too, or maybe those feelings could develop over time. The very best relationships started out as friendships, first of all.

So, we can’t tell you for definite whether it’s a good idea to date your friend or not, but we can give you advice on how to approach it and the signs to look for that they feel the same way. [Read: How to be friends with someone you love without losing your mind]

Things to think about before making the first move

This could be the start of something amazing, but it may also be something that makes your friendship a little rocky for a while. To minimize the risks and maximize the opportunity, it’s important to cover all bases before you do anything.

1. Make sure your feelings are real

What do you actually feel? It’s normal to develop a crush sometimes, and if that’s all this is, it might not be something you want to pursue right now.

Take a weekend or a few days and ask yourself if you really like your friend. If you’re still not sure, it’s better you go clubbing and hook up with someone for a fling rather than damage a good friendship. Sometimes, we end up assuming we’ve fallen in love with a friend just because of all the attention we’re getting from the opposite sex.

However, if you’re sure that you’ve developed strong feelings for your friend and you can’t stand not knowing if they feel the same, you know what you need to do. [Read: Falling for a friend – Why it happens & what to do about this attraction]

2. Understand the cold, hard facts

Look, we don’t want to be negative here *although it’s likely that you think we are so far*. But we just don’t want you to end up with a broken friendship because you didn’t take the time to think everything through.

Know that by taking things beyond friendship, or at least asking, you’re opening a gate that you may struggle to close. Can your friendship survive this, or will it be the end?

Also, if the two of you find that you aren’t compatible dating-wise, can you go back to being just friends? [Read: How to learn from the rejections you’ve faced]

3. Put a game plan in place

When it comes to asking a friend out on a date, it’s not the same as asking someone you don’t know. There’s a lot more at stake here. That means you need a plan.

Plan out what you want to say, when you’re going to say it, and how you’re going to say it. Spend some time observing their actions that may suggest they like you too before you do anything to either give you confidence or perhaps to tell you that this isn’t the best idea.

4. Ask yourself ‘what is the worst that could happen?’

Go on, ask yourself. Again, it’s not about being negative, it’s about being prepared. By understanding the worst-case scenario, you can work out how to avoid or minimize it. [Read: When will I find love? 20 secrets that will help you find the one]

What to do when you like a friend

Perhaps you’ve loved this friend since the very first time you set your eyes on them, or perhaps “true love” blossomed out of your long friendship.

Now, do you tell your friend about your crush, or do you just hold it in your gut while another person whisks them away from right under your nose? But even if you have to blurt it out, how are you supposed to know if the feeling will be mutual?

We’ve talked about things you need to think about before you do anything, but how do you handle the situation if you really want to make a move? [Read: Falling in love with your best friend? The right words to help you]

1. Are they single?

If you’re really sure that you’re madly in love with your friend, is your friend single? If your pal is already happy in a good relationship, it’s probably better to just drop the thought than to split up a couple just to satisfy your needs.

And you’ve got to realize that if you’re good enough to break the couple’s love, why isn’t this crush of yours with you already? [Read: How to get a girl with a boyfriend]

2. Start edging out of the ‘friend zone’

Warm your friend up into love the right way, and before you know it, your friend might just fall in love with you!

In almost four cases out of five, when you ask a friend out, it is turned down. It’s not because you’re not attractive or fun to be with. It’s just that there was no reason for your friend to look at you as a potential date.

You need to let your friend know you’ve got more than friendship on your mind. Start introducing some light flirting into your conversations, seek out moments when you can innocently touch them on their arm or their hand, and find ways to steer the topic onto yours and theirs dating lives.

If you make it clear that you are dating material, perhaps, your friend will be able to give you a thought as a potential mate. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him like you]

3. Don’t just blurt it out when you’re drunk

Never use the stupidest and most common ploy, which is getting psychotically drunk, and either grabbing them and groping everywhere or droning on about how much you love them.

That will most likely make your friend run away. You might call this an act of punch-drunk love, but everyone else calls it evidence for a restraining order!

4. Start by being subtle

If you want to let your friend know what’s on your mind, let them know, but do it in a very subtle manner. To begin with, flirt a bit. See if you get anything reciprocating back toward you.

Accept that there is no sure sign to know that your friend is becoming infatuated with you unless they grab you near the corner and start making out you. But you could at least let them know that they are looking at a new side of you, something they will hopefully like. [Read: Subtle body language moves to appear more confident]

5. Show your fun side

Don’t ever behave like a doormat when this friend is around, and don’t throw yourself at their feet. Have fun when the both of you are together, and make sure you give your crush a lot of space.

Let your friend miss you once in a while, and let them know that being with you is fun and something that they enjoy. This is probably the best way to get your crush to like you. [Read: How to be funny – 28 must-know tips to make everyone love your humor]

6. Pay them plenty of attention

One of the first steps in knowing how to date a friend is to let your friend know that you favor them and pay more attention to them than you do to anyone else.

It shows that you’re interested in knowing them better, and at the same time, it also brings both of you closer.

But always remember this – giving them your attention doesn’t necessarily mean you have to accept anything this friend says. Have your own views, but let your friend know that you take theirs seriously enough to give them your undivided attention.

This is the first step in creating a closer bond between both of you. [Read: How to get a girl’s attention and impress her before saying a word]

7. Make eye contact

When it comes to knowing how to date a friend, it’s all about building the momentum up slowly. You need to make your friend wonder if there’s something going on, and yet, you should never ever make it obvious.

Look deep into your friend’s eyes when you have a conversation with them, almost like you’re mesmerized by your friend. You don’t need to make it obvious by staring hard. Instead, just smile, open your eyes and let it sparkle!

It sends the right message across without really using any words. [Read: Prolonged eye contact when flirting – What it means and how to do it]

8. Slowly turn up the flirting

One of the best ways to start flirting with a friend is to smile and blush a lot. This will come naturally when you like someone, but smiling and blushing automatically create a perfect atmosphere for flirty conversations.

Don’t go all out with the flirting and make it glaringly obvious, but instead, use subtle flirtatious remarks, such as little compliments about their appearance, with the aforementioned eye contact. They’ll start wondering whether they’re understanding you properly or not.

Then, the next time you see them, turn up the flirting a tiny amount more. Keep doing this until it’s quite clear that you like them. [Read: How to text flirt with a friend]

9. Get touchy-feely

You’ve warmed your friend up, and you’ve started flirting, so now it’s time to start getting touchy-feely.

Don’t ever paw your friend or cling to their arm. Be graceful in your touches, and do it only at the appropriate moment. Never linger your touch longer than required, and always do it purposefully and delicately. [Read: How to flirt by touching]

10. Never let things get awkward

You’ve been sending out the signals constantly, but there may be times when your friend is still not ready to reciprocate your feelings. Or, they may not feel the chemistry to play along with your flirty moves.

If your friend even mentions in passing that you’ve been behaving weirdly or have been treating them differently, back away for a few days.

Your friend may like your new behavior or even dislike it, but no matter what, you still haven’t warmed your friend up yet, so don’t accept that things have changed or that you’re falling for your friend. It’s always better to play it safe than to nip a budding romance.

You may be rushing it and jumping to the next step before they’re ready. [Read: Love your best friend? Why it’s best to back away right now]

11. Spend some time alone

If you ever find your friend alone, or if you can find a way to get some alone time, make sure you use it. Now that you’ve been flirting and getting touchy-feely, your friend will obviously sense something in the air.

Your next move is to let your friend know that you’re great company and dating potential too. By spending alone time with your friend and flirting with them, you’re making it very clear that you have more than just friendship on your mind. [Read: Are you more than friends?]

But don’t ever directly ask your friend to spend time with you or go out to a cafĂ©. Always look for opportunities, but never make it overtly obvious that you’re up to something or are trying to fix a date. Spending some alone time in the hallway, in the office or in the college cafeteria is perfect for starters.

It’s casual and yet, very effective. [Read: Smart and devious ways to see your friend naked]

12. Let your friend know they’re desirable

Letting your friend know they’re desirable is one of the best ways to send the right signals out without really asking them out. Don’t talk about emotions here. Instead, talk about their physical aspects – emotional compliments can always be misunderstood as friendly compliments.

“You know, you’re so cute when you do that…” or “you look so hot today” are safe examples of letting a friend know you find them attractive without really getting over the top.

Always keep it physical so that your friend understands that you do think of them more than just platonically. [Read: 25 friends with benefits rules if you want to sleep with a friend]

13. Know that you’re going to have to be brave

Once you think the time is right and you feel that your friend has got enough of a hint to wonder if there’s something more than just friendship brewing between the both of you, get your moves right. Be brave, find the perfect time, and pick a quiet moment. Ask them if they want to go out with you sometime.

Yes, as more than just friends.

Let your friend know that there’s no pressure, and if they don’t want to, it’s alright, and you’d be happy to remain good friends. Be prepared for a knockback, and hope for the best. [Read: How to be fearless – 18 ways to set aside fear and live like a champion]

If it doesn’t work out…

You’ve tried your best, you’ve got your message across, and there’s nothing more you can do. But be nice, however disappointed you may feel. You may have built things up in your head, but it’s nobody’s fault that your friend didn’t see things the way you wanted them to see them.

Make it a point to keep in touch, but don’t trail along like you’ve got no one else or nothing better to do. And stop whining about the great love that never was.

Mark it down as an experience. Make sure your life doesn’t revolve around this friend, however hard it might seem. This will only make things harder for you as well as for your friend.

Have fun with other people and try finding someone who fancies you just as much as you fancy them. [Read: How to handle rejection without making a fool of yourself]

If your friend accepts…

Lucky you! We told you it would work! Good for you!

[Read: How to deal with rejection from friends and pick yourself back up]

So now that you know how to ask a friend out on a date, keep these pointers in mind and always remember to play it cautiously. Send out a few interested signals and try to find out what your friend thinks before you pop the question.

The post 17 Must-Knows to Ask a Friend Out On a Date Subtly & Not Risk the Friendship is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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