Wednesday 30 November 2022

Getting Started Quick with Charisma: Beginner's Guide

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When you have charisma, everything you do socially gets (a lot) easier.

  • People like you more, respect you, listen to you, defer to you, want to get to know you

  • Girls want to go out with you, want to keep going out with you, and go to bed with you

  • Men want to roll you into their networks and introduce their friends to you

  • Hiring managers want to put you into all kinds of different jobs

It’s like everything you touch starts turning to gold. Everything interpersonal becomes so much more streamlined.

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The HARD, however, is taking those first steps toward being charismatic.

When you’re not charismatic yet, it may feel like charismatic individuals exist a world away from you.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss how to start diving in to the world of oozing personal magnetism.


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