Sunday 13 November 2022

Chronic Masturbation: 30 Side-Effects, Signs & Ways to Stop Masturbating

Masturbation is normal, but it shouldn’t control your life. Think you suffer from chronic masturbation? Here are the signs and ways to stop masturbating.

how to stop masturbating - chronic masturbation

Who would have thought that chronic masturbation is a bad thing? When most of us think about masturbation, we usually think of fun times. But, there comes a point when it can become too much. This is when normal masturbation turns to chronic masturbation, or over-masturbation.

How can you tell if you experience chronic masturbation? Well, here’s the thing, there’s no formal diagnosis of what constitutes chronic masturbation. However, the definition and side effects can be telling in this case.

Why do people masturbate?

It is extremely common for people to masturbate, so don’t feel like an outsider if you’re someone who likes solo sex. Not only does almost everyone masturbate, but masturbation is done for a number of reasons!

The most obvious reason that people masturbate is that they feel sexual tension that they want to release. Basically, someone is horny, they masturbate, and they’re suddenly not horny anymore. But the reasons for masturbating don’t stop here. [Read: Signs your high libido has become a sexual addiction]

Masturbating is also done to relieve stress or other negative emotions. When you experience sexual pleasure, your brain releases endorphins. So it’s no wonder masturbation is linked to feeling relaxed and positive emotions!

Another common reason people masturbate is because it can help them fall asleep. Masturbation can help you fall asleep because of its chemical release and because, well, it’s a strenuous activity. Exercise before bed is a sure way to fall asleep fast.

What happens if you don’t masturbate?

If you don’t masturbate, you shouldn’t expect any outrageous side effects like your body exploding. There are little to no real effects of not masturbating. Many people masturbate, and many don’t, either is fine! Any benefits or side effects of not masturbating are specific to the individual.

Someone who doesn’t masturbate may find that they are often irritated and moody. On the other hand, someone else may feel perfectly fine.

Tension and stress are stored in the body, so it’s common that people masturbate to relieve unwanted stress. As we said, this is all dependent on the specific individual and their relationship with masturbation.[Read: How to reduce stress – 17 hacks to a calmer & happier life]

What is chronic masturbation?

Like we’ve said before, masturbation is normal. However, it becomes a concern when masturbation takes control of your life. This is when it becomes chronic.

Chronic masturbation is a condition when your desire to masturbate overcomes personal, emotional, physical, and social interests.

Masturbation is your top priority, and the consequences that come with it are disregarded. You can’t stop masturbating, and essentially, masturbation becomes an addiction.

Chronic masturbation, or compulsive masturbation disorder, is linked to craving a chemical release that is a result of masturbating. An addiction to this results in a dependency on masturbation, and causes harm to your body, relationships, career, and mental health.

Side-effects of compulsive masturbation disorder

It may be assumed that side effects of compulsive masturbation disorder are purely physical, but that would be wrong.

Those who suffer from compulsive masturbation disorder have far more side effects that affect their physical, mental, emotional, and social states. Side effects for this disorder include and are not limited to:

1. Struggling with feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-respect. [Read: How to forgive and free yourself of the weight of guilt]

2. Increased likelihood of developing various other mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, personality disorder, or suicidal behavior.

3. Damaging meaningful relationships with families and partners because of lying or neglect.

4. Risking a job or career by searching for pornography or masturbating at work.

5. Developing oedema, strong swelling of genitals due to friction.

How to know if you suffer from chronic masturbation

Of course, there are people who masturbate daily which isn’t bad. So, when do you cross the line from normal masturbation to chronic? Well, if you’re experiencing some of these symptoms, then you could be suffering from chronic masturbation:

1. Your masturbating is causing you distress.

2. You can’t control the urge to masturbate.

3. You masturbate multiple times a day in order to escape reality.

4. It’s affecting your social life.

5. You skip work, school, or social functions so you can masturbate.

6. You plan your day around when you can masturbate.

7. You cause physical damage to yourself.

How to break free from chronic masturbation

If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it’s important to really look at your situation and be honest with yourself.

You can recover from chronic masturbation. Of course, it’s going to be challenging but it’s completely possible. Below we have 18 healthy coping habits that can help you overcome your addiction and stop masturbating.

1. Try to look inward

Why are you masturbating so often? We don’t ask this with a judgmental tone, this is a question for you to think about. Were you always masturbating like this? Or, did it slowly develop to this point?

Now, think about the period of time when you started to over-masturbate, did something happen to you during that time?

You have to look at the other factors of your life to see where the over-masturbation became prevalent in your life. There may be a connection. [Read: How to fine-tune your internal compass]

2. Stay away from porn

You need to stay away from things that act as a stimulant. The most obvious one is porn. Don’t open pornhub, don’t buy a nude magazine, just stay away from it.

These stimulants will only promote you to masturbate more which is the opposite of what you want. This is the easiest way to stop masturbating.

3. Sweat in a healthy way

Your over-masturbation could be linked to anxiety. So, you need to work on your mental and emotional health. The best way to relieve anxiety is to work out.

Go for a run and get some sweat developing. It’ll help balance out your hormones and ease your anxiety. You’ll need to give it a couple of weeks before you see a change, these things take time. [Read: The benefits of exercise on your mind, body, and libido]

4. Find a support group

Having a support group is an essential part of overcoming any disorder. We understand you may not want to talk to friends or family about this topic, and you don’t have to.

A support group doesn’t have to be a therapy session. It’s having a group of people you can turn to when you need emotional encouragement to be the best version of yourself you can be.

5. Write it down

Journaling is not only a great way to hold yourself accountable for your actions, but it is a great way to track your progress throughout your journey.

Before you go to bed, write down what you ate, what you drank, what you did, and how you felt during the day. Of course, also write how many times you masturbated that day.

It’s important to write these things down so you can make possible connections with certain activities and emotions. Your food intake or hours of sleep may sway your emotions for the day. You won’t be able to see the correlation unless you write them down!

6. Limit your alone time

If being in your own company is too tempting, then it’s time to go outside and get some fresh air. The easiest way to get cockblocked is by being around other people! Make an effort to visit friends, family, or coworkers.

If you struggle with social anxiety, surround yourself with busy environments such as the library, the gym, or the park. Here, there are people around, but you are still able to distance yourself and not interact with them. What is important is that you are sharing space with others instead of being alone. [Read: Signs of social anxiety that hold you back & how to overcome it]

7. Find your triggers

Like we said above, stop watching porn. However, for the time being, you also need to remove the other triggers in your life.

If you have a photo on your desk of your girlfriend that constantly makes you aroused, put the photo away. You need to remove things that trigger until you’re in control and able to stop masturbating. Once you’re in control, the triggers won’t bother you.

8. Wear extra clothes at night

If you find yourself masturbating at night, try to wear additional layers of clothing when you’re ready for bed.

Not only do extra clothes make it inconvenient to masturbate, but they also will help reduce any sensation you might get when you’re asleep.

9. Use the cold shower trick

If your temptations are running high or you can’t stop masturbating, try cooling them off by using the cold shower trick. We mean, literally hop in a cold shower. It doesn’t sound pleasant at all, but neither is chronic masturbation.

A cold shower shouldn’t last longer than five minutes. The sudden sensation will immediately take your mind off of masturbating, and onto other things, like why it’s so freaking cold in the shower!

10. Limit accessibility to sex toys

Don’t fool yourself, sex toys don’t make it any “less” of masturbation. This goes hand-in-hand with eliminating triggers until you’re in control of your masturbation.

Treat them just as you would your own hand. Store them away somewhere that is inconvenient to get. If they require batteries, take the batteries out. Or, keep your toys left uncharged.

Sex toys are great and very convenient, and this is exactly why you need to limit your access to them. [Read: How to free naughty thoughts in no time]

11. Socialize a lot

If you’re trying to kick chronic masturbation to the curb, a helpful way to get your mind off of masturbating is by talking to other people.

We know it can be hard, but you should make an effort to socialize with friends and keep company around. This can help keep your hands active and your mind off of any temptations.

You can go out for lunch, or schedule an entire day with friends. Try to keep your hands busy by taking cooking or art classes. You can even play sports or hit the gym with friends. Whatever it is you choose to do, do it with friends around. This is a productive way to stop masturbating. [Read: How to be more social in 22 ways]

12. Stay away from drugs

If you’re being given “anti-masturbation” drugs, it’s bullshit, throw them away. The only thing that’s going to stop you from chronic masturbation is your mind.

Your penis isn’t the thing that’s tempting you to masturbate, it’s your brain. So, don’t think you can have a quick fix by popping some pills, it’s a lie. You need to get into your head.

13. Keep a clean life

Try to keep your life as positive and clean as possible. Cut eating fast food and stick to eating healthy meals. Don’t indulge in drinks or smokes. Remember, everything in your body is connected.

If you’re not fueling your body with the proper nutrition, your mind isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs. Thus, you feel anxious or depressed, which results in your masturbating.

14. Seek professional help

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to friends and family about your disorder, we don’t blame you. Consider speaking to someone who is not only a stranger, but also judgment-free with expert advice.

Licensed sex therapists deal with issues such as chronic masturbation, so you won’t be bringing anything new or unexpected that they aren’t qualified for.

Not only will they listen, but they will also be able to help you find the initial cause for your over-masturbation and help you stop masturbating. So, you’ll be able to deal with everything in one place with someone you trust.

15. Remember everyone is different

You’re not weird or wrong because you over-masturbate. There are some people who masturbate once every few months, and that doesn’t make them weird either. We’re all different and have varying sexual capacities.

Your individual needs will look different than others. What is important is that you focus and prioritize yourself. You’ll be able to get through this, but don’t think about other people, this is just about you. [Read: Feeling unlovable? Life-changing truths you need to know]

16. Be patient

Time is really important when it comes to this. You may feel that you’re not progressing, but you are. These things take time and especially when it’s connected to your mental and emotional health.

So, don’t give yourself a time restriction, allow yourself all the time you need to recover from chronic masturbation. [Read: 34 life-changing ways to find self-love and happiness]

17. You may relapse

This is completely normal. This doesn’t make you a bad person or a failure, you had a bad day. What matters is you’re able to encourage yourself to recover and get back on your routine. So, do not be hard on yourself if you relapse.

18. It’s okay if you masturbate

This isn’t about refraining from masturbating, this is about finding the root cause for over-masturbation and working on it. If you really feel the need to masturbate, do so.

Write it down, think about your emotions, and why you felt the need to masturbate. This is a learning process, not a race. [Read: Steps to handle your sex addiction]

Is it difficult to stop masturbating?

Yes, it is difficult to stop masturbation. Trying to stop maturating can be just as difficult as trying to stop other addictive habits.

Essentially, masturbation can become an addiction. Treat your experience with chronic masturbation just as you would if you were suffering from another addiction.

Staying social and active is essential. Be honest and keep yourself accountable. Be patient with yourself and don’t compare your experience to others.

Now that you have the tools to help you with your chronic masturbation, it’s time you put them to use. If you’re still having difficulty, going to a therapist is a great way to receive additional support.

The post Chronic Masturbation: 30 Side-Effects, Signs & Ways to Stop Masturbating is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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