Monday 13 February 2023

Living Alone: 41 Must-Knows, Signs You’re Ready & the Secrets to Thrive

Living alone can seem scary – you have to rely on yourself for everything. But it doesn’t have to be! Here are our tips to survive the solo life.

living alone

Living alone comes with its ups and downs. On one hand, you’re free to do as you like whenever you’re at home. No one’s going to complain if you want to strut around in your birthday suit at two in the morning while drinking milk out of the carton!

On the other hand, it can be quite lonely when there’s no one to share that home with. All the cleaning, cooking, and maintenance work will be on your shoulders, and you won’t have someone to help you out when you can’t open a jar or find your favorite pair of sneakers.

However, moving out and living alone can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. This feature will show you why living alone is good for you. It’ll also give you great advice on how to thrive, and how to know if it isn’t right for you. [Read: 43 super fun things to do when you’re bored, broke, and alone]

Reasons why living alone can be good for you

It can seem very daunting to live alone. However, there are tons of reasons why living alone can be good for you! Finding your own space and learning to be self-reliant can be one of the most liberating, life-affirming experiences you’ll have.

Moving out to live on your own is one of the biggest transitional moments in most people’s lives, and marks the point at which they become fully-fledged adults. [Read: How to make friends in a new city – easy ways to beat homesickness, find friends, and feel at home again]

Whether you’re leaving home, moving out after a breakup, or just choosing the solo life, living alone is an amazing opportunity to learn and grow. Here are some of the reasons why living alone can be good for you.

1. You can please yourself

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: there’s nothing like having the space to please yourself. But doing what you want isn’t just about being naked or playing your music too loud. With the chance to please yourself, you get the opportunity to practice self-care.

This can be anything from practicing meditation to taking a long bath. When you live alone, you have the time and space to prioritize your mental health.

2. Financial independence

You’re also in control of your finances. What you bring home is just yours – no roommates wanting their share of the rent, or breaking your things so you have to buy new ones. It’s much less expensive to live alone, too. So that means more treats!

3. You are in control

When you live alone, your home becomes a safe space that’s entirely under your control. Nothing you don’t want in your home is allowed to come in there, and you get a say in every aspect of the environment. Everything in your place will reflect you, from decoration to temperature.

4. Embrace life with your whole mind

Living alone has much deeper benefits, too. If you can accept being truly alone, you can start to appreciate every aspect of life. This will help you become more present in each moment, and more comfortable with who you are.

You’ll have time to think about your true self. Plus, the more time you spend alone, the more you’ll learn to enjoy your own company. This inner peace will help you embrace life with your whole mind. [Read: 17 ways to be a citizen of the world while living at home]

5. Home is where the heart is

With our busy modern lives, it can be hard to find time to appreciate our homes. However, living alone and working to support your new home will help you become more aware of how lucky you are to have it.

As you feel grateful, you’ll start to bond with your new home. So, living alone is the perfect way to create a living space you truly love.

6. Find fulfillment

Humans find fulfillment in working hard for something, then achieving it. The ultimate example of this is creating your own home! If you can create a cozy and comfortable home that reflects who you are, you’ll feel a deep sense of fulfillment.

It’s the same fulfillment cave people felt when they found a safe cave. Your home will be your cave, and you’ll have every right to be extremely proud of it.

7. Share your home on your terms

A lot of people think that living alone will damage their social life. However, we think that living alone is actually the best way to improve it! This is because it allows you to live your social life, and share your home, on your terms.

If you live with others, you’re constantly forced to be social. Too much socializing causes burnout, and means you’re much less likely to go to parties and social events outside your home.

But if you live alone, you’ll be able to get enough solo time to recharge your social battery before venturing out.

Best of all, you’ll have all the space you need to throw those killer parties! [Read: How to throw the perfect surprise party for a friend]

8. Active independence

Active independence is different from pleasing yourself, we don’t just mean doing things on your own. Living alone gives you independence as well as freedom.

You won’t feel held back from doing things because you’re afraid of having to rely on yourself. Once you’ve lived alone, you know you’re just as capable of surviving by yourself as you are with others. This is the active independence you need to be truly free.

9. Pursue what you’re passionate about

Maybe you want to take up a new hobby like kayaking. If you lived with roommates, they might object to you leaving your big, bulky kayak in the middle of your flat. But if you live alone, nobody can tell you what not to put in there!

One of the biggest things that stop people from taking up new hobbies is not having enough space. If you live alone, you have all the space you could ever need. [Read: How to move out of your parent’s house – the only checklist you’ll need]

How to survive living alone

So, you’ve flown the nest and started living the solo life. But how do you survive living alone?

You need some expert advice that will help you deal with all the potential problems that might come your way. Here are our tips to make the best of your new life.

1. Establish daily routines

It can be hard to settle into a new home without an established daily routine. Anyone would get homesick if their life was just immediately disrupted without any structure to replace what they’ve lost.

So, establish a new daily routine that’s based on your new life alone.

2. Limit your time on social media

Don’t spend too long on social media. Social media can make the feeling of being alone even worse, seeing other people hanging out with friends and getting together makes you even more aware that you’re by yourself. Instead, spend some time offline working on your new place.

3. Stay connected with your loved ones

However, don’t lose contact with your loved ones. They can be your biggest supporters as you embark on your living-alone journey.

Whether it’s helping you move in, or keeping you company if the solitude gets too much, your family and friends are still a big part of living alone. Stay connected with your support network. [Read: Are some people just meant to be alone and single?]

4. Make new connections

Try and make some new friends to add to your network. Living alone doesn’t mean you have to be a recluse, many people who start living alone find that they have *more* friends than they did before.

Living alone will bring you into situations where you have lots of chances to meet other people. This includes your new neighbors – whom you should definitely try to meet!

5. Make healthy habits a priority

Use your new solo life as a chance to focus on yourself. This new start gives you an opportunity to make healthy habits a priority.

Start a new diet, or join a new gym near your home. You can even start doing exercises in your own space – there’s nobody there to stop you!

6. Give someone a copy of your key

You’ll no longer have anyone to open the door for you when you come home. But this can be something you’ll end up forgetting if you’re not used to living alone yet.

Before the time comes when you’ve locked yourself out, it’s always a good idea to leave a copy of your house keys with someone you trust. It will also be much more convenient if this person lives nearby. [Read: Kinds of friends you need in your life]

7. Buy important things before you need them

Whether it’s Windex, insect repellant, a plunger, or a spare set of sheets, it’s always a good idea to have stuff in hand before you ever need it. Just imagine unblocking a clogged toilet without a plunger!

Sure, you can always borrow some tools from your neighbors, but it’s much easier if items like this are already somewhere in your house.

8. Adopt a pet

You’re never alone if you have a furry friend! Adopt a pet so you have somebody to keep you company when you’re living alone. This can be a cat, a dog *if you have enough space*, a rodent, or a reptile.

Some pets have hobbies that come along with them too, where you can meet new friends. Lots of people socialize when walking their dogs, for example, and there’s a thriving community around keeping betta fish.

9. Use peppermint oil and bay leaves to deter pests

If you’re squeamish around pests, you may have a panic attack when you find an unwelcome visitor in your home!

To prevent this, sprinkle some peppermint oil in places where rats and spiders might go. For ants and roaches, bay leaves should do the trick. Prevention is a lot better than cure, no?

10. Freshen up the home front

It’s easier to be comfortable in a clean and tidy home. If you clean often and keep everything properly stored, living alone will be much more pleasant. So, freshen up the home front.

Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to happen in March, you know! [Read: Alone time – why you need it and how to enjoy it]

11. Practice positive affirmations

In moments of loneliness, try to practice positive affirmations. These are little uplifting mantras you can say to yourself when you need to feel strong.

Look online for lists of positive affirmations that fit you. And always remember – you are strong, you are brave, and you’ve already done something amazing by living alone!

12. Make a budget

Financial independence can be a lot of fun! You can finally buy whatever you want, without anybody forcing you to buy boring things like groceries. However, you do need groceries to live. So, make sure you know how to budget properly.

Keep track of everything you spend, and make a budget that stops you from spending more than you have. You’re responsible for your money now, so use it responsibly! [Read: Fear of being alone – how to let go of your fear and find peace]

13. Keep a list of emergency numbers handy

This is part of staying connected with your family and friends. Keep a list of emergency numbers handy, in a place that you’ll always remember.

The refrigerator door is a good spot. Also, this leaves it accessible for visitors or anybody who might come into your home. If you’re ever in trouble or get in an accident, they’ll be easy to find.

14. Be nice to your neighbors

Your neighbors can be your best allies, so why not make them your best friends? Treat your neighbors the way you would want them to treat you. That way, if you ever need them, you’ll be able to call on them for support.

15. Use a string to zip up the back of your dress

The one thing most women dislike about living alone is having no one to help “do them up”. Instead of calling a friend over or swearing off back zippers forever, we have a handy little trick.

Tie a piece of string or a strong thread to the zipper of your dress and pull it up. It works wonders for those who aren’t flexible enough to do it on their own. [Read: The key stages to embrace and overcome loneliness]

16. Keep a mirror near a natural light source

With no one around to tell you that there’s a stain on your shirt or that the blush on one cheek is darker than the other, you’ll have to count on your own two eyes.

By keeping your mirror near a window, you can see how other people will see you once you walk out.

17. Use rubber bands for stubborn jar lids

Who doesn’t have a couple of rubber bands hanging around at home? When you’ve got a jar that won’t open, wrap a rubber band on the lid and another one on the bottle.

The added grip should help you pop off the lid in no time. If this doesn’t work, you can hammer the handle of a knife onto the lid to loosen it up a bit.

18. Don’t throw away the manual for your appliances

You may think you can figure out how to work an appliance on your own, but there are some unforeseen problems that you may not be able to solve. That’s what the manual is for.

Most manuals give you a heads-up on the potential problems you may face, along with a handy guide for how to solve them. So don’t throw them away!

But what if you’ve already lost or thrown away your manual? Just keep the model of your appliance in mind and search for it online. Some manufacturers have detailed online manuals you can refer to. [Read: Thinking of calling a man for help? Ever wondered why guys love the damsel in distress?]

19. Use Windex when moving appliances

Are you redesigning the layout of your home? Or have you dropped something important at the back of the fridge? Whatever reason you have for moving heavy appliances around, we can all agree that it’s not the easiest thing in the world.

But by spraying some Windex beneath your appliances as you move them, you’re creating some nice lubricant to make your job easier. The best part is that it doesn’t leave a sticky residue.

20. Decorate with things that make you happy

A new home is a blank slate to be filled with the things that make you happy. So, don’t put things in your new place that you don’t like.

This is your home, and nobody else gets to decide how it looks. If you live alone, you should decorate your home in a way that makes you happy. [Read: Relationships are overrated – 20 reasons why relationships are overrated]

21. Make a cleanup schedule

You can’t depend on anyone to do the cleaning up for you. You have to learn to do it yourself. It’s common for many busy people to leave the cleaning up until the stink or the dirt is already unbearable. To avoid this problem, have a daily and weekly schedule.

For instance, cleaning up the clutter from your bedroom and doing the dishes can be a daily routine. Making meals can be done in big batches every two days. Bigger chores like vacuuming and changing the sheets can be done twice a month.

22. Be safe

Invest in a security system. If you live alone, you are more vulnerable to crimes such as burglary and break-ins. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that all of your entrances and exits are secure. Don’t forget to put locks on your windows, too.

Perhaps also consider investing in a recording device like a video doorbell with a motion-sensor light. That way, you’ll be able to see who’s at your door and make a decision as to whether you open up or not.

23. Make it a habit to double-check everything before leaving the house

There’s no one to run after you if you’ve left your keys or your phone. So, make sure you do one last check before heading out the door.

Your keys, your phone, and your wallet should be placed in a highly visible place in your room, so you can avoid forgetting them. [Read: Moving back in with your parents – why it’s necessary and how to survive]

You should also check your appliances before you leave. Make sure the appliances that should be unplugged are indeed unplugged. Check if you’ve left the gas on. And lastly, check if you’ve turned off the tap before you leave. You wouldn’t want your bills mounting up because of negligence!

24. Hang up curtains for privacy

The wonderful thing about living alone is that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can hang out in your undies or dance to your heart’s content. The problem, though, is that you may forget that you’ve left the window open and you’re giving your neighbor quite a show!

In addition to this, some creepers might learn that you live alone and may target you. To avoid announcing to the world that you live on your own, hang up some curtains or blinds to ward off curious eyes.

25. Learn to cook

Ordering takeout or eating out can be quite expensive. Plus, the calories, preservatives, and other additives you consume from these foods may not be the healthiest choice. [Read: Single women – the tour de force taking over the world]

That’s why you must eventually learn to cook, even if it’s something as simple as a stir fry. There are tons of tutorials online that teach you the simplest ways to cook without fancy ingredients or gadgets.

26. Stock up on essentials

Make sure you know how to make a grocery list, and stock up on staple foods just in case. Dry goods like rice, pasta, and lentils can be bought in bulk and kept in the pantry. Also, tinned vegetables and fruit are a great way to get some extra vitamins for cheap.

27. Have hobbies to keep you from going nuts

When you’re bored with the silence in your home, it may not be healthy to start binge-watching your favorite series on Netflix. Instead, it’s a good idea to get off the internet and do some old-fashioned hobbies.

Whether it’s knitting, reading a book, or people-watching outside, you’re sure to shake off the blues that come with living alone. [Read: The ultimate things you need for a perfectly happy life]

28. Make time to socialize

It can be quite dull when you’ve got no one to talk to at home. That’s why it’s always a good idea to keep your social meter filled by going out from time to time. Your mental health actually depends on it!

This is even more important for people who work from home, as the absence of socialization can make you feel the solitude of living alone so much more profoundly.

Also, the people whom you hang out with may be the first ones to spot signs of trouble. If you suddenly disappear from their radar, it may be a sign that you’re not doing okay. This may prompt them to call you or visit you, just to check if you’re fine. [Read: Try these quick tips to add more people to your social circle]

How to know if living alone is not for you

Of course, living alone isn’t for everyone. There are plenty of reasons why you might be happier living with other people. There’s nothing wrong with preferring life in a group – not everybody thrives by themselves.

So, how do you know if living alone isn’t the right choice for you? Here are the key signs that you’re better off living with others.

1. You don’t enjoy the moments you already have to yourself

If you hate time by yourself, it’s better not to live alone. Most people’s lives include lots of quiet moments: at the gym, working from home, or taking a bath. If you can’t stand the silence of these solo moments, living alone isn’t for you.

2. The thought of maintaining a household alone seems exhausting

If you live alone, you’ll have to do everything for yourself. That includes cooking, cleaning, and shopping for groceries… Every little job around your home will suddenly become your responsibility.

For some people, that’s much-needed control. But if it seems like too much, you shouldn’t try living alone. [Read: How to survive and thrive when living alone in lockdown]

3. You’re going through a tough time or are emotionally distressed

Anybody who’s going through a difficult emotional time – such as a traumatic breakup, death of a loved one, or personal issues – shouldn’t try living alone. When you’re feeling emotionally vulnerable, you need other people around you. Living alone will only isolate you and make you feel worse.

4. You feel a strong sense of loneliness even though you cohabit

Some people can feel alone in a crowd. Even if they have roommates, these people will feel a deep sense of loneliness that won’t go away.

No matter how many people they hang out with, they feel isolated. If you’re one of these loneliness-prone people, don’t try living solo.

Living alone is a cinch, once you get used to the fact that there won’t be anyone around to help you out. When you know these survival tips by heart, you can give yourself a pat on the back for being one step closer to complete independence!

The post Living Alone: 41 Must-Knows, Signs You’re Ready & the Secrets to Thrive is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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