Sunday 12 February 2023

Seduction According to the Tao of Steve, Pt. 2: Be Excellent

tao of steve be excellentTo make women chase you and deeply desire you, you must be better than other men. You must be, in a word, excellent. The Tao of Steve shows how.

Last time, we talked about the first part of the Tao of Steve’s trifecta of seduction maxims, be desireless.

People all want what they can just barely not have – and an attractive man who is personable with her but who for some reason she cannot seem to get to chase her drives a woman wild.

Of course, if ALL you have is desirelessness, it’s not enough.

Buddhist monks are desireless, but you don’t see women lining up to tear their robes off. Ditto for asexuals – no girl’s trying to wriggle her way into Mr. Asexual’s My Little Pony khakis.

Thus, we arrive at maxim #2 from the Tao of Steve: Be Excellent.

But not just any kind of excellent.

The kind of excellent that makes women want to rip your clothes off and get lewd.


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