Tuesday 4 April 2023

21 Girly Stuff Stereotypes & Typically Girly Things Not All Girls Like

Do you scoff at pink and frilly things because “that’s just girly stuff”? Well, maybe you should rethink what “girly stuff” is and what that even means.

girly stuff stereotypes

Men, boys, and tomboy girls all share one thing in common: they look down on “girly stuff”. They see cute, pretty, sparkly pink things as trivial, nothing important, and just the silly interests of silly girls.

But come on, we’ve come so far from those sexist days of the 50s! Women can vote, and they can work, so why can’t we just allow them to enjoy whatever they want?

If you think that we’re overreacting, then read on to find out why certain things are labeled as “girly” and why it’s actually really damaging to do so.

Then, you can let go of all these thoughts about “girly” and “manly” things, and just let yourself enjoy whatever you want! [Read: How to be yourself – 26 steps to un-fake your life and love being you]

Why you should never generalize women

Really, it’s pretty harmful to generalize anyone. And that’s because generalizations themselves are harmful.

You may be thinking, “How is generalizing something as ‘girly’ harmful?” Well, because “girly” things have been given that label to make them seem trivial, unimportant, and worst of all, stupid.

When a guy says that something is girly, it’s usually accompanied by a scoff, an eye roll, and a strong distaste, even though he’s just looking at the color pink.

What does that say about women? That they’re stupid and obsessed with unimportant things? And what does that say about men by default, that they’re smart and only care about things that matter? [Read: 15 gender stereotypes about males we need to let go of for good]

Generalizations and stereotypes are always used to push down one group and uplift another. That’s why you should never generalize women or “girly stuff”.

Typical “girly” stuff that not all girls like

There is a very long list of “girly stuff” that not all girls like in any way, shape, or form. On this miles-long list are even things that are not gendered in any way, and yet they’re still stereotyped as “girly.”

Although this list could go on for days, we’re going to focus on the very prominent things that are typically stereotyped as “girly stuff” and show that there’s nothing inherently feminine about them. [Read: 41 things girls do that guys love and makes them crazy for you]

Everyone can enjoy the following things, regardless of who they are or what they look like. Including you!

1. Makeup

If you think that makeup is strictly reserved for women, then you need to catch up.

The lines between gender expectations and makeup are blurring. Some of the top beauty influencers are men, and most of the male performers and actors that you like wear some degree of makeup to look their best on camera.

Not all women like to wear makeup. In fact, a lot don’t. And, a lot of men actually like wearing makeup. There are no rules. [Read: Metrosexuality – what it is & the signs and benefits of being a metrosexual man]

2. Dresses

Some girls feel comfier in long flowing dresses, and some would rather wear pants until the day they die. There is not one item of clothing that all women like to wear because, news flash, every woman is different!

We all, men included, have our own style that speaks to who we are. For some people, dresses are useful to express their personality. For others, the very lack of a dress in their wardrobe speaks to who they are.

And we can’t deny, some men look absolutely amazing when they rock up to the red carpet wearing a dress!

3. Flowers

Some girls LOVE flowers. Keyword, “some.” Because there are also girls who think they’re pointless.

Although flowers are very pretty, and most assume them to be “girly”, there are plenty of girls out there who would rather not watch these colorful plants die in a vase. It’s sad to them. [Read: 23 things girls wish guys knew about a girl’s mind]

4. Pink stuff

This is probably the biggest thing that people label as “girly”, even though it’s just a color. How can a color possibly be assigned to a gender?

For whatever reason, it has been, and now it’s stuck as a “girly” color and thus looked down on.

But answer us one question: has the world ever ended because a guy decided to wear a salmon-colored shirt to work? Yeah, we didn’t think so. Men and women alike, just wear or decorate your space with whatever color you like!

5. Glitter

We’re actually wondering how glitter can be for anyone! It gets everywhere, it’s impossible to completely clear up, and glittery objects can be rougher and more painful to touch.

But, then again, it does add some sparkly and general oomph to an otherwise boring object, eyeshadow, or clothing item. For people with bolder personalities, glitter can really be the extra wow factor that tells the world who they are.

And, funnily enough, some guys and some girls can have bolder personalities. Just not everyone.

6. Having long hair

Back in the old days, having long hair was a sign of youth and fertility, so many women would grow it to great lengths to show potential suitors they were capable of bearing many children.

Nowadays, girls have long hair because they want to. And men have long hair because they want to. And women have short hair- we could go on and on.

But the point is, hair length and gender identity really don’t have anything to do with each other. [Read: Dating stereotypes of women in a man’s mind]

7. Butterflies

We’re still not really sure when or how butterflies—an insect—was ever assigned to a specific gender. Why are they something girls are supposed to like? There really isn’t any relevance to them.

Maybe it’s because they’re colorful and pretty? That being said, not all girls like butterflies. After all, they are an insect, and some people can be grossed out by them.

8. Heart shapes

Why do we think that all women love everything heart-shaped? Is it because, as the mothers and child-bearers of society, we’ve conditioned them to love romance more than men, who are free to work and travel and not be tied down to the house?

Maybe we’re reaching, maybe we’re not. Either, it’s safe to say that not all women want everything to come in a heart shape. [Read: Dating a feminist – 23 myths, benefits, must-knows, and how to read her mind]

9. Nail polish

Just like with makeup, recently the lines between gender and nail polish have also started blurring. Really, who cares if a man has some color on his fingernail?

And does anyone bat an eye at a woman who doesn’t wear the glittery stuff on her nails? Nail polish is just an accessory to a cool outfit, there’s nothing gendered about that.

10. Romance movies

*Insert dramatic eye roll* That is often the reaction people—mainly guys—have when they say they don’t like romantic movies because they’re “girly.” And to that, we say that a lot of men love a good ol’ tale of love whether they admit it or not.

Sure, the aspect of love and romance is typically something girls enjoy more than guys because they’re more in touch with our emotional side.

But, then again, there are women who are uncomfortable with huge shows of emotion and would rather watch something like a horror or action movie. [Read: 69 best and most romantic movies that are a must-watch in 2023]

11. Fruity cocktail drinks

This is another thing that many guys will say girls like. Instead of beer or hard liquor, they assume girls like “girly drinks” that are pink, purple, and fruity. To those men we say, don’t do that to yourself.

The pink, purple, and fruity drinks are so sweet and delicious! Give a cocktail a try, and you won’t go back. [Read: Party hours – what your favorite drink says about you]

12. Kittens

Do you mean to tell us that some hardcore-masculine men will deny the fact that kittens are cute? With their soft fluffy fur and their wide eyes, they’re literally designed by nature to make us want to take care of them!

Once you stop calling kittens and other animals “girly,” you’ll finally be able to admit how fluffing sweet they are! And if you just don’t like animals, that’s fine, but it definitely doesn’t make you more manly or less feminine.

13. Bows

Bows, if they’re for anyone, are for little girls. Whether you’re a man or a woman, if you’re expecting grown women to wear or be obsessed with bows, why is that? Does some part of you think that girly women are inherently childlike and innocent? Because, if so, that’s kinda creepy!

Little girls might like bows, and they also might not. But c’mon, they’re too young to understand the difference between bogus societal beliefs and facts, so let them enjoy whatever they want to.

Also, we have just one last thought for you… Bow ties.

14. High heels

If you haven’t noticed it yet, there’s been a recent trend of giving the middle finger to gender expectations. What does that mean? More women are opting to wear comfortable shoes to the office, and more men are hitting the town, or the red carpet, in a stunning pair of heels.

For anyone to like high heels, they have to be seriously committed to serving gorgeous and specific outfits. And trust us, that is not a biological trait in all women. [Read: 25 traits and things guys notice first and find sexy and attractive about a girl]

15. Jewelry

So, hair, nails, clothes, and shoes are being worn by everyone, regardless of their gender identity and the gendered stereotypes attached to these items. What else should join that list? Jewelry!

Not all girls like jewelry. And not all girls like all kinds of jewelry. Some people don’t like to wear earrings because they’re squeamish about putting metal objects through holes in their skin. Some people don’t like to wear bracelets because they get in the way of working with their hands.

And some people like to wear jewelry to finish off and heighten an outfit or to express their personality. People, not just women. Because men wear chains and rings too! [Read: How much should you spend on an engagement ring to make her happy]

16. Salads

This is a stereotype that really needs to be done away with. The most harmful stereotype we’ve brought up so far is the idea that women love eating salads is just a product of diet culture.

We’ll let you in on a secret—women hate eating salads. But, society pressures women to not go above a size small, so they created this stereotype to push them to maintain unhealthily low weights.

If you’re on a date with a woman, don’t judge her for ordering a burger! There are other people out there who won’t judge her for the food she eats, and she will find them.

17. Affection

It’s sad that people think that being touchy-feely and affectionate is “girly”. It’s actually a healthy way to express care and love in a relationship. Even hugging is important in friendships and familial relationships.

Seriously, someone should let the men know. [Read: Types of touches – the 36 physical touches we use and what they mean]

18. Crying

Women cry. Men cry. Everyone cries. It’s a natural human reaction to emotions, like laughing and yawning.

The stereotype that crying is “girly” is a by-product of the stereotype that men don’t cry. But we should forget all of that. It’s not weak or unmanly for a man to cry. In fact, it’s actually incredibly strong to embrace your emotions and admit your vulnerability.

19. Showing skin

This is less of a stereotype and more of a double standard. Men can literally walk around shirtless and no one bats an eye. But if a woman so much as shows a bit of cleavage, she gets all sorts of attention, some of that even negative.

Surely, we should ease up on the women who wear low-cut tops and short skirts, especially on hot days! [Read: Sex-positive feminism – what it is and why we must embrace the movement]

20. Talking “too much”

Women are stereotypically talkers, but who came up with this stereotype? Miserable husbands who don’t actually love their wives. No, we’re not jumping to conclusions.

If you ever hear a man grumble about his wife talking too much, chances are he actually doesn’t love her and just the sound of her voice annoys him. [Read: Top 30 reasons for divorce most couples ignore until it’s too late]

21. Shopping

If we go by stereotypes, then women absolutely love shopping, buying name-brand items, and spending their *and their man’s* money. But is this true?

Absolutely not! Marketers and advertisers have created this stereotype out of thin air! That’s because there are so many expectations placed on women, particularly surrounding their appearance, that advertisers are able to exploit to market their products and earn a nice buck.

So yes, it turns out that women aren’t as materialistic as you might’ve thought!

So, is anything truly “girly” or “manly”?

Short answer, no. Long answer, hell no!

In the past, we’ve been very hard on men and women to act a certain way. But come on, surely we should be striving to break those glass ceilings so that we can all live how we want to?

It feels like there are a lot of important things going on in the world all the time. Should we really waste our time worrying about a girl who doesn’t wear makeup or a guy who owns a cute little dog?

The moral of the story: just let people be! If they’re not harming anyway, then they’re doing nothing wrong.

[Read: Cute vs. hot – 16 unique traits that make a girl very sexy or very adorable]

When society has labeled things as “girly stuff” for so long, it’s easy to forget that not all girls actually like those things. Please make sure that you’re not lumping a girl into a group she doesn’t want to be in.

The post 21 Girly Stuff Stereotypes & Typically Girly Things Not All Girls Like is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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