Monday 3 April 2023

Why Does Stuff Work on Girls that Girls Swear Wouldn't?

girls say wouldn't workGirls’ll tell you things “don’t work” on them… that actually work all the time! Why though? Because of the clash between their ‘real self’ and ‘ideal self’.

We’re hiring for a female spokeswoman for some online ads we want to run.

Turns out it’s way harder than picking up girls! I’ve talked to probably 100 women off of modeling sites, freelancing sites, and even adult jobs hiring sites. They either aren’t interested at all (including women who claim to be desperate for money in their profiles; even including women who are happy to do hardcore pornography, but don’t want to be in a dating advice commercial!), or they say they are but flake off after a message or two.

It's not like we aren’t offering enough, either; the girls who reply are pretty excited about the pay, and it’s higher than what those who are public about it are getting for the other work they do. I have even told them, “Hey, if it’s not high enough, let me know what would do it for you and I’ll let you know if it’s doable for us.” Still nothing; they still all flake or ghost regardless.

It's so hard it’s to the point now where I’ve decided that rather than treat it like a regular hiring process (and I have personally hired over 250 people, men and women, not to mention interviewed several thousand, over the course of the last 15 years; I’m a pretty seasoned recruiter AND hiring manager at this point!), instead I need to treat it more like a seduction, just to see if by changing tactics we can finally get somewhere with it. I’ve switched to offering to pay for screen tests or conduct video interviews with them now just to get some movement in this, since asking for reels or unpaid screen tests leads to flaking/ghosting/promises to send those shortly then nothing ever comes.

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Plenty of girls have at least started excited. Some have sent enthusiastic replies about how they really support what we’re doing and that men really need this.

However, last week I received a reply to one of my invitations from some chick that was an out-and-out screed. This stern lecture she sent me culminated by declaring the stuff we taught does not work at all on women, and that if I ever wanted to start teaching men to be respectful and considerate toward women, which is the stuff she proclaimed ACTUALLY worked, then I could get in touch with her at that point.

It's been a while since I’ve run into a full-on feminist tirade against us. We used to get a lot in the comments sections (many we moderated; but some we allowed) but it’s died down over the years. I guess we’re just not as controversial as some of the folks out there anymore.

Obviously, any guy who’s been a reader here for a while who tests out the material knows it works. Most women seem to know it works too, even if they’re divided about whether they like that or not (increasingly it actually seems like more and more women support us running a place like this – something I would not have predicted a decade ago. Guess there are too many inelegant men out there these days).

But it brought me back to a topic I added to the Girls Chase topics queue a few weeks back (I think inspired by a question a guy or two had asked me):

Why do things work with girls that girls will swear does not?


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