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After scrolling through the site, I realized we have nearly everything covered: every interaction phase of courtship, almost every imaginable situation. And we have many posts covering subjects from different perspectives with varied solutions. That’s awesome!
But I see very few posts on how to isolate a girl — that is, how to get your girl alone and away from her group of friends. There are plenty of posts that mention it and discuss its importance. But few talk about how to get her alone.
You’ll find one good post on the subject that covers the basics: Tactics Tuesdays: How to Isolate a Girl Away from Her Friends. Considering it is a crucial topic essential to successful seduction, it baffles me that we have not written more about it.
It’s not just a phenomenon seen here. It is rarely discussed in general in the community—whether on forums, in YouTube videos, on other sites, or in products. And it is odd!
Seduction almost always requires that you get her alone at some point. Yes, there are odd exceptions, but don’t rely on them just as you should not rely on group sex and orgies. Not all seduction requires isolation, though. If you meet a girl online or through an app, they will be alone with you. If you go for a lone wolf, common in daygame, you will be alone with her from the start.
But going for girls in groups, commonly done in night game, will require you to isolate her. If you meet girls in clubs, you must learn how to isolate a girl. You will need to know isolation basics if you meet a girl in bars, lounges, or social events.
So today, I intend to cover this subject in-depth with a three-post series. This post will be like Chase’s post as I will provide my take on isolation. My next two posts will cover deadly efficient advanced techniques that my students and I use successfully. They have a higher success rate than the basic strategies. However, the basic strategies have their place, and the more advanced tech builds upon them.
Let’s begin.
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