Friday 14 April 2023

Why (Most) Men Who Struggle with Girls Do

why men struggle with girlsVictim mentality will paralyze a man with women. But why do men end up in it at all? What is the force that stops a man from going out to get what he wants?

For a long time, I’ve sought to understand the reason why so many men find themselves trapped in victim mentality, helpless to bring the things they want into their lives. If you could just find a way to reach such men you could enable them to attain results that will always remain out-of-reach for them so long as they remain apathetic. But often, you never can.

Even though I spent many years this way myself, I’ve never completely understood the cause. I had a safe, loving upbringing… I was never bullied that badly… I even had quite a few opportunities to hang with the cool guys or date the pretty, popular girls in junior high and high school… but I still ended up withdrawn, despairing, and hopeless. Why?

I’ve talked on Girls Chase before about the need for men to unplug from screens that inculcate them with these behaviors that train up helplessness. I’ve talked about media mind control and becoming an independent thinker. Yet I’ve heard from some men that even after they did these things, and totally unplugged, while it helped them improve somewhat, they still dealt with problems of apathy and inaction.

There must be something else that is causing so many modern men to struggle so mightily with women.

I’ve discovered what looks like it’s the missing piece of the puzzle – and believe it or not, it’s not anything men have done wrong themselves, or that women have done to them, or even that The System has consciously done… rather, it is a part of the civilization lifecycle, and it is very hard to resist.


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