Thursday 8 June 2023

36 Sweet & Cute Date Ideas for a Really Fun and Happy Time with Your Boo!

Regular date nights can leave you stuck in the same old routines. Try these cute date ideas and reignite that spark!

cute date ideas

We’ve all been at the point in a relationship when you seem to go on the same date over and over again. While they’re still really fun and you enjoy them, sometimes you just want a few unique cute date ideas to liven things up. You want to get out of your comfort zone and do something sweet and special.

It’s not unusual for you to feel like your dates are falling a little short of interesting. It doesn’t mean that your boo is boring, it just means that you need something new to spice things up again.

So where can you get those super fun date ideas to spice up your schedule? Look no further!

This feature will show you our cutest date ideas for new and long-term couples. No matter what stage you’re at in your relationship – whether you’ve slipped into the doldrums or are still on your honeymoon high – we’ve got something for you. So, let’s start planning your next fun date! [Read: Perfect date – 36 secrets to be a good date, plan an ideal one & impress them]

Why should you try new dates?

You know the old saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But that’s not how dating works! You’re not fixing something, you’re simply upgrading it.

You’re making it better than it already was by adding new and fun things into your normal routine. You should always try to improve in your love life even if you think it’s perfect. Why?

Because boredom is something that can ruin perfectly good relationships. Boredom can lead to complacency, which then leads to you taking your partner for granted.

Plus, introducing new things into your normal dating life will help you and your significant other bond more closely and intensify your intimate relationship.

So, if you’re looking to spice things up and create some new memories, here are a few reasons why you need to try some new cute date ideas. [Read: 30 things for couples to do at home with zero boredom involved!]

1. You’ll learn about each other

When you try new things together, it forces you out of your comfort zone. It might even introduce you to a new side of your partner you’ve never seen before.

Maybe they’ve been a secret daredevil this whole time, and it’ll only take a rock-climbing session to unlock that hidden side. Or maybe they’ve been harboring a love of art that they’ll only show you on a trip to your local gallery.

Trying out new date ideas might also bring out new sides of your personality. It’s incredible how much of ourselves we keep hidden on a day-to-day basis.

After all, it’s not as if you’ll hear much about somebody’s passions from doing laundry and chores together. Use your date night as an opportunity to learn about each other.

2. It keeps things fresh

If you’re always going on the same old dates, things can start to feel stale pretty quickly. But when you mix things up and try some new cute date ideas, it keeps things fresh and exciting.

You stay interested in each other, and don’t take each other for granted – we’ve already said how dangerous that can be.

For example, if you usually go to dinner and a movie, try switching things up and going to a concert or a sporting event. Or, if you’re always staying in, try going out for a walk or a hike.

By changing things up, you can keep your dating life feeling fresh and exciting. [Read: How to end a date right without feeling awkward]

3. You’ll have more fun

Dating is supposed to be fun, right? So why not make it even more fun by trying new things? In the end, that’s all dating is about, enjoying each other’s company, having fun together, and creating good memories.

Having fun together often is one of the best ways to keep your relationship strong, and build your bond.

However, no matter which cute date ideas you try, make sure they’re something that you’re both excited about. When you’re both excited about the activity, it’s a lot easier to relax and have a good time.

So don’t push your partner into anything you know they won’t like. That won’t be fun, or a good date.

Cute date ideas you have to try

With all that being said, it’s not easy to think up new and fun date ideas that are also romantic and cute. We know, it’s a lot of bases to cover.

So naturally, some people just aren’t sure how to come up with a cute evening for their significant other.

That’s okay! Many people have no idea how to break away from their norm, and that’s why we’re here! These cute date ideas will leave your loved one excited, happy, and feeling all those romantic feelings. Cute, right?

1. Horse-drawn carriage ride

Not only is this really adorable, but it’s something that you don’t get to do very often. And you can easily talk, sit really close, and even whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears. You’ll definitely want to put this on your cute date ideas list. [Read: Top 50 amazing first date ideas to wow your date]

2. Painting night

Whether you’re artistic or not, this will be a really fun and cute date idea for you and your significant other. Go to the store and grab a couple of canvases, load up on some acrylic paint and brushes, and set it all up for a night of painting.

Pour some wine, face each other, and do your best at painting the other person. Then show each other the result at the end. Not only is this relaxing, but it’s great to see what your partner sees in you and how well they can translate it onto paper!

3. Blanket fort and a movie

We don’t think anyone has ever been disappointed in a date night that involves a blanket and a great movie. It’s also really cheap and a perfect chance to get cozy together.

All you have to do is set it up and enjoy a night in your private world. You can even make little snacks to bring in! [Read: Dating an artsy girl – 15 passionate reasons why they’re so awesome]

4. Paintballing

On the flip side of a nice cozy movie night, paintballing is a great date idea. It may not seem “cute” at first, but trust us when we say it is.

When you go paintballing and you’re on the same team as your significant other, you have to work together to defeat the enemy.

And when you do, it’s amazing! You’ll feel more connected than ever. And if you’re competing against each other, things will only get more fun and exciting!

5. Volunteer somewhere

This isn’t just a really cute date idea, but it’s also very helpful to those in need. Volunteering at your local shelter can shed some light on situations you may not be familiar with and can help you appreciate each other more knowing all that you have. [Read: 20 fun and unconventional date ideas you can try]

6. Late night lake swim

This isn’t for the faint of heart. If you’re the adventurous type and don’t mind getting a little dirty, then this is the cute date idea for you.

If the moon is shining bright, rip off those clothes and go for a late night swim. Basking in each other’s company during the sweet serenity of the night is more adorable than you might think.

7. People watching

Have you ever people-watched on purpose… and not because you were waiting to board a plane/train/etc.? If you haven’t, you’re missing out on one of the best cute date ideas.

Grab some food and go sit at your local transportation place or a mall and just watch people. Point out those you find interesting and create your own backstory for them. This is a really fun way to enjoy each other’s company and get creative.

8. Drive-in movie

Going to the movies is probably your dating norm. To switch things up, go to a drive-in movie if there’s one near you!

You can borrow a truck if you don’t have one, load up the back with all the blankets you can muster up, and cuddle really close while watching a great movie in the fresh air. [Read: Top fun and romantic summer date ideas]

9. The zoo

When was the last time you went to the zoo with your significant other? We usually go to the zoo with children to show them the cute animals, but going as an adult and truly enjoying the animals in all their glory is something different and should be experienced with someone special.

10. Build a snowman

If you have snow outside, then get your butt out there! Team up with your significant other and build an adorable snowman.

Or, instead of making one together, you can turn things up a notch and have a competition on who can make the best snowman. Post them online and have your friends vote!

11. Trivia night

If a local bar or restaurant has trivia night, go there and have fun! Don’t just sit and observe while you eat dinner, actively participate.

You can be on the same team or you can be on opposing teams. Then whoever scores the lowest has to pay for the meal! [Read: Try these naughty date ideas to add a sexy sizzle]

12. Pretending not to know each other

This is one of those really cute date ideas that’ll also be really fun. All you have to do is go out to a bar and arrive separately.

Then pretend to pick each other up using pickup lines you think would really have worked back when you first met. It’ll re-spark that flame and you’ll be in for a great night.

13. Write a fictional story together

If you’re creative – and even if you’re not – sit down together and write up a fictional story together. You can brainstorm ideas and characters and then write the story together.

Or, you can play “Consequences”: each write one sentence, and go back and forth until you have a finished piece. Then laugh at the mayhem!

14. Relive your first date

Think back to the very first date you went on, and recreate every second exactly as it was. If you can remember the outfits you both wore, wear them!

Try to bring back all of the same conversation topics too, and see who remembers your first date the most. [Read: 25 really romantic ideas to make your lover melt]

15. Game night

Game nights are always fun and are definitely cute date ideas. Bring out your favorite board games from your childhood and see who’s the best at them.

Bonding over a game that brings back such great memories makes even better ones with your significant other.

16. Go for ice cream

An ice cream date is a great way to spend a warm summer day – or a warm summer date! You can go to an ice cream parlor and eat in, or even take your frosty treats on a stroll through the park.

You could even make your own crazy ice cream sundaes at home, with whichever flavors and toppings you like.

17. Find a DIY to try

There are endless possibilities when it comes to DIY projects. You can find tutorials for everything from making jewelry to painting furniture, just with a quick search on YouTube.

Once you’ve found a tutorial that you like, gather the necessary supplies and follow along. It’s a cute date idea, and you might even leave with a new hobby! [Read: 18 tips to fall in love slowly like you’re in a fairy tale]

18. Make s’mores

Remember those duper fun nights at summer camp, where you’d all gather around the campfire and toast some tasty treats? You can relive them now as a cute date idea! All you need is some graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate, and a campfire or grill.

If you don’t know how to make s’mores, here’s our classic recipe. Build a fire or preheat your oven grill, toast your marshmallows over the fire or grill, and then stick them between two graham crackers with a piece of chocolate. Yum!

19. Karaoke night

Karaoke night is a cute date idea if you really want to see your partner let loose! You can either go to a karaoke bar and try out your performance skills, or rent a karaoke machine and belt out your own playlist at home.

Why not try singing a duet, or a song that’s special to you? Whatever and wherever you sing, karaoke night is sure to be a blast. [Read: Easy but effortlessly sexy role playing ideas for shy people]

20. Go ice skating

Ice skating is a great way to get some exercise while having a really cute date. Most big cities have a skating rink, even if it’s just for the holiday season.

These holiday rinks are super romantic with their sparkly lights and crowds of happy skaters, so try one out if you’re ever stuck for a cute date idea around Christmas time.

21. Make a time capsule

A time capsule is a box of memories you hide to open at a later date. You can put anything you want in there, such as photos, letters, newspaper clippings, or anything else that you think will be interesting to look back on in the future.

Once you’ve filled your time capsule, seal it up and bury it in a safe place. When you open it in a few years, you’ll be able to see how much you’ve changed!

22. Run a mini book club

This is one of those cute date ideas that require a little bit of homework. Choose a book before your date, and make sure you’ve both read it by the time the special night comes.

Then, share your thoughts and feelings about it with your partner over dinner or drinks. It’s a great deep conversation starter and gives you a chance to share a book you love. [Read: How long should a first date last? The exact timing for a good date]

23. Go canoeing

Channel your inner John Smith and Pocahontas by going on a picturesque canoeing trip. Pick somewhere beautiful to float with lots of nature to see, or even book a white-water thrill ride with an instructor.

If you rent a canoe or kayak, be sure to choose one that is the right size for you and your partner, though. You don’t want to get wet!

24. Go thrifting

Thrift shopping is a perfect way to find mementos to bring home from your date. You can find everything from clothes and accessories to furniture and home décor – and some weird and wonderful items too!

Why not challenge each other to see who can find the best or worst item? You might be surprised at what you find!

25. Do a puzzle

Puzzles don’t exactly have a sexy reputation. But they can be the ideal way to spend a cozy date night in. Toy stores sell puzzles in all kinds of difficulty levels, themes, and sizes, so there are lots to choose from.

Pick one you think you’ll like, and enjoy the process. You can even frame it once you’re done. [Read: How to be a good date – the must-know toxic habits to avoid]

26. Go to an arcade

From classic arcade games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong to newer games like Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution, there’s something for everybody at your local arcade.

This is one of the best cute date ideas for nerdy couples. Go down to a nostalgic retro arcade and take a trip back to the 80s!

27. Go to the carnival

Experience all the fun of the fair with a trip to the carnival. You can ride the rides, play games, and eat all the delicious fairground snacks you want.

And don’t forget – they call it the Tunnel of Love for a reason! There’s nothing like snuggling up with your date on a fairground ride.

28. Go mini golfing

Real golf is expensive and takes a lot of walking, so make things a little more crazy with a round of crazy golf! It’s the perfect way to bond over an activity.

Best of all, you can try setting up your own course in the backyard for some extra fun. [Read: 60 best free date ideas to have fun without spending money]

29. Seed bomb a special spot

Have fun while helping Mother Nature out. All you need is some seeds, some dirt, and some water. Find a special spot that means something to you both, and bring along some seeds and dirt mixed up into small balls.

Just drop them on the ground, and soon you’ll have a beautiful new garden to remind you of your date!

30. Grab bubble tea

If you don’t know what bubble tea or “boba” is, it’s pretty simple: it’s a mix of tea and milk with tapioca pearls, all flavored with different syrups.

Go to a bubble tea shop and pick out your favorite flavors together. Or, try and create the weirdest combinations you can!

31. Skateboarding

Does either of you know how to skateboard? If you do, then try teaching your partner a fun and cute date idea. Or, if neither of you has skateboarded before, you can always learn!

Take a trip to a skatepark and learn from the experts. Just be careful not to hurt yourself falling off. [Read: 72 first date questions, conversation starters, and things you should NEVER ask]

32. Have a photoshoot

A photoshoot is a cute date idea that’s perfect if you want to capture memories and have some fun doing it. You can either hire a photographer and go for a professional shoot, or do it yourself.

Photoshoots are a great way to express your creativity and style, and how you see yourselves as a couple. Don’t forget to bring props like flowers, accessories, and string lights.

33. Do a psychic reading

Of all the cute date ideas on this list, this is the only one that could tell you how things will turn out afterward!

Get a peek into your future by going for a psychic reading. This could be tarot cards, tea leaf reading, or even using an online star chart tool. You never know, you might find out that this is true love!

34. Tie-Dye together

Tie-dyeing might look difficult and messy, but it’s actually easy! Next time you’re stuck for cute date ideas for a night in, just grab some dye and plain t-shirts and get creative.

By putting bands around the fabric, you can create beautiful unique patterns on clothes you can keep and wear. [Read: 33 best hobbies for couples to have fun, bond & feel closer than ever!]

35. Film a TikTok together

Of course, you can always go for the classic mini-rom-com which shows off how cute you are together. That’s sure to make your friends jealous!

But if you want to try something different from your norm, why not make a silly TikTok for once? Let loose and drop your perfect facade. After all, a relationship should be about supporting each other to be who you really are!

36. Fly a kite

Of all our outdoor cute date ideas, this is one of our favorites. Not just because kites look so pretty in the sky, but also because you get a chance to be creative.

It’s super easy to make your own kite and decorate it with whichever colors, messages, and ribbons you like. Then, launch it into the air and fly the flag *or kite* for your love!

[Read: Relationship closeness inventory – 20 ways to test your intimacy]

If you’re always repeating the same dates over and over again, things can get pretty boring. With these cute date ideas, you’ll have fun and feel a closer bond with your significant other.

The post 36 Sweet & Cute Date Ideas for a Really Fun and Happy Time with Your Boo! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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