Wednesday 9 August 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Transitioning from Social to Intimate

seduction transition: social to intimateThe switch from social to intimate vibes with a girl is tricky. It won’t always take. Girls may resist. Yet, switch right, and seduction gets smoother.

Commenting on my article “Girls Don’t WANT You to Move Slow”, James D. references my stages of a successful date and asks about making the transition from a social vibe to a more intimate one. He says


Based off this article:

My sticking point is skipping step 6.

After the arrival of sexual topics and vibe (step 5) and I go straight for step 7 (extraction)

Could you please advise on ways to move off that sticking point?

This is a common sticking point for intermediate seducers. Once you get good enough at ‘running the game’, you will find you can easily get deep into solid interactions with girls. The girl is clearly attracted to you. She is eating up your conversation. Things are looking great.

There’s just one problem: everything so far has been flirtatious, yes, there’s touch, sure – but the vibe is a conversational one. You need to switch it to a more intimate vibe. How can you do that?

James D. is doing something I did for a while too, where you decide, “Screw it, the vibe isn’t quite intimate, but hey – we’ve got a good thing going. I’m just going to push things forward and see if I can get her alone somewhere.”

It works sometimes. Other times, despite how seemingly into you the girl may be, she balks at this escalation into the more intimate when vibe-wise she wasn’t ready for it.

If you don’t want her balking, you’re going to need to make that transition a little more smoothly.


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