Tuesday 8 August 2023

How to Have a Wet Dream: 36 Ways to Have Hot Sex Dreams & Sleep Orgasms

If you’re not someone who has regular sex dreams or you’ve never had one, you might be wondering how to have a wet dream. The good news? It’s possible!

how to have a wet dream sex

Wet dreams, also known as nocturnal emissions, might sound like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but in reality, they’re a very human experience. These are spontaneous orgasms that occur during sleep, often accompanied by vivid, usually sexual, dreams.

Despite popular belief, they’re not an exclusive “guys-only” club. That’s right! While wet dreams are often discussed in the context of male puberty, anyone can experience them, regardless of sex. So, ladies and gents, it’s not a ‘boys night out’ event, it’s more of a ‘mixed-gender slumber party’ situation.

What is a Wet Dream Exactly?

In scientific terms, a wet dream or nocturnal emission is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep that includes ejaculation for a male or vaginal wetness or an orgasm *or both* for a female. They often happen during dreams that have sexual images or themes, but they can also occur during non-sexual dream scenarios.

A wet dream is also known as a sleep orgasm, nocturnal emission, or a sex dream. In the simplest of descriptions, a wet dream is when a man ejaculates during his sleep or a woman comes in her sleep, secreting vaginal fluids.

Most of the time, people who have wet dreams don’t even realize it until they’ve woken up, and, um, well, see the evidence in their underwear.

Think carefully – have you ever had a sex dream? The kind where your fantasies come to life, and you wake up writhing in a pool of sweat, humping the mattress or pillow, and moaning to your heart’s delight? [Read: Intense orgasms checklist – 11 moves to guarantee one all the time]

It might sound ridiculous, and definitely not something you want your roommate walking in on, but those who have had the pleasure of a wet dream definitely aren’t complaining.

Sex dreams are a fantastic way to spend the night, especially if they’re starring your dream date or describe your sexual fantasy to a tee. While wet dreams are usually associated with horny teenagers, the truth is that plenty of adults are getting their rocks off, too!

What Causes Wet Dreams?

Wet dreams, much like the occasional uninvited pimple, are one of the many signs that your body is going through changes *read: puberty* and is under the influence of a chemical cocktail of hormones.

The main characters in this hormonal play are testosterone in males and estrogen in females, though others also have their roles.

During the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep – the part where dreams are most vivid – your body can become sexually stimulated. This can be due to the erotic content of dreams, but also, it can simply happen without any clear cause. Yes, your body sometimes just likes to make you horny when you’re sleeping!

Here’s an interesting nugget – the frequency and nature of wet dreams vary widely from person to person. Some might experience them a few times during their adolescent years, while others may experience them more regularly and even into adulthood.

There’s no “normal” frequency or age for wet dreams, and they don’t necessarily mean anything about a person’s sexual desires or experiences. [Read: 25 things that make you extra horny and a few things that make your libido drop!]

Everyone’s body dances to its own hormonal tune! So whether you’re a ‘dream wetter’ or a ‘dry dreamer’, it’s all a part of the fascinating spectrum of human variation.

How to Use the Dream Incubation Technique to Get Wet Dreams

Now, you might be wondering if there’s a way to steer this ship *or your hip?* and influence these wet dreams. And that’s what the concept of ‘dream incubation’ is all about.

It’s a method used in psychology where people try to influence their dream content by focusing on specific thoughts or images before sleep. Think of it as trying to plant a seed in the fertile soil of your mind, hoping it will bloom into a dream.

Let’s break down the dream incubation technique into some simple steps. Remember, though, while dream incubation is a fascinating technique used in dream research and therapy, its effectiveness in inducing specific types of dreams, like wet dreams, is not guaranteed. But let’s dive into it.

Step One – Decide on the Dream Topic

As we’re discussing wet dreams, the desired dream content will be of a sexual nature. Imagine a scenario, person, or narrative that you find arousing or interesting.

Step Two – Visualize the Dream Content

Spend time each day, especially right before going to sleep, imagining this scenario. Try to involve all your senses in the visualization process.

What does the scenario look like? Are there any particular sounds or smells? The more vivid and immersive your visualization, the more likely it is to permeate your dreams.

Step Three – Write It Down

Just before you go to bed, write down the scenario you want to dream about. This reinforces your intention and allows you to articulate the details of the sexual scenario. It’s like sending a direct invitation to your subconscious!

Step Four – Incubation Affirmation

As you drift off to sleep, repeat a simple phrase related to your desired dream content, like “I will dream about this sexual scenario”. This is a form of auto-suggestion that sets the intention for your dream content.

Step Five – Dream Journal

Keep a dream journal and write down your dreams first thing in the morning. This can help improve your dream recall and might encourage your mind to produce more vivid dreams. Plus, reviewing these entries might provide insights into patterns or themes your subconscious is drawn to.

Step Six – Patience and Persistence

Dream incubation might not work immediately and requires patience and persistence. Just like learning a new language or instrument, you might not see immediate results, but consistency is key!

Remember, the dream world doesn’t always follow our directions, just like a cat that refuses to do tricks on command. It’s a fascinating and complex part of our minds, and while we can try to guide it, ultimately, it has a will of its own!

Edging Yourself to Sexual and Wet Dreams

“Edging” or sexual brinkmanship, which is the practice of bringing yourself to the brink of orgasm and then stopping, could potentially influence the content of your dreams due to the arousal and heightened state of sexual awareness it creates. [Read: How to edge yourself – What’s edging and 15 secrets to huge orgasms]

The idea behind this is related to the concept of Dream Continuity Hypothesis, which suggests that there is a continuity between our waking experiences and the content of our dreams. So, engaging in sexual stimulation or arousal *like edging* before falling asleep might carry over into your dream content.

However, this may work for some, and others might not see any significant change in their dream patterns.

Also, it’s worth noting that inducing arousal without release before sleep might lead to difficulty falling asleep for some individuals due to the lingering excitement or frustration. [Read: 28 thirsty signs you’re sexually frustrated, horny and need to get laid ASAP]

The Art of Lucid Dreaming to Control Sex Dreams

Lucid dreaming, a phenomenon where individuals become aware that they are dreaming and can potentially control their dreams, could indeed be used to experience sexual dreams.

In a lucid dream, people can attempt to influence the narrative, setting, characters, and events, including engaging in sexual activities.

However, lucid dreaming requires practice and isn’t something everyone can do easily. It’s a skill that’s developed over time and is more about general dream control than influencing specific types of dreams.

Some common methods to achieve lucid dreaming include reality testing, wake back to bed (WBTB), mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD), and keeping a dream journal.

The Hidden Mind Tricks and Hacks to Get More Wet Dreams

Now that you know a few powerful techniques to induce sex dreams or wet dreams, let’s take a look at a few more simple ways to trick your mind into thinking horny when you’re deep in your sleep!

1. Relaxation Techniques

According to a study, relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and autogenic training (AT) can significantly improve sleep quality.

Better sleep quality could contribute to more vivid and active dreaming, potentially leading to an increase in wet dreams.

2. Bedroom Ambiance

Making your sleeping environment more sensual could potentially influence your subconscious.

This could involve using satin sheets, dim lighting, or even certain fragrances believed to have aphrodisiac properties, such as vanilla or jasmine. [Read: 24 sexy bedroom ideas to make any room feel sexually inviting]

3. Wearing Sexy Sleepwear

The idea here is that wearing something you find sexually attractive could possibly seep into your subconscious and influence your dreams.

This could include sheer clothes, sexy lingerie, or anything else that makes you feel attractive and confident. [Read: How to dress for sex and secrets to arouse anyone with your clothing in bed]

4. Exploring Your Sexuality During Your Waking Hours

Our dreams often reflect our thoughts, feelings, and experiences from our waking lives. So, the more you explore and understand your sexuality while you’re awake, the more likely these themes may be reflected in your dreams.

This can include educating yourself about different aspects of sexuality, exploring your own desires, fantasies and boundaries, and even having open and honest discussions about sex with trusted friends or partners. [Read: 36 secrets to make yourself horny and arouse yourself really fast]

5. Sleeping Naked

The act of sleeping naked can have several benefits, like potentially helping to regulate body temperature, promoting skin health, and even making people feel more free and comfortable.

When it comes to influencing the content of your dreams, the theory here is that sleeping naked could heighten your awareness of your own body, and this increased physical sensitivity and awareness might transition into your dreams, potentially leading to more sensual or sexual dream content.

This idea aligns with the Dream Continuity Hypothesis we discussed while talking about Edging and wet dreams, which shows that our waking experiences can influence our dreams.

6. Sleeping Position

While there are no direct psychological studies linking sleeping position with wet dreams, it’s worth noting that comfort and quality of sleep play a crucial role in our dream patterns.

Experimenting with different sleeping positions might lead to better quality sleep and, therefore, possibly influence dream content. [Read: 21 common couple sleeping positions, what they mean and the best ones]

7. Healthy Lifestyle

In the context of psychoneuroendocrinology *yes, it’s a mouthful!*, maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps keep our hormones balanced.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can modulate our serotonin and dopamine levels, the brain’s primary neurotransmitters associated with mood and reward. These hormonal influences may play a role in the frequency of wet dreams.

8. Dream Journal

A well-established psychological technique for improving dream recall and encouraging lucid dreaming is keeping a dream journal.

The act of recording dreams may increase our mental focus on them, potentially stimulating more complex or emotional dream content, which might then increase the likelihood of sexual dreams. [Read: Dreams about cheating – Why we get it, the 21 meanings and how to decode them]

9. Limit Sexual Activity

An interesting reference here would be the Coolidge Effect, a phenomenon observed in mammalian species wherein males exhibit renewed sexual interest whenever a new female is introduced, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners.

In humans, this might loosely translate to the idea that a break in sexual activity could lead to increased sexual dreams or wet dreams. However, this should be balanced with maintaining a healthy sexual life.

10. Limit Consumption of Explicit Content

Overexposure to explicit content can lead to a psychological phenomenon known as the Habituation Effect, where the response to sexual stimuli decreases over time.

Some research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine suggests that this could impact sexual health and potentially decrease the frequency of wet dreams.

11. Exposure to Erotic Stimuli

Contrary to limiting sexual stimuli we talked about in the earlier suggestion, some psychologists believe that exposing oneself to erotic stimuli before sleep could increase the chance of having a wet dream.

However, the habituation effect, where repeated exposure decreases response, could potentially lessen this technique’s effectiveness over time. [Read: Addicted to p*rn? 43 signs and very effective ways to stop watching it]

12. Healthy Sleep Routine

The psychology of sleep highlights the importance of maintaining a regular circadian rhythm for optimal mental health and cognitive function.

A healthy sleep routine can lead to more restful, deeper sleep, during which REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages – when most dreaming occurs – are longer and potentially more intense.

13. Mindfulness Meditation

Studies in the Consciousness and Cognition journal have shown that practicing mindfulness meditation can lead to increased dream recall and more vivid dreams, which could potentially influence the frequency of wet dreams.

14. Visual Imagery Rehearsal

This is a technique used in therapy to treat recurring nightmares, where patients are encouraged to change the ending of their nightmares while they’re awake.

Similar to dream incubation, visual imagery rehearsal could potentially be used to influence the content of dreams.

15. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

While this is a treatment for insomnia, its principles could potentially be adapted for those trying to influence their dreams.

By controlling the sleep environment, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and monitoring food and drink intake before bed, individuals could potentially impact the quality of their dreams and, in turn, their frequency of wet dreams.

16. Exploring Day Residue

Day residue refers to elements of our waking life that seep into our dreams.

By focusing on and amplifying sexual thoughts or feelings during waking hours, it’s possible that these could then manifest in dreams. [Read: 23 signs to know if someone is thinking of you sexually and desires you]

17. Positive Attitude Towards Sexuality

According to research in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, individuals who have a positive attitude towards their sexuality and sexual experiences are more likely to remember their dreams, including their sexual dreams. This could potentially increase the frequency of wet dreams.

Trying to induce wet dreams isn’t an exact science and doesn’t necessarily reflect a healthier or more fulfilling sexual life. It’s as unpredictable as trying to guess the end of a suspense thriller before reading the last page!

Every person is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Wet dreams are a natural part of human sexuality and are as unpredictable as the weather forecast – you can make educated guesses, but you never know for sure what the day will bring! [Read: What does it really mean when you dream about your crush?]

The Best Foods that Can Help You Have Sexual Or Wet Dreams

While there’s no definitive scientific evidence that links specific foods to an increase in wet dreams, there are some foods that people have anecdotally claimed to have an effect due to their potential impact on hormones or blood flow.

Remember, this is all pretty speculative, and a wet dream, much like a dream about winning the lottery, isn’t something you can reliably cook up in the kitchen!

1. Aphrodisiacs

These are foods that are believed to increase sexual desire. Chocolate has long been considered an aphrodisiac due to its phenylethylamine content – a compound that can mimic the feeling of being in love.

But don’t start hoarding chocolate bars just yet – the evidence here is more circumstantial than proven. [Read: 28 natural aphrodisiacs in your kitchen shelf to make you horny AF]

2. Spicy Foods

Some believe that spicy foods can lead to wet dreams due to their potential to elevate body temperature, which could potentially affect dream intensity.

So, those jalapenos might do more than just add a kick to your dinner! But again, this theory is more of a spicy rumor than a seasoned fact.

3. Foods High in Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin, which is then used to make the hormone melatonin that regulates sleep.

Foods high in tryptophan include cheese, poultry, eggs, and fish. While there’s no direct link to wet dreams, a better sleep might lead to more vivid dreams in general.

4. Potassium and Zinc-Rich Foods

These nutrients are important for overall sexual health, and deficiencies can potentially lead to issues like reduced libido.

Foods rich in these nutrients include oysters, lean meats, and bananas. But remember, while you might be bananas about having more wet dreams, potassium and zinc won’t necessarily deliver.

The key takeaway? Eating a balanced, nutritious diet is important for all aspects of health – including sexual health. But when it comes to the elusive wet dream, it’s a dish best served by Mother Nature, not a recipe you can whip up in the kitchen! [Read: 25 horny ways to increase your sex drive and keep it high]

The Biggest Factors That Might Influence Sex Dreams

The realm of wet dreams is as complex as trying to understand why everyone insisted on wearing neon in the 80s.

Several factors come into play, and while we don’t have an exact map, we do have some clues that can help guide us through this intricate landscape.

1. Hormone Levels

As we mentioned before, hormones are like the backstage crew of a theater production. They control the show without being in the spotlight.

Higher levels of hormones like testosterone in males and estrogen in females can increase the chances of having wet dreams. [Read: 40 signs of high testosterone, what it means, causes and ways to increase it]

2. Sexual Maturation

The puberty phase is like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups, downs, and unexpected loops.

As your body matures sexually, you may start to have wet dreams. It’s all a part of the body’s “growing up” script, and wet dreams are simply one of the scenes in this coming-of-age drama.

3. Frequency of Sexual Thoughts

Although wet dreams aren’t solely the result of sexual thoughts, a higher frequency of these thoughts could potentially make them more likely.

But remember, it’s more like an occasional side-effect than a direct cause-effect relationship. Kind of like how watching a lot of cooking shows might make you dream of being the next MasterChef, but it doesn’t guarantee you won’t burn your toast in the morning!

4. Sexual Inactivity

Although not a hard and fast rule, there’s some evidence that a period of sexual inactivity might make wet dreams more likely. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Remember this thing we can do?” [Read: Why am I so horny? 21 reasons, hypersexuality, and what to do about it]

5. Stress and Anxiety

Ah, stress and anxiety, the uninvited guests that can influence various aspects of our health, including sexual health. High stress levels can occasionally contribute to the frequency of wet dreams.

6. Sleeping Positions

As we mentioned earlier, some people report experiencing wet dreams more often when sleeping on their stomachs. It’s not scientifically proven, but the body can respond to pressure in its sleep.

7. Media Consumption

Engaging with sexually explicit media prior to sleep could potentially influence dream content. It’s like your brain might continue the movie during your sleep! [Read: Do girls watch porn? 20 reasons to start and why they lie about watching]

8. Physical Health and Lifestyle

Good physical health enhances all body functions, including sexual ones.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can all contribute to the overall hormonal balance, which in turn might influence wet dreams.

9. Drugs and Medications

Certain drugs, especially those affecting neurotransmitters or hormone levels, might indirectly affect the occurrence of wet dreams.

This is a reminder that our bodies are interconnected systems where a change in one part can influence others.

Remember, these factors vary greatly among individuals, so what might be a major influence for one person could be insignificant for another. Wet dreams are as unique as our fingerprints, or perhaps more aptly, as unique as our dreamscapes.

The Big Misconceptions and Myths of Wet Dreams

Wet dreams have been misunderstood about as often as autocorrect fails us when we’re trying to type something important. So, let’s clear up some of the noise and put these misconceptions to bed!

Myth 1: “Wet dreams are a sign of excessive sexual thoughts.”

Let’s debunk this one straight off the bat. Wet dreams are not a barometer of your sexual thoughts. Experiencing wet dreams doesn’t mean you’ve got a non-stop, adults-only cinema playing in your mind. They’re more about physiology than fantasy.

It’s like saying every time you hiccup, it means you’re hungry. Can you imagine? “Oh, there goes Jim, hiccuping again! Must be daydreaming about those cheeseburgers.” Sounds ridiculous, right? That’s because it is!

Myth 2: “You can trigger wet dreams at will.”

If only we had that much control over our bodies! If we could, I’m sure most of us would opt for triggering more pleasant things like never having to go to the dentist or being able to eat all the pizza we want without gaining a pound.

Myth 3: “Only teenagers have wet dreams.”

This is a widely held belief, but it’s as accurate as expecting to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. While wet dreams are more common during the puberty stage due to hormonal changes, they can happen to adults too.

Nocturnal emissions are not bound by an age limit or an expiration date. You won’t suddenly stop having them once you hit your 20s, like an expired driver’s license.

They can occur at any age, depending on various factors such as lifestyle, sexual activity, and overall health. [Read: Sex for the first time – 37 must-knows and secrets about losing your virginity]

Myth 4: “Wet dreams indicate a psychological problem.”

This myth is about as true as the claim that if you swallow chewing gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years.

Wet dreams are a natural biological process and do not indicate any mental health issues or psychological problems. If they did, we’d all be in trouble, considering they’re a common experience across cultures and throughout history.

Myth 5: “People who have wet dreams are sexually frustrated or not sexually active.”

This myth is as misplaced as expecting cats to start barking. Wet dreams are not a signal of sexual frustration or an indicator of one’s sexual activity. They can occur whether someone is sexually active or not, and regardless of how satisfied they are with their sexual life.

To suggest otherwise is like saying you only dream about food when you’re hungry. We all know those midnight taco dreams can hit even after a hearty dinner!

Wet dreams occur naturally and are not something you can easily schedule into your nighttime activities like an episode of your favorite series.

 How to Handle Excessive Wet Dreams If You’re Not Ready for It

If you’re already experiencing embarrassing nocturnal emissions and wondering how to deal with it, here are a few thoughts to navigate through these night-time escapades.

1. Normalize It

First off, it’s important to realize that wet dreams are a normal part of human sexuality. They’re as natural as snoring or talking in your sleep. Sure, they’re a bit messier, but hey, who said sleep was always a neat affair?

2. Emotional Rollercoaster

Feelings of embarrassment, guilt, or confusion might follow a wet dream, especially if it’s your first time.

Remind yourself that it’s perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of. You wouldn’t feel guilty for having a dream about flying, would you? [Read: Queef and more? 19 embarrassing things that can go wrong during sex]

3. The Practical Side

When it comes to dealing with the aftermath, treat it just as you would any other unexpected night-time event.

Keep some spare pajamas and sheets handy, and maybe even invest in a waterproof mattress protector. Think of it as being prepared for a surprise party…that your body throws for itself.

4. Use it as a Learning Experience

Wet dreams can be a way to learn about your sexual preferences and fantasies. Instead of feeling awkward about it, try embracing it as a part of your sexual journey.

After all, dreams are like a private cinema screening of your subconscious!

5. Don’t Dwell On It

Try not to overanalyze or dwell on the wet dream. Your dream chose a spicy storyline for the night – it doesn’t necessarily mean anything deep or profound. It’s more akin to flipping through channels on TV than a premonition of your future!

6. Seek Support if Needed

If you’re feeling distressed or confused, don’t hesitate to seek help from a counselor or therapist. They’re like your emotional GPS, ready to help you navigate through tricky emotional terrains.

So remember, wet dreams are not a covert operation that you need to be embarrassed about. They’re more like unexpected night-time adventures – a little messy, sometimes surprising, but entirely natural!

Sex Dreams and the Pursuit of Night-time Naughty

Ad we conclude our nocturnal exploration, it’s clear that the world of wet dreams is more complex than a dream-themed splash park. While it might be tempting to want to schedule these steamy slumber soirees, unfortunately, there’s no VIP pass or secret handshake to get you through the velvet ropes more often.

But don’t lose heart. As with all good things in life, the charm often lies in its unexpectedness. Wet dreams are no different. They are the body’s way of throwing a surprise party, complete with confetti *well, sort of!*.

As for the frustration that might come with an unpredictable dream schedule, remember this – our brains are wonderful, complex things.

Trying to force it to dream on demand? That’s like trying to convince a cat to do a synchronized dance routine. Fun in theory, but in practice, it’s likely to result in a lot of confused staring and potential scratches.

So, instead of getting flustered, embrace the mystery. Think of each night as a new episode in your ongoing dream series, complete with cliffhangers, plot twists, and yes, the occasional steamy scene.

In the end, whether you’re navigating the intriguing inroads of your dream world or managing the hustle and bustle of your wakeful hours, your body is your trusty companion on this journey of life. It might not always give you the dreams you ask for, but it knows how to keep things interesting!

[Read: 110 must-know interesting sex facts, myths and strange secrets about sex]

As for your desire for wet dreams, think of it as wishing for a surprise party – fun when it happens, but even better because you didn’t plan it. Until then, may your dreams be as unpredictable and exciting as a blind date with destiny. Good luck, and sweet dreams!

The post How to Have a Wet Dream: 36 Ways to Have Hot Sex Dreams & Sleep Orgasms is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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