Tuesday 19 September 2023

Tactics Tuesdays: Romantic Disclaimers

romantic disclaimersYou’re chatting with a girl, and she hasn’t rejected you, but you’re not certain she’s entirely down with you, either. How do you propose moves safely? With romantic disclaimers.

Let’s say you follow my advice and do your best to move faster with girls.

Just because you’re moving fast is no excuse to not mind social rules. You still must come across socially adroit even as you break society’s usual rules.

One simple way to do this as you ask things, invite girls to things, and make your proposals is with romantic disclaimers.

A romantic disclaimer is any bit of language you use to take the edge off anything you say that might otherwise be a bit improper. For girls who dig you but weren’t expecting you to move that fast, it can make all the difference.


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