Tuesday 19 September 2023

The 4 MAIN Types of Vaginas & BIG Must-Knows that Make Up the Vagiverse!

Normal and abnormal don’t exist in the world of vaginas – there are many types of vaginas out there! Here’s what makes your ladybits special from the rest.

types of vaginas

If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve stood in front of a mirror at some point, wondering, “Is my vagina normal?” Hey, don’t blush, you’re not alone! This question has crossed almost every woman’s mind—thanks, societal norms. But here’s the kicker: just like faces, bodies, and those Spotify playlists we secretly jam to, types of vaginas come in all shapes and sizes.

That’s right, there are various types of vaginas, and understanding this vaginal diversity can be a real game-changer for body positivity and self-acceptance.

So, let’s get the 411 on this taboo topic and educate ourselves because, let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to better understand their own body? [Read: 22 honest secrets to look good naked & feel great without any clothes]

Anatomy 101 – a quick refresher

Before we delve into the types of vaginas, let’s get our terminology straight. Why? Because understanding the basic anatomy can actually help you embrace your unique type.

Here’s the scientific lowdown: The term “vagina” is often colloquially used to describe the entire female genital area. However, medically speaking, the vagina is actually an internal structure. It’s a muscular canal that extends from the external genitals to the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus.

The vulva, contrastingly, refers to the external genitalia. This includes the labia majora *the outer lips*, labia minora *the inner lips*, clitoris, and the external openings of the urethra and vagina.

So, when we talk about types of vaginas, we’re often actually referring to the appearance of the vulva. Differentiating between the two is not just a matter of medical accuracy but also of understanding your body better. [Read: What does a pussy taste like? The secrets that give the vagina its flavor]

The fab four – Understanding types of vaginas

When talking about types of vaginas, we’re entering a realm that’s as nuanced as a Tolstoy novel but way easier to get through, we promise.

A study published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that the dimensions of the vulva and vagina can vary enormously from one woman to the next.

So, while you’re truly one-of-a-kind, you might see some similarities with these general categories. Let’s get up close and personal with each one:

1. Ms. Asymmetrical

Ah, the beauty of imperfection. For those with this type, one labia minora is noticeably larger than the other. But here’s the fact bomb: The same study cited previously reveals that up to 50% of women have some level of asymmetry in their vulva.

So, if you’re a member of the Ms. Asymmetrical club, you’re in abundant company. Health-wise, there’s usually no concern unless the asymmetry is causing discomfort or functional issues, like problems with urination or sexual activity.

2. The Barbie

Also known as the “curtained vagina,” the labia minora in this type are neatly tucked inside the labia majora. It’s often portrayed as the societal ideal—thanks, adult films—but the prevalence of this type is actually much less than you’d think.

The Barbie type is not the majority, it’s just one variation in the rich tapestry of female anatomy. No medical advantages or disadvantages here—it’s all aesthetics, baby! [Read: Perfect pretty pussy – 22 ways to make your vagina more beautiful!]

3. The Pouted Lip

Here, the labia minora extends beyond the labia majora, like a pair of lips ready to give a big ol’ kiss.

While some might be self-conscious about this, research by Farage and Maibach suggests that the labia minora’s size and appearance can change due to various factors such as age, hormonal fluctuations, and childbirth.

It’s entirely within the normal range, and there’s no inherent medical concern associated with it.

4. The Tulip

Ah, the blossoming tulip. This type is often characterized by labia that part at the top, resembling an opening tulip. Though commonly associated with post-childbirth anatomy, you don’t need to have kids to be part of this club.

Aging, hormonal changes, and even regular exercise can influence your vulvar morphology over time. And fret not, it’s just as normal and medically sound as the other types.

When you don’t fit the mold – anatomy’s wildcards

So you were reading through the descriptions of Ms. Asymmetrical and The Barbie and thinking, “Uh, that’s not me. Do I even have a category?”

Fear not! The world of types of vaginas doesn’t just end with those generalized versions.

Vaginas are like snowflakes—no two are alike. Now, let’s venture into the less commonly discussed but equally fascinating anatomical variations and medical conditions that make each of us unique. [Read: Vaginal odor – 35 secrets to make your vagina smell good & taste even better]

1. Hypertrophic labia

Are your labia a bit more voluptuous compared to what you’ve seen or heard about? Hypertrophic Labia refers to an enlargement of the labia minora or majora.

While it’s usually just a unique variation of normal anatomy, in some cases, it might be due to hormonal imbalances or other medical conditions.

A study in International Urogynecology Journal notes that labial hypertrophy doesn’t usually require treatment unless it’s causing physical discomfort or psychological distress.

2. Lichen sclerosus

We’re not talking about a mysterious forest plant here. Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that can significantly alter the appearance of the vulva. The skin becomes patchy and white, and in some instances, it can lead to scarring.

While it’s a rarer condition, affecting about 1 in 30 women according to the British Journal of Dermatology, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and management, as it can be associated with an increased risk of skin cancer.

3. Congenital anomalies

Born this way? Congenital anomalies like a septate vagina occur when there is a thin wall of tissue creating two channels instead of one in the vaginal canal.

These structural differences are usually present at birth and can sometimes require surgical intervention for functional reasons.

While not the norm, it’s part of the vast spectrum of female genital diversity and has been covered in medical literature, such as in the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.

What’s ‘normal,’ anyway?

So, you’ve swiped through social media or watched some adult films and thought, “My lady bits don’t look like that. Is that normal? Should mine look like that?”

First off, spoiler alert: What you often see in the media is about as realistic as a unicorn playing the banjo. Let’s dissect the psychology and science behind why we’re even asking ourselves these questions.

1. Media & self-esteem

Remember that 2018 study we just talked about? Well, it also delves into how skewed media portrayals can significantly impact women’s self-esteem.

You’re comparing yourself to something that isn’t even an accurate representation of what most women have!

This issue affects not just women’s perceptions of themselves but also sets unrealistic expectations for men, which only exacerbates the problem. [Read: The toxic dangers of social media & 19 signs and ways it makes you insecure]

2. Men’s expectations

Ah yes, let’s not forget about the dudes. If their main education about female anatomy comes from adult films or manipulated media images, then we’re in for a wild ride of misunderstandings and misconceptions.

And we can’t entirely blame them, the issue is systemic. To combat this, education and open discussions about the diversity in types of vaginas are crucial.

Does type really matter? Spoiler: nope!

Okay, so you’ve scrolled through all the types of vaginas, and maybe even had a mirror session to figure out which category you fall under.

But let’s address the elephant in the room: Does any of this actually matter when it comes to things like sexual pleasure, fertility, or how your partner perceives you? Let’s break it down.

1. Impact on sexual pleasure

Surprise, surprise, the type of vagina you have doesn’t dictate your capability for sexual pleasure. A 2019 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found no consistent relationship between the size or shape of genitalia and sexual satisfaction.

So, for those sweating about whether Ms. Asymmetrical or The Tulip is more likely to hit high notes in the bedroom—relax. It’s not the type, it’s how you use it.

2. Fertility factors

Are you thinking that a particular type of vagina is the golden ticket to baby-making? Think again. Your anatomy doesn’t determine your fertility.

What matters are factors like ovulation and sperm quality, which have nothing to do with whether you’ve got a Barbie or a Pouted Lip situation going on. [Read: 23 tips to get pregnant faster & myths and secrets to increase your chances]

3. Partner perception

Okay, so you’re worried that your partner will pull a face because your genitalia doesn’t look like it’s been airbrushed and Photoshopped.

Here’s a reality check: Any partner worth your time won’t care about the type of vagina you have *unless they’re THAT immature*.

What’s more, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men aren’t as focused on genital appearance as women might think. Seriously, the aesthetics of your lady bits are likely way down on the list of what makes you an amazing partner.

When to hit the doc’s office – no-nonsense advice on warning signs

Alright, we’ve had our fun exploring the various types of vaginas, debunking myths, and offering a dose of psychological science.

But let’s cut to the chase: When should you actually worry about what’s happening down there? Knowing when to seek professional advice is crucial, so let’s break down the warning signs.

1. Unusual discharge

So, vaginal discharge is a normal bodily function but a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology highlighted that unusual discharge could be a sign of bacterial infections or sexually transmitted infections *STIs*.

So if you suddenly notice a drastic change in color, consistency, or odor, it’s time to consult a healthcare provider. [Read: STDs 101 – the most common types and their symptoms]

2. Persistent pain or discomfort

Persistent pain or discomfort in the genital area isn’t something you should just “tough out.” According to Sadownik’s studies published in the International Journal of Women’s Health, chronic vulvar pain or discomfort affects up to 16% of women.

Chronic pain can be a sign of underlying issues such as endometriosis or vulvodynia.

3. Lumps or bumps

Found something that wasn’t there before? A lump or bump on the vulva could be a cyst or, in rarer cases, a sign of vulvar cancer.

Vulvar cancer is the fourth most common gynecologic cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. It’s better to be safe and get any new growths checked out.

4. Itching or burning

If you’re experiencing persistent itching or burning, don’t just chalk it up to a minor annoyance. These symptoms could indicate a yeast infection or even an allergic reaction to soaps or detergents.

Own your unique beauty down there

In the words of the eminent psychologist Carl Rogers: “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Sounds like he might have been onto something that we can apply to the way we see and accept our vaginas, doesn’t it?

Embracing the uniqueness of your anatomy isn’t just a path to personal empowerment, it’s a radical act of self-love.

Forget the stereotypes, the misconceptions, and the one-size-fits-all portrayal of what types of vaginas should look like.

You are the sole proprietor of your body, and it’s high time you owned that fact like the boss you are.

So go ahead, let your unique type of vagina be another reason to celebrate your individuality. After all, it’s this diversity that makes each of us special and turns the concept of “normal” on its head.

[Read: Peeing after sex and other confusing myths about the vagina]

If you thought there was only one type of vagina, you were mistaken. There are four common types of vaginas, but even then, everyone’s body is unique to them. No two vaginas are the same and that’s the beauty of it!

The post The 4 MAIN Types of Vaginas & BIG Must-Knows that Make Up the Vagiverse! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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