Saturday 30 December 2023

The Ideal Male/Female Ratio for Your Going Out Group

male-female ratio in going-out groupsWhen you go out to nightlife (especially if to pick up girls), you want a good male/female ratio in your group. And the truth is, there IS an ideal ratio!

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I will conclude my series on selecting your peers and who to allow in your group when attending social gatherings.

How many people should you head out with? In my first post, we concluded that you should:

  1. Go out solo

  1. Go out with larger groups

Groups of two and three are not ideal, though groups of three are usually okay, and groups of two are good IF and ONLY IF that person is your trusted wing. Going out with a girl (as a pair) is not a good idea. I’ve explained why in previous posts.

Last week, I shared factors to consider when selecting who to go out with. My criteria are:

  • People who know a lot of people
  • Socially savvy people
  • People with an edge
  • People with money
  • People with a good reputation
  • People who look good
  • People who dress well


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