Tuesday 28 May 2024

Romantic Clichés: What Rarely Works in Real Life & Those That Surprisingly Do

Romantic clichés are a modern source of inspiration for the romantically bereft, but are these movies of any practical use? We say… maybe? It all depends on you.

rom com cliches

Pretty Woman, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Maid in Manhattan, Love Actually, Music and Lyrics, Sleepless in Seattle, Notting Hill… the list of rom-coms is practically endless, each as recognizable and containing as many well-loved romantic clichés as the next.

There really is no doubt about it: the rom-com has become something of a modern-day phenomenon. Why this should be, whether due to the increasingly singular lifestyle of the modern career-chasing rat racer or some other sociological reason, is a question more suited to an academic journal. For our purposes here, it is enough to recognize the popularity of this particular genre, and how the clichés from these beloved films could make our love lives or break them. [Read: 69 best and most romantic movies that are a must-watch in 2024]

The Charm of Romantic and Movie Clichés

There’s something irresistibly comforting about curling up to watch a movie, only to find familiar romantic clichés playing out on the screen. These tropes, from love at first sight to dramatic airport chases, have become staples in cinematic storytelling. But what exactly makes these clichés so enduringly appealing, despite their predictability?

Romantic clichés in movies have a long history. Think of the classic ‘damsel in distress‘ rescued by a dashing hero, a trope that has evolved but still finds its way into modern narratives. These scenarios have been retold in countless ways over the years, adapting to contemporary settings but retaining their core essence. As they evolve, they continuously reflect both changes in society and a timeless yearning for romantic ideals.

They offer a sense of escapism, where everything is more straightforward, and conflicts are resolved in satisfying, often idealistic ways.

These clichés cater to our innate desire for love, adventure, and a happy ending, offering a temporary respite from the complexities of real life. The ‘knight in shining armor’ or the ‘grand romantic gesture’ might seem overdone, but they resonate because they touch upon our deep-seated desires and fantasies. [Read: Prince charming traits that make girls swoon]

Romantic and Movie Clichés That Rarely Work in Real Life

We live, whether opinion considers it a good thing or not, in a highly media-obsessed world. The things we do, the thoughts we have, and the paths we take are all influenced to one extent or another by the media.

Newspapers, social media, blogs, TV, radio—the need to have someone else doing our thinking for us has never been more prevalent. Can this be a good thing, and can it work in the case of movies *specifically the rom-com* in guiding interpersonal relationships?

In some ways, no. Romantic comedies operate on tried and tested clichés that have little to no currency in the real world. You might take them into the dating arena, with the image of Richard Gere or Drew

Barrymore delivering the planned dialogue still fresh in mind, but honestly, things are not going to go as planned. The following examples of such clichés and their potential real-world pitfalls explain exactly why:

1. Worlds Apart

The ultimate classic romantic cliché: a gutter rat or street girl comes to the attention of a classy sophisticate of the opposite sex. As they fall in love, the lower class individual attempts to raise their game to fit in, but fails miserably and is made fun of by the silver spoon circuit.

In the final moments, the sophisticate spurns their peers to declare their undying love and the two ride off into the sunset. All is well and nice, but there’s no way this would happen in real life. Not usually, anyway.

Where there’s such disparity between the way two people have been brought up, no matter how initially charmed they are by the other’s alien manner, eventually the novelty will fade away.

Opposites can attract, but taking someone to the opera who’s cursing and swearing at the top of their voice, or going to a rough downtown pub accompanied by a cravat-wearing dandy is not a recipe for relationship success! [Read: Do opposites attract or push each other away? The must-know truths]

2. The Bumble

The hallmark of a certain Mr. Hugh Grant, the bumble is that endearingly charming way he has of stammering his way around a subject and coming to the conclusion with surprisingly effective aplomb.

For anyone thinking of trying the same stunt to impress a potential soul mate, we have one word of advice: don’t!

Forcing a stutter is not considered attractive *not now, not ever*, and you’re less likely to receive a smoldering kiss than a cold shoulder.

3. Love and Hate

In so many romantic cliches, you get that relationship between two feisty, outspoken types who appear to hate each other, but are secretly and slowly falling in love.

In the end, they kiss during the apex of a particularly violent argument and never look back; romantic bliss to the end of their days. [Read: Make up sex – how to feel hornier, naughtier, and closer after a fight in love]

However, if there’s someone you really don’t get with, and the rom-com has convinced you this might therefore be the partner of your dreams, think again.

Lunging in with a kiss during a vitriolic verbal exchange will result in embarrassment, humiliation, and a possible trip to the police station.

4. Always There

The perennially supportive friend who secretly holds out hope of a romantic conclusion is another stock cliché of the rom-com.

However, waiting for a friend to notice your extra-platonic merits is unlikely to secure you anything other than feelings of desperation, disillusionment, and bitterness. [Read: Unrequited love – 58 signs, types, and steps to get out of unreciprocated love]

5. The Quirk and the Jerk

That rom-com trope where there’s something a little unusual about the object of someone’s desires. A free-living hippie chick, a charming serial adulterer, or a charmless misanthrope.

In the movie, the straight player, at some point, either manages to ensnare them or save them, depending on the type.

In real life, however, please give this cliché a pass. Do you really want to end up with a quirk or jerk just because you saw a movie where it happened to turn out well?

They are annoying, irritating twerps, and you’ll be driven insane by them within three hours of the first date. Get real, people!

6. Physical Mismatch

This particular cliché revolves around a physically perfect Adonis or Aphrodite type who learns to overcome their shallowness to be with the person they love, despite their mismatched appearance.

Bad news everyone: this doesn’t happen in real life. The extraordinarily good-looking stick to their own, even when they’re not as dumb as sticks. Any move to deny this truth is almost certainly a lost cause. [Read: How to know your league in dating terms – focus on what truly matters]

7. The Late Bloomer

The romantic cliché that’s really a dreadful Hollywood offering. You know the sort of thing where the nerdy wannabe leading man or woman takes off their glasses at the end of the film, and by that very act becomes good-looking enough to win over the object of their desires immediately?

Well, here’s a newsflash: in the movies, the actor in question is already stunning. Taking off your glasses in the real world doesn’t make much of a difference at all. Stick to people who like you for you, and stop trying to be a poor man or woman’s Clark Kent!

8. Secret Identity

Even sillier than the last, this describes one of those typical rom-com clichés where someone ends up pretending to be something they’re not, sometimes by accident and sometimes by design, to win over the object of their affection.

If this is a course that you’re willing to pursue, then far be it from us to bring into question your mother and father’s parenting skills, but has no one ever told you that maintaining a prolonged lie is actually the wrong thing to do? Dishonesty has never been considered a legitimate way to win someone’s heart. [Read: 59 relationship lessons and honest love advice only experience can teach you]

9. Ridiculous Liaisons

What is it with rom-coms, where the guy and woman meet in the most ridiculous places? Broken-down elevators, house fires, prisons, muddy ponds… the list goes on.

Do we really need to point out why romance is unlikely to blossom in such places? Not to mention the fact that getting it on in these locations with someone of the opposite sex is more likely to land you in court than a bed of roses. Please, have some very strong words with yourself!

10. Rain Stops Play

Kissing in the rain? Really? If your other half is frantically trying to get under shelter before they ruin their fancy new threads, and you’re holding them for romantic ransom for some silly movie moment, you might just be getting that taxi home on your own!

11. The Grand Gesture

In nearly every romantic movie, there’s a moment where one character makes a wildly over-the-top display of affection, often in public. It’s the kind of thing that would probably get you a restraining order in real life, but in movie world, it’s pure gold.

Think standing outside with a boombox or renting a billboard to declare love. These grand gestures are a staple in the rom-com recipe, sending the misinformed message that when it comes to love, bigger is always better. [Read: 44 warm ways to say “I appreciate you” and show appreciation without words]

12. The Holiday Romance

Picture this: you’re on a holiday, away from the daily grind, and suddenly, amidst the exotic landscapes, you find ‘The One’.

The romance is intense and fast, like a holiday buffet—you want to try everything in a short time. But as the return ticket looms, reality knocks. Will it last beyond the tanned skin and sunset selfies? [Read: Vacation fling – 25 secrets to enjoy it and tips to get over a holiday romance]

Has this happened to you? Chances are probably not, because Hollywood is nothing like real life. If you go on every vacation expecting to make the return flight with your new love of your life, think again. This is another one of those romantic clichés that does nothing for us real-life twerps.

13. The Airport Dash

Someone is about to leave forever, they’re at the airport, and suddenly, their true love comes sprinting through the terminal. It’s a race against time and airport security. This cliché thrives on the thrill of last-minute confessions and the fantasy that love trumps flight schedules.

But have these movie writers ever been to an airport? Security isn’t going to care if you just have to confess your feelings to the love of your life, you’re not getting through TSA without a boarding pass!

14. The Amnesia Angle

Nothing says ‘romantic plot device’ quite like selective amnesia. After the accident *which is usually a cute bump on the head*, one character gets to rediscover their partner. It’s like a relationship do-over, but with the added drama of ‘will they still love me if they remember everything?’

This cliché often leads to a montage of re-dating, awkward reintroductions, and sometimes, hilarious misinterpretations of the past.

It’s a bittersweet journey that plays with the idea of loving someone for who they truly are, not just who we remember them to be.

But let’s be real, there is no traumatic injury that can be turned into a romantic rendezvous in the real world. [Read: Trauma bonding in relationships: 35 signs & secrets to unmask & escape]

15. The Fake Relationship

When has anyone ever been in a situation where the only thing they can do is pretend to date someone they hate? Literally no one, except just about every single person in rom-coms. It starts with a pact, usually sealed with a clumsy handshake or a desperate pinky swear.

The duo then awkwardly navigates family dinners, social events, and the occasional cozy moment that makes everyone go, “Aww.”

But as the line between ‘acting’ and ‘feeling’ blurs, both characters start wondering, “Is this still fake?” Well, only in the sense that this romantic cliché would never play out in real life.

What’s so wrong with being single that you have to pretend to be dating someone? [Read: 28 big myths and huge benefits of being single girls must know and remember]

16. Love Triangle Troubles

It’s the romantic equivalent of choosing between chocolate and vanilla—both are great, but which one makes the heart beat faster?

This cliché is a staple in romantic narratives, coming up again and again in every rom-com film that comes out. There’s the safe, reliable choice and the wild, passionate bad boy/girl.

But most people don’t have the patience to wait around for someone to pick through their many options. In the real world, if the person they’re dating has their eyes on someone else, the majority of people would cut their losses and find someone who isn’t so busy humming and hawing. [Read: Love triangle: Why it’s sexy, fun, painful & complicated all at once]

Movie Clichés That Surprisingly Reflect Real Life

Wait a minute, let’s hit the pause button! Before we start rolling our eyes at every over-the-top romantic and movie cliché, it’s time for a plot twist. What if we told you that some of these eye-rolling, popcorn-munching tropes actually mirror real life more closely than you’d think?

Yep, you read that right! We’re not here to throw shade on all those tried-and-true formulas that have been filling up our screens—sometimes, life really does imitate art!

1. The Chance Reunion

You know that movie cliché where high school sweethearts bump into each other years later and sparks fly? Surprisingly, this isn’t just for the silver screen. In real life, people often cross paths again, and with nostalgia as a powerful force, those old flames can reignite.

It’s true what they say; right people, wrong time. [Read: Do long distance relationships work? 48 truths to know if it’ll work or not]

2. The Awkward First Date

Rom-coms love to show us first dates filled with spilled drinks, awkward silences, or accidentally calling your date by your ex’s name. And guess what?

It happens in real life too, more often than you’d think. You have probably been in one, too. It’s a reminder that dating can be a comedy of errors, and sometimes you just have to laugh it off.

3. The Misunderstood Text Message

It’s such a classic romantic cliché, a text message leads to a huge misunderstanding and temporarily derails the budding romance. In the era of digital communication, this is totally relatable.

Who hasn’t over-analyzed a text or sent something to the wrong person? It’s the modern-day equivalent of the classic intercepted love letter. [Read: 23 secrets to tell a guy you like him over text, big mistakes, and must knows]

4. The Work Romance

Just like in the movies, office romances are a real thing. From sharing a cubicle wall to sharing coffee breaks, the workplace sets the stage for many real-life romances.

It’s the perfect mix of convenience and constant contact, peppered with a dash of ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’.

5. The Second Chance at Love

Often in movies, characters get a second chance at love later in life, and it’s just as heartwarming in reality.

Life can throw curveballs, and finding love again after loss or heartbreak is a tale as old as time, proving that it’s never too late for a happy ending. [Read: Dating a widower – 30 tips, hard parts, and signs they’re ready to date you]

6. The Meet-cute

Those quirky, adorable first meetings in movies aren’t just fictional. Real life is full of stumbling into someone while rounding a corner, or bonding over a mistakenly grabbed coffee. It’s these unexpected moments that sometimes kickstart the most memorable relationships.

They’re not likely to happen in an elevator or the corridors of a hospital, mind you, but there are more conventional ways to meet people.

7. The Supportive Sidekick

In many rom-coms, there’s a best friend offering sage advice or comic relief. In real life, friends play a crucial role in our love lives, whether it’s offering a shoulder to cry on or an honest, sometimes brutal, perspective on our romantic choices.

With that said, unlike the sidekicks in rom-coms, our real friends do have lives that don’t revolve around us.

8. The Shared Interest Bond

Many movie romances blossom over a shared passion, be it cooking, art, or dog walking. This is totally true to life.

Common interests lay a fantastic foundation for real-world relationships, proving that sometimes, it really is about finding someone who loves weird documentaries or karaoke as much as you do. [Read: 65 couples activities and fun things to do that’ll make you feel closer than ever]

The Lesson: Don’t Take Notes on These Romantic Clichés

It just goes to show you: when it comes to love, you’ve got to be your own man or woman. Whatever movie tropes you see in romantic comedies, take note that these are for entertainment purposes, and are not lessons to be applied in real life!

They’re a fun escape, a way to dream and laugh, but at the end of the day, real relationships are about genuine connection and understanding, not just grand gestures or serendipitous encounters.

[Read: Three loves theory – what it means and the 15 huge lessons each love teaches you]

In the world of film, romantic clichés serve as the backbone of many heartwarming tales. They draw us into a universe where anything is possible, where every rain-soaked kiss or accidental meeting can lead to a happily ever after. While it’s enjoyable to get lost in these movie clichés for a couple of hours, real-life romance writes its own unique script, often far from the silver screen’s sparkling allure.

The post Romantic Clichés: What Rarely Works in Real Life & Those That Surprisingly Do is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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