Tuesday 18 June 2024

Skilled Seducer of the Month, June 2024: DoWhatWorks

Skilled Seducer of the Month: DoWhatWorksSkilled Seducer DoWhatWorks talks his origins, troubleshooting day game, and managing a rotation of girls… plus his clever, unique game tactics.

Our Skilled Seducer of the Month for June 2024 is DoWhatWorks, who hails from the United Kingdom. DWW had made a name for himself in the seduction community thanks to his tightly written lay reports and equally crisp seduction guides.

DWW’s chipper personality and energetic approach give him a distinctive style. He’s learned from everyone, tried out everything, and kept what works – hence the name. As a high-ranking contributor to the Skilled Seducer Forum, he’s aided many aspiring seducers in turn to better do what works for them.


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