Monday, 30 September 2024

Why Do Girls Always Seem to Go for the Wrong Guys?

why does she keep choosing the wrong men?Women have terrible taste in men. They keep going for the wrong guys again and again. But WHY do girls date the wrong guys? Hint: because they AREN’T wrong!

The single biggest source of frustration and cognitive dissonance for many men is the tendency of girls to date the wrong guys, time and again. A comment from a reader on a recent article of mine sums this up:

I quote myself: "If we know one thing for sure it’s that women rarely ever make the “right” decision for them, at least not what they had in mind." The meaning behind this sentence was and is, that women would rather be with someone who is "bad" on paper than someone who is supposedly a "perfect" match. It's why again I questioned the whole being cautious part you mentioned. In my experience women aren't cautious, they just like to make most men think they are in order to date the guys they really desire.

All too often, women choose unreliable bad boys who neglect them, fail to dote on them, avoid commitment to them, and not uncommonly cheat on them! This seems like terrible decision making from the nice guy point of view.

why do I keep attracting all the wrong ones, is it me?A nice male Redditor in his 30s laments attracting so many 30-something women “ready to settle down” after being jettisoned by bad boy exes.


nice guy bat signalThe Nice Guy Bat Signal


When I first found the seduction community in 2005, nice men were deeply flummoxed over this intractable poor decision making women seemed to have in their mate selection. Years later, men in the red pill community continue to harp on this same exact point – the very one friend zoned men have long lamented.

why do women have such awful taste in entertainment

It seems – to the uninitiated – as if most women have absolutely terrible romantic decision making skills.

Yet, as we shall see in this article, women know exactly what they’re doing.

There’s a reason girls go for the wrong guys and date bad boys instead of nice, safe, dependable men. (crazy as that may sound!)

Sunday, 29 September 2024

A Quick Sneak Peek of My Upcoming "How to Tease" System

Lush Teases Method™Want to tease girls much, much better? My upcoming “Lush Teases” Method™ will teach you just that – and get girls laughing their ways into your bedroom…

Pretty much since I started Girls Chase, guys have been asking me to explain to them how to be funny, how to tell jokes, how to tease girls expertly, and so on.

I have gotten asked this so much that even though it is probably one of the hardest things to teach, I have made numerous efforts over the years to explain how to tease girls, craft one-liners, and use wit and playfulness effectively. I even shot a couple of videos on it.

But I am still getting guys asking about humor, or talking about how they have trouble using humor to the desired effect. When I see how they are using their humor, it is obvious they aren’t grasping the foundations of WHAT makes humor work with women.

So, I’ve put together a new system that teaches men how to create humor that seduces women from the open all the way up through to intimacy (and beyond).

I’m calling it ‘LUSH’.

Feeling, Building, and Managing Sexual Tension with Women

creating & managing sexual tension with girlsSome things raise sexual tension with women – like eye contact and silence – while others (joking, talking) release it. Plus: how to rebuild lost tension.

This post by PrettyDecent originally appeared on our forum here.

Hey fellas,

Thought I’d throw a quick post to the boards before heading out for the evening ;)

When I first started this journey (meeting women), I’d talk to a lot of women, and I was getting laughs and comfort pretty quickly. But when I grabbed their phone number, they generally weren’t answering or were pretty stubborn about planning a date.

Of course, the reason for flaking and bad numbers isn’t the same for everyone – but sexual tension is a key part in making any interaction move forward.

She needs to feel some initial spark of attraction before she complies with you.

So hopefully this post shall shed some light for folks struggling here!

The keywords are tension and pressure. When you’re in a conversation with a girl, she should be feeling nervous around you. And here’s the secret: you ought to be feeling nervous, too! Why is this? Because tension is felt by both people, but one cracks during the pressure, and the other puts up a face of calm.

If you’ve ever heard of the game “chicken”, you’ll know what I mean – two people in their cars drive toward each other in a potential head-on collision to see who will bow out first. The guy can win and the girl will continue to feel (more) sexual attraction toward him, or he’ll lose and be that much closer to the friend zone.

Here are some examples.

Friday, 27 September 2024

How to Show Disinterest in a Girl and Attract Her Deeply

disinterest that drives attractionShowing disinterest in a girl is a powerful way to drive up her interest in you. Yet there are only a few good ways to do this – and you must do it correct.

Hey guys. Welcome back to my series on showing disinterest in girls (the follow-on to my series on the indirect approach).

Last week, we discussed why showing disinterest is crucial when interacting with a new girl. Although we covered some elements about how to do this last week, we will delve deeper today.

Showing disinterest serves two purposes:

  1. It lets you respond to a girl’s tests

  2. It increases compliance

Let’s discuss how to show disinterest and calibrate it properly.

Every Guy Skilled with Women Has Nuance

on having a nuanced view of womenThe average man tends to fall into over-simplistic thinking on girls. Men who are highly skilled with women, however, view girls in a far more nuanced way.

I’ve been spending a little time on just to see if it is possible for us to build that out more as another channel to reach a bigger audience. I’ll probably play around with it a few more weeks at least to see if we can get traction, then reassess if it’s worth continuing to bother with (or not).

But while I’m there, one of the things they tell you to do if you want to grow on X is to interact with a bunch of other larger accounts every day. The reason is that regular users will see you posting, grow acquainted with you, check you out if they like your stuff, and follow you. Over time, you build up an audience on the platform.

As I do this ‘homework’, reading these various other accounts’ takes on women and dating, then read the replies, it reminds me once again how little nuance there is in the vast majority of men’s conceptions of women.

The nice guy ‘blue pilled’ guys think women are basically like “men with vaginas.” They expect women are as driven and capable as men are at doing all the things men like best, that women hold essentially masculine values/virtues, and that women basically think like men, albeit colored through the lens of feminine experience. A few weeks doing cold approach would completely disabuse them of these ideas.

Then on the other side the (often bitter) ‘red pilled’ and ‘black pilled’ guys also engage in gross over-simplifications about women, but in the total opposite direction. Women to these men are irrational, self-interested succubi. Women are coldly focused on getting the best-looking, or highest status, or richest, or most confident man they can get (depending on the biases of the man sharing his opinion); any man who does not measure up is basically driftwood. In these guys’ cases, a few weeks of cold approach would also disabuse them of much of this – although only once they’re getting results (and not just one-night stands with psycho chicks!).

This kind of thinking (the blue pill guys, red pill guys, and black pill guys) is fine so long as a man is content hanging around in the peanut gallery, firing off opinions for the consumption of others who are also in the peanut gallery.

But the instant he wants to be in the arena – and actually succeeding with women in a repeatable, engineerable way – he has to throw this stuff out.

He has to learn to see nuance.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Generation Z Is Ditching Dating Apps. So Where Do They Get Dates?

Where's Generation Z Getting Its Dates?Members of Generation Z are 15% less likely to meet their dates on dating apps. Instead, they’ve turned to friends, work, and real-life events to find love.

I’ve been telling folks to quit using dating apps so darn much for a long time.

Older folks have stubbornly ignored this advice. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks! 74% of dating app users are ages 30+. When you consider the fact that the average American is married by age 30, that’s a whole lotta divorcés, lifelong bachelors, and spinsters on these apps… and not very many young & singles by comparison.

online dating service users in the United States as of September 2023, by age groupThe prime demographic for dating apps is less and less interested.

Partly, that is because Generation Z has been abandoning dating apps in droves.

As Time Magazine aptly notes

Given that Gen-Z currently includes 18 to 27 year olds, one would assume they would be prime candidates for the swipe-and-match of dating apps. But that’s not the case. Despite the growing trend of dating apps being where people go to find partners in the U.S., Gen-Z seems to be opting out.

The New York Times reports that “the two largest dating-app companies are facing serious problems with younger users.” It lists reasons given by Gen Zers on TikTok, Reddit, and Instagram such as:

  • Swiping feeling too transactional & unnatural
  • Distrust in profit-oriented dating companies
  • Being sick of fake profiles on apps
  • Disinterest in hookup culture
  • Better ways to meet people (& for free) exist

“In my opinion, dating apps are for people who are kind of desperate for something,” the Times quotes 28-year-old schoolteacher Alexa Valavicius as saying. Remember in 2015 when everybody said online dating was no longer for desperate people – it had gone mainstream? Well the ol’ ‘desperation reputation’ has begun to creep back in!

The author of the Times article, Gina Cherelus, notes she “realized that being on the apps gave the illusion that I was putting effort into my dating life, when really I was spending a couple hours a week swiping for 30 minutes and calling it a day. And my self-confidence was taking a hit.” She continues

Surprisingly, I find that my dating life is more active since giving up the apps in the fall of 2022. Knowing that I’ve eliminated them as an option to meet people has made me more inclined to engage in conversation with a stranger at a cafe, bookshop or house party.

In other words, ditching dating apps made her more social, and more open to men’s approaches.

Fortune reported on Bumble slashing 1/3 of its workforce in late 2024. The article paraphrases a research analyst as saying, “The redesign of the app has seemingly not been enough to court younger users.” Bumble lost $40 billion in market share value between 2021 and 2024.

But if Generation Z is flocking off the dating apps, where are they going now to look for love (or flings)?

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Tactics Tuesdays: Baby Step Approaching (for Severe Approach Anxiety or Rust)

super baby steps to get you approaching girlsIf you’re having a tough time getting yourself to approach women, these are the 7 steps you need. In 30 minutes, you’ll OBLITERATE your approach anxiety.

Sub-Zero, our long-struggling reader, recently requested an even simpler way to dip your toes into the ‘approach girls’ pool than our Newbie Assignment:

3. Do you have baby steps for approaching with the newbie assignment or just approaching in general? I need the most simplest, easiest way to approach because for some reason I can’t do it. I can talk when girls talk to me, but anything with me having to start the convo or me having to carry the convo and close, I just can’t do it.

I know you thought I meant in general and thought I was ok with night clubs, I’m better there, but after being out the game for so long, I just can’t open, carry the convo, or close, especially for day game.

All right, so here are the SUPER BABY STEPS for making an approach on a girl.

If your approach anxiety is crippling or you’re so rusted over your approach muscles won’t budge an inch, this is the guide you want to follow.

This is what I use personally to jump into action any time I’ve acquired some rust and need to get back to it. This also allows you to get into gear pretty quick, assuming you have some prior approaching experience.

If you don’t have prior experience approaching women, you don’t have to go through all this – just go up to the level you are comfortable with. Then try to go a little further the next time.

Monday, 23 September 2024

[FREE BOOK] 10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase You

10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase YouGet girls to laugh, follow you, and fight for your attention with these nonverbal chasing tricks. If you have an X/Twitter account, I’ll send the book FREE.

Howdy gents.

I’ve got a cool new mini book written up for you. The title?

10 Nonverbal Tricks that Get Girls to Chase You!

I’m making the book available for $4.99.

However, if you have an X/Twitter account, the book is completely free.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

How to Become a High Status Hero in Your Social Circle Scene

how to become popular in your sceneYou’ve joined a new scene with new people. How do you rise to the top and break into the ‘in’ crowd? Follow these 9 popularity rules & you WILL get there!

This post by MonsieurLabrie originally appeared on our forum here.

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (Logistics Research Done)

The Roses of Romantic Attraction: Logistics ResearchChase has wrapped Rose VIII and started into Rose IX. He covers some snags finishing up Rose VIII, and his success uncovering research on logistics for IX.

It’s been two weeks since my previous update on my upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction.

This is the book where I compile all the current research on how men and women attract one another and fit it into a usable system for both sexes. A potent, usable, and deep guidebook to attracting desirable mates.

There are tons of “how to get dates” and “how to get laid” books out there teaching this or that guru’s particular method. There are tons of academic papers out there that cover individual elements of the attraction process.

No one has ever put together a book that drills down to the fundamentals of romantic attraction; one that goes beyond a specific teacher’s method and instead explains the universal attraction elements that every teacher’s method is based upon; one every published paper examines one or another aspect of.

That’s what RoRA is: it is the attraction Bible.

For more on the start of the project and why I’m writing it, see my prior update.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Why Showing Disinterest in Girls Is So Deadly Effective

showing disinterest in girls: the frame-setting secret weaponMost guys work hard to show women how interested they are. So why would you want to show a girl DISinterest? Just one reason: to raise HER interest in YOU!

Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing well.

Last week, I discussed showing interest by using indirect game to attract women.

A common misconception with indirect game is that you are overly aloof without showing any interest, relying on displaying disinterest. Although there is some truth to this, most go-to formulas of indirect game involve showing interest—sooner rather than later.

You should eventually escalate the vibe, creating an “us” frame. This is a “you and me together” vibe, adding a romantic and sexual layer to the interaction. For more, see my article from last week, which discusses ways to show interest.

Showing interest also helps avoid unnecessary auto-rejections. You do not want a girl to prematurely eject herself from the interaction to safeguard her ego. By showing some interest, you keep her in the loop, giving her a sign of hope that she has a shot at getting you.

Today, I will cover when to show disinterest—an essential indirect game factor. You will learn to show disinterest in ways to maintain her curiosity in you by:

  • Showing disinterest in a way that does not de-escalate the vibe

  • Showing disinterest without causing auto-rejection

Next week, I will go through the different ways to show disinterest.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Girls on the Prowl Find Men Handsomer

girls on the prowl find men hotterResearch shows that women who want to meet a man rate men handsomer in general. When she’s on the prowl, EVERY guy’s a Prince Charming to her!

I know a lot of guys are very focused on their looks.

So this study should be intriguing. From the study:

It was found that the more interested women were in meeting members of the opposite sex, the more attractive they viewed the opposite-sex patrons in the bar. (Interest was not found to affect the attractiveness of the opposite-sex confederate.) For men, no relationship was found between interest and physical attractiveness ratings.

Regarding the “opposite-sex confederate” bit: the researchers paired men and women up with an average-looking opposite-sex companion and sent them to a bar together. They wanted to see if the ‘beer goggles’ effect was real.

They found that it for women it wasn’t. As the night went on, women rated men’s looks worse – both the looks of the guy they went there with and the other patrons in the bar. Further, the drunker women got, the harsher critics they were of the looks of men!

(men, for the record, rated other female bar patrons the same at the beginning and end of the night – however they rated the average-looking girl they came with a whopping 19% better-looking by the end of the night!)

The one exception to the harsh judgments women made: women who were on the prowl.

The more a girl was out to meet men, the better-looking the guys in the bar looked to her.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Tactics Tuesdays: Stating Your Intentions (with an SOI)

using statements of intentThe statement of intent (SOI) is a powerful tool in the seducer’s arsenal. Combined with a barrier it can be used to dramatically push a seduction forward.

A common problem guys have chatting up new girls is “stalling out.” That’s what we call it when you approach a girl, open her, she seems receptive, you flirt a little bit… and then this whole vibe of, “Okay, so… where’s this going to?” settles over the interaction.

Then it gets awkward.

Then you hear, “Well, it was nice to meet you!” and the girl ejects.

Maybe she liked you!

Maybe it could’ve gone somewhere!

But it didn’t, because she couldn’t figure out where things were headed next, and you failed to lead. How DO you lead properly and avoid having interactions with girls stall out this way?

One way to do it is by stating your intentions (a.k.a. stating your interest).

What Makes Women Signal a Man to Approach?

conditions for triggering approach invitations from girlsIf you look good as a guy but women still don’t signal you to approach, what gives? In fact, there’s more that goes into women signaling than a man’s looks.

Commenting on my article “Should You Even Respond to Women's Signs of Interest?”, Sami-88 asked about why, despite his excellent fashion and attraction fundamentals, and warm receptions from all kinds of women, he doesn’t get much in the way of pre-approach signals from attractive women.

I responded that if (as seems to be the case for Sami) you’re getting midrange girls signaling you but not hotter girls, but all girls (including hotter girls) are still warm to you on approach, there are a few possible reasons that can be.

He followed up with the following comment:


Thank you for your sophisticated answer. My look is that of the mysterious strong silent guy - the exact opposite of “goofy”.

It must be that hotter girls signal in a much more indirect way, like you write in your other article, and expect from a masculine guy to take all the initiative irrespectively of their signaling.

Food for thought for another article of yours: could there be a correlation between women’s signaling and the man’s perceived attainability?

Sweet, attainable guys might get heavy signaling more than “strong, silent” guys because women expect the latter to do the job without any help.

Yes, it is true – unintimidating men get much more signaling and even approach behavior from women. This relates to the lover vs. fighter distinction: do you come across as someone trying to attract (the lover) or someone trying to look tough (the fighter)?

That said, it also goes beyond this distinction, too – into where a man places his focus and whether he meets the ‘conditions’ for triggering approach invitations and female approaches.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Skilled Seducer of the Month, September 2024: Hue

Skilled Seducer of the Month: HueLearn about picking up girls fast from parties, beach bars, and music festivals with Hue, our Skilled Seducer of the Month of September 2024.

This month we interview Hue, a long-time Skilled Seducer Forum member who’s recently been on an absolute tear, bedding one girl after another. His wild reports and weekend benders have plenty to teach – and in this discussion, we looked at just what Hue’s been doing to pull such awesome results.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Showing Interest in Girls: The Indirect Approach

setting the stage for seduction in an indirect approachShowing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.

Hi guys and welcome back.

I have recently been writing about the indirect approach, discussing indirect approach benefits and indirect approach styles. Today, I want to cover how to show interest in women using indirect game.

How do you show interest indirectly? This can be confusing:

  1. If indirect game is about not revealing your cards, how does that mesh with the necessity of showing interest in a girl?

  2. When should you show interest?

  3. How should you show disinterest? And when?

  4. Will a girl know I am interested in her if I hold back my interest in her? Or should I only show it subtly?

  5. Will I appear weak or unconfident by hiding my interest when she has good reasons to suspect I like her? Would it be preferable to “spill the beans” and be direct and confident?

Even if you have answers to some of these, you may only know some of the answers. The answers to these questions can be subtle.

I will tackle questions one and two today and, in the following weeks, move on to the others.

In my last two posts, I briefly mentioned showing interest when using indirect game. Today, I talk about this in more depth.

Let’s jump into it.

Friday, 13 September 2024

How Energetic to Be When Approaching a New Girl

having the right energy in your approachesCan you just approach a girl in a low energy, monotone way? Nope. You want to aim to come in energetic, outgoing, adventurous, playful, and fun.

One of the least-discussed but most important aspects of approaching girls is energy level. When guys come in timid, nervous, hesitant, monotone, shy, or bored, they usually flop. This is something you are VERY aware of as a practiced seducer, yet very few men realize starting out.

The other day, a forum member posted this video on our forum, along with the comment, “This guy is quite Chad-like; tall, buff, and handsome. Kinda debunks the BP [black pill] theory of ‘all girls wanna bang Chad’.”

He asked where this guy got his approach wrong. I gave a quick breakdown (props to him for trying and posting his videos; yet this guy still has lots of room for improvement) here. Some of the worst are his opening angles and his liberal use of neo-direct.

However, the absolute biggest thing he is fudging is in his vibe: his voice is monotone, his openers are generic and un-grabbing, his body language is defensive, and (as Will_V pointed out in that thread) he leaves loads of awkward pauses in his conversation.

He comes across unconfident and low energy in his approach, and it’s reflected in how women receive him.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Should You Even Respond to Women's Signs of Interest?

are women's signs of interest worth the trouble?Women signal their interest in men often. But there’s some debate: is it worth paying ATTENTION to women’s signs of interest or not? It is… sometimes.

On the forum, I have a thread entitled “Sexually inexperienced men need time and exposure to receptive women to learn to sense and respond to receptive women’s signals.” It references my article that asks why most men can’t see girls’ signs of interest and links up several studies on mice and hamsters that find inexperienced males are bad at reading the signs of receptive female mice and hamsters.

Just like humans, it takes other male mammals time and experience to learn to read signs of receptivity and know how to respond to them.

We’ve had some interesting discussion on that thread, but I want to address a recent comment from user ChrisXKiss. He asks

Chase regarding this, how much does it really translate to results with women?

I always wondered, because even when I seemed to get attention, I would go open and the whole dynamic would change to: Oh so you do like me? Cute, but don’t expect much more.

It felt a bit like there was no point to carefully pay attention to indicators of interest, since they didn’t translate much to results anyway.

It’s probably because after I approach my attention is on the girl, I just want to get to know her and especially if she has given me a sign of interest I do this faster, since I know that the attraction is there anyway. Then I suppose it feels like I am too eager.

Maybe I should change my mindset when noticing signs, because my immediate reaction is: Ok this one likes me, let’s do this. I think they feel I approach them only because I saw the sign and think it will be easy, so they try to make it difficult.

But it’s difficult to even use signs of interest with girls I really like, since I notice them right away, and if I don’t go to approach immediately, it feels like I am waiting around trying to find a chance to talk to them. I think they feel I am interested from the get go, so they don’t give any signs, and the more time I spend not opening the more unattractive I become.

I know I should just not pay attention to them that much if I want them chasing, but it’s difficult when I see hot girls around to not take a look and check them out. I started doing it to overcome the shy barrier of not looking at people and sexualising women, but maybe I should force myself to stop.

So I am wondering what is even the correct way to take notice of them, since being aloof doesn’t really work either. Is it bad to show when you look at them that they really excite you? I think with the hottest ones they just see it in my eyes right at the open or even before.

I guess advice can also be conflicting sometimes, since I know that both your approach and Hector’s work, that said they are different as you mentioned, so sometimes I am wondering whether for example I am not showing my desire in the right way, or I should just not even show it up front, and I go back and forth, with neither really landing.

There’s a lot in there, but if we bullet out his questions/comments, they’d be:

  • How much does getting attention from women really translate to results?

  • Girls who give him attention, whom he then opens, feel validated then lose interest.

  • He fears he may be coming in too eager when he approaches girls.

  • Maybe it’s difficult to use signs of interest with girls you really like.

  • It’s hard not to check out hot girls when he sees them.

  • Being aloof also does not work.

I want to talk about these here (and try to make it concise because I’m a bit short on time at the moment). To do so, we need to differentiate between sincere signs of interest vs. signs of interest solely aimed at gaining male attention and validation.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

When to Let Girls CHASE You vs. When to Take the LEAD

her chasing vs. you leadingIt’s a lot of fun when a cute girl’s chasing you. But when and how do you make the switch to taking the lead with a girl who is in pursuit?

On my article about what to do when girls won’t sleep with you at your place, R comments:

Some articles emphasize leading, but other articles (and the name of the site) emphasize making her chase. To me they seem mutually exclusive. Is there any rule or principle on when each is applicable?

It’s a good question.

As I responded to R in that comment section, you can think of chasing as an implicit form of leading.

Observe a woman with a man chasing after her. He pursues, pursues, pursues… and at last she relents and tells him, “All right, you may buy me a drink.” He buys her the drink.

Who is leading and who is following?

Would you say the man is leading?

Obviously not, no. It is the woman – she led him to chase her, then she told him when he was allowed to invest, then told him exactly what to do.

At any point in a real seduction, you must be able to switch between making girls chase you (implicit leadership) vs. explicitly instructing them on what to do / moving things forward directly yourself (explicit leadership).

This can be a delicate balance to maintain, though – and many guys miss one half of the equation or the other.

Monday, 9 September 2024

"Women Are Such Sluts and Have Awful Taste in Men"

total slut? awful taste in men?Does it seem like women are out there slutting it up, picking the worst men, because their taste in men is just so poor? Is that real… or is it illusion?

Commenting on my article “How Girls Think“, a reader named Walter remarked the following:

You, and pretty much every dating expert or PUA always portray women as cautious beings who judge every move you make and put every word of your’s on a scale. If that were true how come women sleep with many men? How come they complain about almost every man they have slept with and return to the “toxic” men they have been with? If we know one thing for sure it’s that women rarely ever make the “right” decision for them, at least not what they had in mind. So how can men really pay attention to their sigins when their signs are contradicting?

I hear stuff like this a lot pouring out of the red pill side of the Internet. It’s definitely fantastic rage bait and gets men stirred up into all kinds of inflamed passions.

Is it true? Are women, like Walter insists, all big sluts who go around shagging tons of men while also having atrocious taste in men and annoyingly complaining endlessly about said atrocious taste?

Well, women sure do complain a lot, I’ll give you that.

However, this perception of women as giant sluts with awful taste in men, as you will soon see, is dramatically amplified online (the matrix) far beyond offline reality by a certain few parties who (mostly) unintentionally blow it up: pickup artists, red pill figures, as well as women themselves.

Am I saying women themselves make themselves come across far looser and sluttier with far worse taste in men than they in fact actually have?

Yes indeed I am!

Come along on a wild ride with me and I’ll show you just how.

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (LTR Investment Strategies)

the Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report 8.1Progress report on Chase Amante’s upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction. Right now we’re in Rose VIII: Compliance. The latest: LTR investment strategies.

Are you ready for a deeper, more intuitive, more actionable grasp of romantic attraction than any pickup artist, academic researcher, or self-help guru to ever live?

This is the first progress update I’m posting to Girls Chase on my now-over-one-year-in-the-writing new romantic attraction mastery tome, Roses of Romantic Attraction.

If it’s the first you’re hearing about it, I’ve posted a few previous progress updates on the forum here (you’ll need to be a forum member to read that thread). The book’s intended to be timeless, comprehensive, extremely useful, and unfailingly accurate – drawing upon not just my own extensive experience with girls, with picking girls’ brains, with teaching 10s of thousands of other men to excel with girls, and of running the highest traffic men’s dating advice website in history – but also upon thousands of scientific studies of romantic attraction too.

All boiled down into a simple-to-understand, point-by-point guide to total romantic mastery.

Friday, 6 September 2024

5 Benefits to Using the Indirect Approach with Girls

benefits to the indirect approachThe indirect approach sometimes gets mischaracterized as “not bold.” But that’s not what it is at all. The truth is, it features numerous key benefits over the more direct approach.

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.

I’ve posted extensively on indirect game. We define this as a game approach when the seducer holds back on showing interest, usually seducing a girl indirectly and covertly, withholding his display of interest until the time is right. He shows interest after she has returned interest. Then, he reflects her level of interest and calibrates accordingly. If the girl shows more interest, so will the guy; if she shows less, that’s what he does. It’s a smooth way to pick up women that provides tremendous control.

If you have followed me over the years, you know that this is my preferred game style. I have shared posts on this subject about how to use this style. See the following for more.

I have also discussed indirect game indirectly (pun intended) in other articles. However, there are many factors within indirect game that I still need to cover, including the different aspects of indirect game and how to show interest when using this game style.

So, today, I will discuss the reasons why I prefer it.

Keep reading. You may learn a thing or two about indirect game.

How to Act Around Average Girls When You're Sexy

how to act around Plain JanesIf you’re an attractive or sexy man, Plain Janes can be tough. Try your normal approach on them and they get RUDE! Instead, use the “light touch.”

I had a conversation recently where I heard this story:

[A few years back] I went out with my college buddy and his girlfriend’s friend group and there was a girl in there who was a VERY GENEROUS 7. The other better looking ones were taken. They tried to set me up when we all went out and she made sure to make a public spectacle of voicing she was very NOT interested and shot me down. Absolutely infuriating dude because you and I both know what was going on there, but to a super unaware seducer like my buddy (just your typical goes all in on a girl who shows him any attention at all type, he’s married to that girl now) it looks like you’re an unattractive slob because a mid 7 shoots you down so hard.

The guy telling this story is a good-looking dude with solid game who shags hot girls off of dating apps on the regular. He not infrequently has girls tell him he is “very handsome” or “could be a model.” He also has a solid sense of humor. He is not some doddering Quasimodo.

Nevertheless, some years back this borderline cute girl shot him down publicly in front of his friends and made him look like an unsexy loser.

At the time, he didn’t understand why – and as she and he were the only single people in the group, it made for a very awkward outing with friends. Coupled with the dry spell he’d been on at the time, and the drinking he ended up doing that evening, he told me he “hit rock bottom” later that night.

The “vicious average girl who nastily shoots you down” phenomenon is not reserved for men with male-model looks though. It’s something I’ve experienced plenty of times, and have talked with other guys about them having experienced too.

Believe it or not, there’s a reliable solution to it that makes it so these girls stop treating you in such a rude way – but you have to understand the psychology behind why they do it, first.

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

What's Up with Pickup Artists Becoming Crypto Founders?

PUA to crypto broThere’s a trend where former pickup artists become cryptocurrency founders and gurus. What on Earth is the relationship between these two disparate fields?

There’s a story making the rounds online now about how the Trump team is joining up with a cryptocurrency borrowing and lending service called World Liberty Financial. The lede is that some of the executives previously headed up a hacked crypto app – and one of them is a former pickup artist.

The former pickup artist in question is Zachary Folkman, once known as Zach Bauer, previously of Real Social Dynamics (RSD). Along with Rob Judge, Zach founded Date Hotter Girls, an in-field pickup company with a website that’s still online (unlike many from that era), though its last blog post was in 2016… and its products page is defunct (no coaching on offer anymore either).

As far as cryptocurrency hacks go, a $2 million hack (which is what their previous app was hacked to the tune of) is pretty pedestrian.

The more interesting thing to me is how yet another pickup artist is involved in running a project in the cryptocurrency space. Why do PUAs keep ending up becoming crypto founders & execs?

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

If You Have Motivation or Libido Problems, Stop Jerking Off & Smoking Weed

unmotivated? low libido? stop jerking off and smoking pot!Dudes keep announcing all these motivation and sex drive difficulties… and then it turns out they jerk off and smoke weed. Well, duh! Knock that trash off!

Over the years I have had countless guys come to me in article comment sections, on the forum, or elsewhere to complain they are having all these problems

  • Getting motivated to go pick up girls

  • Projecting sexual intent with girls

  • Getting a firm erection with girls

  • Maintaining a normal libido & sex drive

  • Not being overly emotional with girls

We spend all this time troubleshooting, talking about various fixes to these problems but the guys still can’t get around them.

Then it comes out these guys are jerking off all the time and smoking marijuana.

And I am like, “Well, duh! Why are we even talking about other solutions then? Why didn’t you just say that FIRST?”

Apparently, a lot of men do not realize that jerking off all the time and smoking marijuana negatively impacts your ambition, energy, libido, erection firmness, and sexual prowess.

So let’s just be real clear about that now:

Frequent masturbation and/or frequent marijuana toking corrodes your drive and sex energy.

Monday, 2 September 2024

Frames & Frame Control, Simply Explained

frames explainedFrames (as used in the social & seductive arts) may appear abstract. Yet they’re key to human interaction. He who controls the frame gets the dame.

I started a thread on our forum asking members what concepts in seduction they struggled to grasp. One that came up repeatedly was about frames: frame control, frame grabbing, and simply frames themselves.

Frame is a key concept in pickup. Like all concepts, you don’t have to technically understand the concept to figure out how to do it. A lot of naturals are frame control masters who would not know what you were talking about (at least at first) if you started telling them they had ironclad, magnetic ‘frames’.

To help you really grasp what frames are and how to use them, we’re going to take a closer look at this powerful-but-abstract psychological concept.

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