Sunday, 30 June 2024

Social Circle Isolation via Eye Contact and Touch

isolating girls in social circle gatheringsIsolating a girl during a social circle gathering where everyone sees everything is tricky. Use Ross’s eye contact flirting + touch technique to make it happen.

This post by Ross originally appeared on the forum here.

So, you're out and about with some friends messing around and doing God knows what, but this one girl met this other awesome girl and they are hanging out. She decides to bring that girl (who happens to be attractive) and you all hang out.

What do you do if you want to get this girl into a relationship, especially a sexual one?

What I have been using for some time now is an eye contact technique. You're set up in this group situation, and let’s say y'all are just messing around in someone's room. You want to create something personal and 1 on 1 with a girl, so anything vocal is out of the question, as your friends can hear it. So my solution? Eye contact and touch.

Saturday, 29 June 2024

Pooping at Your Boyfriend’s House: 25 Girl’s Guide to Sneaky Bathroom Moves!

Worried about the bathroom situation after sleeping over at your guy’s place? Here are ways to get away with pooping at your boyfriend’s house.

taking a shit in your boyfriend's house

It is truly amazing, some of the things girls will search on Google: how to do a fishtail braid, what hole do I pee out of, how to find my G-spot, and oh yes… pooping at your boyfriend’s house, how to be discreet?

That’s an embarrassingly real search that many girls have done out of desperation on their phones, while stuck in their boyfriend’s bathroom. The bad news? Your time is ticking away and the longer you’re in there, the more suspicious he’s going to get. The good news? There really are sneaky ways to go about pulling off a poop at your boyfriend’s house!

Did you know there’s actually a condition called parcopresis that signifies a social anxiety when it comes to defecating? Likely if you have parcopresis, you need a certain amount of privacy to be comfortable enough to do the deed. Still, just because you can’t or won’t poop while at your mate’s, doesn’t mean you’re suffering from a condition!

Let’s take a look at why you can’t seem to do the deed before we get into the ways to get away with a number 2 when you’re with your man. [Read: 28 awkward questions to ask a guy & weird, embarrassing ones not to]

The Relationship Dilemmas… and Pooping at Your Boyfriend’s House

Relationships, they say, are hard work. And by that, we mean it’s not just about planning dates, remembering anniversaries, or juggling schedules.

There’s also navigating those awkward firsts and learning to be comfortable with each other in the most intimate ways.

But here’s a curveball you might not have seen coming – the unexpectedly tricky dilemma of pooping at your boyfriend’s house. Yes, it’s a thing!

In the early stages of a relationship, it’s the small moments that can feel like big milestones. These tiny steps – from leaving a toothbrush at their place to feeling comfortable enough to be your complete self, bodily functions and all – are significant markers in your journey together. [Read: Signs you’re getting too comfortable with each other]

The seemingly trivial issue of pooping at your boyfriend’s house can actually be a litmus test for how comfortable and open you feel in this budding romance.

Let’s face it, needing to poop at your boyfriend’s house is a very human thing, but it can feel monumentally awkward. It’s one of those unspoken challenges that nearly everyone in a new relationship faces but hardly anyone talks about.

The whole ordeal can feel like a stealth mission, trying to ensure that this natural act remains as invisible and odorless as possible.

But why is this such a big deal? It’s about vulnerability – being seen *or smelled* in a less-than-glamorous state can feel a bit too real when you’re still in the butterflies-in-the-stomach phase. [Read: How to be vulnerable in a relationship, open up & 28 secrets to grow closer]

Navigating this situation is all about balancing comfort with embarrassment. It’s a dance of trying to maintain some level of mystique while also acknowledging that, hey, you’re human too.

Pooping at your boyfriend’s house for the first time can be strangely symbolic – it’s about crossing a threshold of intimacy that isn’t always talked about.

It’s a funny, albeit slightly uncomfortable, testament to how natural and relaxed you’re starting to feel around each other.

Why It’s So Hard To Do a #2 Around Your Guy

The simple answer? You’re a lady, and ladies don’t do such things! Or at least, that’s what we women want our boyfriends to think. We don’t pass gas, burp, have bad breath, and we certainly don’t poop. [Read: 21 girly stuff stereotypes & typically girly things not all girls like]

While maintaining a lady-like persona and maintaining mystery has been found to have a positive effect on long-term relationships, don’t let your bowel suffer for your efforts!

Remember grandma telling you not to hold it? Well, she was right. Keeping your bowels full for too long can have major negative effects on your body.

Another reason women don’t like doing the deed? It’s uncomfortable! You’re not in the privacy of your bathroom with your Cosmo’s and your air freshener.

Plus, you feel like you’re being timed, and the longer you take to get it done, the longer he’s left waiting and wondering what you’re up to. Plus, what if he needs to use the bathroom next?

What to Do to Get Away With It

It’s never an easy situation, especially if you’re still at that stage in your relationship when your guy thinks you’re the epitome of femininity. But here’s a foolproof guide to make sure things run smoothly.

1. Timing is Everything

Honestly. If your man is running out to grab some chips from the corner store, taking a smoke break, running downstairs to flip his laundry, or if he’s taking an hour for video games or a sports game, then use this time to your advantage. [Read: Boyfriend addicted to video games: Why he is, 16 signs & how to help]

Try to wait until he’s already used the bathroom, that way you won’t risk him going in after you.

2. Prepare Mentally

If you keep thinking that he’s timing your efforts, or that he’s going to come knocking at the door any minute, then all you’re doing is preventing yourself from achieving, and you end up wasting precious time. Do whatever you can to mentally prepare yourself for the deed.

3. Hide the Noise

Afraid your guy’s going to hear what’s going on in there? If you don’t have the luxury of a bathroom that’s far away from your main “hang-out” room, then you’d better prepare for the noises.

If you have a bathroom fan, turn it on. Turn the faucet on to mask the sound. Better yet, take your phone in there or turn some music on loud before you make your move. [Read: 40 fun and upbeat songs to groove you out of that funk]

4. Make a “Basket”

Another way to get comfortable in the bathroom is by making a carefully crafted basket or “raft” for your “leavings” to lay on. It sounds gross, because it kind of is. But it works, and that’s all that’s important.

Carefully lay down toilet paper in the bowl until it makes a raft in the water. This will catch your droppings and mask the noises without you having to flush a million times. Just be careful not to clog the toilet!

5. Take a “Shower”

Tell your guy you’re just going to steal his bathroom for a minute to “wash up.” Then, while you’re doing your business, run the shower or the bath faucet.

Not only will this hide any sounds and smells going on, but your boyfriend will likely buy your story and think you’re cleaning up to ready yourself for a romp between the sheets. Not only did you get away with it, but you became sexy in the process! [Read: Shower sex: Sexy bathroom secrets to get wet, make love & not slip]

6. Consider the Risks and Benefits of Hiding the Smell

So you’ve done it, you’ve flushed, and you feel like a whole new woman. But now you’re not sure whether you should try to hide the smell or not.

How do you do it? You can open a window, light a match, spray some air freshener, or turn on your Scentsy… but all of the above would risk him finding out that you’re trying to hide something, so make your move wisely.

7. Carry a Portable Air Freshener

Speaking of, invest in a small, portable air freshener or a bottle of essential oil spray that you can discreetly carry in your bag. After doing your business, a quick spritz can help neutralize any odors, leaving the bathroom smelling fresh. [Read: 37 girlish secrets to be more feminine & draw others with your softer side]

This is especially handy if you’re conscious about leaving any traces or odors behind after using the bathroom at your boyfriend’s house.

8. Create a Distraction

Creating a distraction can also be an effective way to draw attention away from your bathroom visit. Consider timing your bathroom break with an activity that involves some noise, like when your boyfriend is busy watching a TV show or doing some household chores.

The sound from these activities can provide a natural cover. This strategy allows you to maintain your privacy while doing number two at your boyfriend’s place.

9. Practice Regular Bathroom Habits

Maintaining regular bathroom habits can help reduce anxiety about pooping at your boyfriend’s house. If you’re regular, you’re less likely to be caught off guard when spending time at his place.

Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated can keep your digestive system on track and being in tune with your body’s natural schedule can make bathroom visits more predictable and less stressful.

10. Have an Honest Conversation

Girl, he’s your boyfriend, after all! If you’re in a relationship where trust and comfort are the foundations, having a candid chat about bathroom needs shouldn’t be off the table.

We know, it might sound a bit daunting at first, but opening up about such a natural thing can actually bring you closer and ease any unnecessary stress. [Read: 50 best relationship topics & things to talk about in a relationship]

It’s all about acknowledging that hey, everyone poops, and that’s okay. Embracing this reality can create a more understanding and chill vibe for those times when nature calls at your boyfriend’s house.

11. Use Bathroom Visits as Breaks

If you’re spending a long time at your boyfriend’s place, use bathroom visits as natural breaks. It’s a good opportunity to have a moment to yourself, take a deep breath, and just relax.

What this does is it reframes the act of going to the bathroom from something potentially embarrassing to a simple pause in your day, making it feel more natural and less of a big deal.

12. Bring Your Own Toilet Paper

Sometimes, the comfort of using your own toilet paper can make a significant difference, especially if you’re someone who can’t seem to be comfortable pooping in another place. [Read: Sleeping over at his place? 25 first time must-knows & tips to do it right]

Having your preferred type or a brand you’re accustomed to, particularly if you’re sensitive to different textures, offers a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Keeping your own supply in your bag means you’re always prepared, adding a layer of comfort and reassurance when facing the daunting task of using the bathroom at your boyfriend’s house.

Other Ways of Dealing the Bathroom Blues

There will be some times when you get so caught up with the call of nature that it takes precedence of what your guy may think of you. Here’s how you can handle that.

13. Just Laugh it Off

If you suffer from bowel problems, IBS, or are simply sick of playing the number 2 game with your man, you just have to be honest with him.

You can easily use humor to brush it off. Remember, it’s all about tone. If you act like you’re totally cool with it, then likely he’s going to be cool with it, or at least get used to the fact that sometimes… you’re gonna poop.

Say something post bathroom break like, “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you!” or if he’s about to go in, give your cutest smile, put your hand on the bathroom door and say, “Downstairs bathroom, babe.” Handling the situation like this may even allow you to impress your man with your poise. [Read: How to make your guy laugh and love your company]

14. Use a Second Bathroom

This would make the whole situation a lot easier, so here’s to hoping your guy has a second bathroom. You’d do well to make that bathroom your own, even if it’s out of the way of the main floor or the bedroom. After a while, he’ll get the hint of why you’re going down there.

15. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

If your man doesn’t bring it up, perfect! If he does bring up your bathroom break? Give your best, aloof and sexy raise of your brow and say: “We don’t talk about that.”

This will help maintain a shred of mystery about the situation, and help you keep your feminine wiles, all while giving him the idea that your #2 is not to be spoken of. [Read: How to be mysterious & leave everyone smitten and craving for more]

16. Just Be Open About it, But Warn Him to Stay Back

If you’re on vacation, and you’re freaking out about the bathroom situation, you need to be open with your guy.

Whether at home or on a trip, you need to tell him that you’re going to have your “alone” time now, and he’d better not count the minutes, listen for the sounds, or go in there after you.

It’s Totally Okay to Talk About Bathroom Habits

Easier said than done, we know, but talking about bathroom habits, like doing number two at your boyfriend’s place, is an important aspect of any relationship. Here are reasons why it’s okay and perfectly normal to have these conversations:

1. Breaking Down Stigmas Around Natural Bodily Functions

Discussing bathroom habits helps break down the unnecessary stigmas surrounding natural bodily functions. Remember, everyone poops, and acknowledging this can foster a more open and accepting atmosphere in your relationship.

By normalizing these conversations, you contribute to a broader cultural shift where such topics aren’t seen as taboo or embarrassing.

2. Addressing Small Issues Can Strengthen Relationships

Talking about things like pooping at your boyfriend’s house might seem trivial, but it actually strengthens your relationship. [Read: 23 secrets & real life problems that make a relationship stronger]

Addressing small issues builds a foundation for tackling bigger challenges together. It shows that you’re comfortable sharing and dealing with all aspects of life, no matter how seemingly insignificant.

3. Encouraging Openness and Honesty in Every Aspect of the Relationship

When you’re open about bathroom habits, it sets a precedent for honesty in other areas of your relationship. This openness can lead to deeper trust and understanding between you and your partner.

Being honest about your bodily functions can be a stepping stone to being honest about your feelings and thoughts. [Read: 59 relationship lessons & honest love advice only experience can teach you]

4. Promotes Comfort and Ease in the Relationship

Being able to talk about pooping at your boyfriend’s house promotes a sense of comfort and ease. When both partners feel they can be themselves, without the fear of judgment or embarrassment, the relationship becomes a safe and comforting space.

5. Shows Maturity and Realistic Expectations

Discussing bathroom habits is also a sign of maturity and sets realistic expectations in the relationship. It acknowledges that both partners are human and have normal bodily functions. This helps in building a grounded and realistic relationship.

6. Helps to Gauge Compatibility

Your approach to conversations about seemingly awkward topics like pooping can actually serve as a good gauge of your compatibility. If you and your partner can laugh, be open, and feel comfortable discussing pooping at your boyfriend’s house, it reveals a level of ease and understanding with each other.

This comfort can be a promising indicator of how well you’ll handle other sensitive subjects in your relationship. Meanwhile, if the topic of pooping is already a point of discomfort or contention between you two, it might signal areas where your communication or comfort levels need some work. [Read: Relationship compatibility: What it is, 40 signs you have it & ways to improve it]

It’s about finding a balance and understanding in the most unlikely of topics, setting the stage for how you might navigate future challenges together. Who would’ve thought?

7. Prevents Awkward Situations

Talking about bathroom habits can prevent awkward situations in the future. Knowing how your partner feels about these issues can help you navigate situations more comfortably and avoid potential embarrassment or discomfort.

8. Enhances Communication Skills

Having conversations about less glamorous topics like doing number two at your boyfriend’s place can enhance your overall communication skills.

It teaches you to discuss uncomfortable subjects in a respectful and understanding manner, which is a valuable skill in any relationship. [Read: 31 communication exercises & games for couples and secrets to feel closer]

9. Sets a Tone of Realism in the Relationship

Finally, being open about bathroom habits sets a tone of realism in the relationship. It acknowledges that life isn’t always glamorous and that being in a relationship involves dealing with all aspects of life together, including the less pleasant ones. This realism can make your relationship more down-to-earth and genuine.

Everybody Poops!

Hey, everybody does a #2, and the sooner you get it over with, the better you’re going to feel – literally! So whether you’re still cleverly hiding your bathroom actions or you’ve gone the honest route with your mate, just make sure you get the deed done!

[Read: Relationship milestones: Dating highlights you should be proud of]

At the end of the day, pooping at your boyfriend’s house is a natural part of life and relationships, and handling it with a bit of humor and grace can make all the difference.

The post Pooping at Your Boyfriend’s House: 25 Girl’s Guide to Sneaky Bathroom Moves! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Friday, 28 June 2024

Approaching Girls in Bars, Clubs in a Laid Back Way

TEXTNot every approach to night game needs to be hyper. There are chill ways to approach girls at night too – like “Quiet Sniper” and “The Classic Approach.”

Hi guys and welcome back.

Today, I would like to discuss alternative openings in night game. Recently, I have focused on high-energy approaches. I covered an opening and hook strategy about attention grabs. These can trigger a response from girls to test their compliance before you open.

This approach requires you to be in a social mood and have high energy. It may also help if you are naturally extroverted.

But what if you are not extroverted? What if you are but do not feel like being overly social, playful, and energetic? Even outgoing guys can be socially tired and need time to cool off.

If you have experience, you may know this, but certain forms of night game are often the first choice for introverted men. Some of the best night gamers are introverted, even our own Cody Lyans, who is inactive right now.

What to Do When Girls Test You with Peer Pressure

what to do if girls try to test you with peer pressureIf a woman tests you publicly in a way that prompts others to support her, you’re in trouble. How do you beat the test AND the peer pressure?

I recently watched the 2022 movie X after having read some reviews that it was a creative horror thriller set in the 1970s with lots of boobs in it. Sounded like a fun throwback!

Thursday, 27 June 2024

How to Start Picking Up Girls (Beginner Guide)

TEXTWho do you have to be to pick up girls? Well, you have to be YOU! But you do need to do things right. Follow these steps to start picking up girls today.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The Complete Guide to Vehicle Pickup

vehicle pickupThe full guide to picking up girls in your car. Don’t have a home to take girls to? No problem. Pick them up IN your car – and hook up with them there!

This post by Skills originally appeared on our forum here.

I have already made videos and posts on places to get around when your logistics suck, including using cars, and different cars routines using pyco (I will post all this at the end)… But I am going to make a comprehensive A-to-Z guide of picking up with cars.

You can do this for ALL GAME, from day game, online, club game etc… again all game, this is field tested. In other words I am preaching and have done what I teach and also caveat, no time machine, in other words no stuff outdated or "back in the days".

Best guys at car sex from community: Jeffy RSD, obviously me Skills, Velasco (R.I.P.), @StrayDog.

Sunday, 23 June 2024

How & Why to Switch Vibes Talking to Girls (Anti-Dancing Monkey Technique)

fractionation for more hooksWhen you talk to girls, it’s easy to become ‘trapped’ in a vibe: too-serious guy, or overly-funny ‘dancing monkey’. The way out: learn to swap out vibes.

Hi guys, welcome back.

Last week, I discussed opening and hooking girls in loud environments. In these situations, your verbal game is limited, and you cannot hear each other well. You need to rely on non-verbal communication and timing. We suggested walking by girls and giving out attention baits to catch their attention, and test compliance. If you get a positive response, you can open her.

It helps to be silly, fun, and stimulating to catch girls’ attention. Some men struggle with that (and I may write a post on this soon). Many have a different problem: they are hilarious, entertaining, and stimulating and have an easy time opening and hooking, but this can lock them into a frame of “the entertainer,” “dancing monkey,” or “funny guy.” All are contrary to a seductive vibe and can lead to problems later when it is time to isolate, escalate, and seduce.

Does this problem sound familiar? This post is for you.

Note that the advice in this post is valid for any phase and strategy in seduction, whether it’s day or night game. I will focus on the hook phase of night game using a strategy with humor as an extreme case that exemplifies the point. I will also touch on day game. So, this post is for you, dear day gamers.

Saturday, 22 June 2024

How Girls Think: Men Seen Via Single Women's Eyes

how women thinkWomen do not think the way guys think they do. In fact, they misunderstand men a lot. Get how girls think, then leading & loving them grows far easier.

It’s 8:15 AM Tuesday morning and Aria is swiftly walking down a busy city sidewalk. Everyone bustling around her, like her, is in business attire, all making their ways, like her, to work.

Suddenly her eyes shift reflexively to the side, settling on the eyes of a staring man walking her direction on the sidewalk. Aria doesn’t even take a moment to take the man in; she instantly breaks eye contact to the side just as soon as she’s made it.

“Oh God, way too early for that,” she thinks. The last thing she needs is a random guy chatting her up before she’s even had her first cup of coffee for the day!

Fortunately, the man passes her by without an approach. Aria knows that most guys who look only ever look. But you never know for sure when one of the guys who’s looking will take you looking back as an invitation to approach. Right now she isn’t in the mood to meet new people.

As she approaches a crosswalk, she slows down to join the mass of morning commuters waiting for the “WALK” sign to appear. Stopping behind a small crowd of people, she notices a man slightly ahead of her nodding his head to some song only he can hear. Curious, she cranes her neck a bit to see the side of his face. He looks normal… not super cute or anything. But the relaxed, confident expression on his face makes him stand out from the sea of tired businesspeople all around.

Aria brushes her hair back, staring at the nodding man, half trying to get him to notice her. He’s off in his own world and doesn’t seem to detect her. “He looks so cute listening to his music,” she thinks to herself. “I wonder what makes him so different from everyone else!”

She tries brushing her hair back a second time while staring at him, but he still doesn’t notice. The “WALK” sign comes on, the crowd crosses the street, and the nodding man turns off another direction from the one Aria’s traveling in.

“There he goes,” Aria thinks, a slight longing in her breast. “I wonder if he walks this way every day?” Briefly as she walks, she imagines meeting him on her way to work tomorrow and ending up in an accidental chitchat with him. Inside her imagination, they talk, laugh, and in the easy conversation it turns out they have a surprising amount in common.

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Dating Advice Has a Signal-to-Noise Ratio Problem

TEXTDating advice from both the mainstream and the red pill is filled with low quality claptrap. How do you filter out the good stuff and ignore distraction?

Commenting on my recent article on good game vs. getting lucky, a reader asks:


With dating being harder, what more can guys learning this stuff do differently now than before?

What would count as working harder today compared to when dating was easier?

For example: Let’s say in the past you’d say we’d have to approach 20 women a week, today would we have to talk to 40? For being in-shape, before we’d only have to be slim, but today we need to be muscular?

What exactly should we be striving for now compared to your earlier advice?

What are the basics to do well in the complex dating market today?


The same reader commented again to ask:


I wanted to add and ask, how much money is involved in this dating complexity thing?

I remember you saying after some point it’s pretty much going to be impossible to get women after a certain point as things reach its peak.

If I quoted wrong let me know. But of course reading that is extremely depressing even if you’re really good with women because imagining dating being that much harder is still a pretty depressing thing.

Anyway, in my mind, it seems that LMS and game are going to be a big part of making things impossible.

I’m wondering though because I know on here that you focus on game a lot more than lms, but it seems that lms would make dating harder like other people online have said.

So how important is lms when it comes to this whole dating complexity thing?

Is there any way to make the Impossible possible and still do good in a very hard dating market and not dropout?

I don’t really like the whole idea of being hopeless.


He’s referring to my article on growing complexity in the mating market and its effect (present and future) on people’s mating success.

I’m not going to address our commenter’s question here, at least not directly. The direct answer is, “Do better at everything taught on this site.” Instead I want to focus on something else in his comment: its total obliviousness to what’s taught on this site and fixation on stuff that doesn’t really help you with girls.

Thoughts like the commenter’s are common – but also point to a profound misunderstanding of romantic attraction. Our commenter zeroes in on factors that have minimal impact on actual romantic success and worries he’ll need to compete even harder at these same things so many other guys are also competing on.

I’ve extensively debunked the role of big muscles in getting laid. GUYS like big, huge, steroid muscles. They are wowed by them. They’re intimidated and awed by men with colossal, bulging biceps. Women don’t like these kinds of muscles. They vastly prefer men with slimmer, athletic, natural physiques. There are actually more women attracted to ‘skinny-fat’ men (6.3% of women like this look) than there are attracted to veiny, bulging, steroid muscle men (2.1% of women find this look attractive).

Money is every bit the same as this. Go to any singles event in San Francisco. You will find loads and loads of men pulling down 7-10x+ the average national salary, and these guys can’t get dates. Many guys work hard to get rich, thinking that wealth will bring them babes, only to discover once they get there that rich guys still struggle to get girls. There are ways to use money to get laid, but these ways are not intuitive, and most guys with money never try them. They end up dating girls who are… well, just look at the girls the rich guys you know are dating. They’re rarely models.

All this goes back to the fundamental problem in dating advice: it’s huge, colossal, GARGANTUAN signal-to-noise ratio problem.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Tactics Tuesdays: Venue Priming (Get There Early!)

venue primingHow do you meet girls in a high energy ADD venue? You need to be stimulating, yet not an off-the-walls dancing monkey. One solution: venue priming.

Skilled Seducer of the Month, June 2024: DoWhatWorks

Skilled Seducer of the Month: DoWhatWorksSkilled Seducer DoWhatWorks talks his origins, troubleshooting day game, and managing a rotation of girls… plus his clever, unique game tactics.

Our Skilled Seducer of the Month for June 2024 is DoWhatWorks, who hails from the United Kingdom. DWW had made a name for himself in the seduction community thanks to his tightly written lay reports and equally crisp seduction guides.

DWW’s chipper personality and energetic approach give him a distinctive style. He’s learned from everyone, tried out everything, and kept what works – hence the name. As a high-ranking contributor to the Skilled Seducer Forum, he’s aided many aspiring seducers in turn to better do what works for them.

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Approaching Girls in a Risk-Free Way (Drive-By Approaches)

TEXTWhat if you could approach with minimal risk of rejection? With drive-by approaching, you can. See how to use it in loud, chaotic venues where (ordinarily) high rejection risks abound.

Hi all. I hope you are doing well.

Now that I’ve finished discussing wingmanning, I’d like to share some notes from the field. Today, I will discuss a strategy specific to night game: how to use different tools in various situations, and in what sequence. This post is not about X technique, but how to apply X technique in Y situation.

Today, I’ll explore how to open and hook in loud, chaotic venues.

People have told me to always focus on non-verbals, and even if that’s true, delivering fancy verbals in loud environments can be counterproductive. Girls cannot hear nor decipher what you are saying, forcing you to repeat (not good), yell (bad), or lean in (even worse). And if she does hear you, a girl may misunderstand what you say. Also, hearing what she says is difficult, so it’s hard for you to calibrate. If things do not work out, you must try to damage control verbally. So, what can you do?

Focusing on non-verbals may seem like good advice at first. You may go entirely non-verbal, which is more of a dance floor strategy. However, many venues may not have a dance floor, and they are still chaotic and noisy. In those settings, you may still need some verbals.

Your verbals must be simple: more human with spikier stimulation. However, you have little control over the outcome unless you meet the right girl, hit all your timings, and deliver suitable material.

So, you must rely on your non-verbals, but what does that really mean? Most who talk about non-verbal communication fail to specify what that is. Is it touching? (This can be tricky to do with a stranger.) Eye contact? Proximity? (Also, tricky), or “Good body language”? (But what is good body language? This is too vague).

I will put everything together comprehensively in this post, focusing on TIMING.

Friday, 14 June 2024

Seductive Speech: Make Her Feel Like She's on Vacation

give women the vacation they desireMost women feel trapped in drudgery as they go through life. Yet via seductive speech & imagery, you can draw them into a pleasurable vacation they won’t want to leave.

For most girls, life is not too exciting.

Those who live exciting lives struggle with stress. It accumulates whether it’s work, family drama, friend drama, health problems, money problems, or a lack of time to do everything they want.

Girls, like everyone else, don’t like stress. But what do they do about it?

Some drink, some smoke, some party and dance, some watch movies, some eat, and some read. All these solutions share the same idea: chase pleasure to distract from stress and pain.

Now, let’s ask a question: why do girls date men? What attracts them to men?

I’m not asking about whether it’s your game, looks, height, or whatever you think that women like (it’s all those things and more, by the way). What I’m asking is, if you had to pick ONE thing that motivates women to date men, what would it be?

The answer is the same as: “Why do you date women?”

For pleasure.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

When to Use Deep Diving with Girls

TEXTSome guys try to use deep dives with girls just after meeting them. But this is not the right time for a deep dive. When is? The MIDDLE of the seduction!

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

How Good Game Differs from Getting Lucky

good game vs. hoping to get luckySpam approachers – guys who go out to ‘shoot their shot’ and ‘get lucky’ – have a very different approach from guys with good, serious game. But what’s the difference?

One of our forum members, Spyce D, mentioned several acquaintances of his whose success comes off the back of what we’d call ‘spam approaching’:

Question : What do you think is more important in daygame - Numbers game or skill ?

I know a few folks who have been going out for years but they still have to do lot approaches , spam approaches (10+ / hour) and then they would get results , if they do.

No doubt , They are getting results but they are also doing ton of approaches a day that too 4-5 times per week + supplementing with nightgame and online .

And there are folks who played the numbers game but couldn't get any results and then left daygame for years only to return after they took coaching .

Hence the question .

Now, when you’re chatting up 10+ girls/hour, in particular during day game, then yes, that is spam approaching. An experienced seducer who is out to approach until he picks up may make 4 to 6 approaches an hour in day game, assuming he is having a few substantial interactions in there, and also not approaching every single woman he sees (i.e., that he is not spam approaching). That’s about the maximum.

A more ordinary man who is out trying to approach during the day (or a skilled seducer who is not gunning hard for a same day lay) will likely make 1 or 2 approaches per hour.

Let’s have a look real quick at what the difference is between guys who get lucky through sheer volume, versus guys who use good game to get success with women.

Monday, 10 June 2024

What is a Best Friend? 30 Essential Reasons Everyone Needs One!

Best friends are few and far between. But what is a best friend? Here’s how to know your buddy is the best you’ll have and no one can compare.

what is a best friend

We go through life making a lot of friends. You’ll have those you met when you were just a toddler, others you formed friendships with in high school, and you even meet people as adults who can weasel their way into your inner circle. But what is a best friend?

What makes one of those friends stand out above the rest? Surely they’re all great because if they weren’t, you wouldn’t have them in your life. So we’re sure you’re trying to figure out what makes one of them the best? It’s hard to tell, but there are unique signs for sure. [Read: True friendship: 37 real friend traits & what it takes to be a good, loyal one]

The Best Friend Psychology

Have you ever looked at your best friend and realized they’re a stranger that you decided to trust one day?

At its core, the concept of a best friend is rooted deeply in trust. This trust is not just about keeping secrets, but about believing that this person has your back, no matter what. It’s a bond that evolves from shared experiences and mutual respect.

As you spend more time together, whether laughing over coffee or navigating life’s ups and downs, you’re unknowingly laying the foundation of a lasting friendship. [Read: Good friends are like stars: Ways to build lasting friendships]

The psychology behind these evolving relationships is fascinating. For instance, the mere exposure effect suggests that the more we see and interact with someone, the more likely we are to become friends.

It’s as if familiarity breeds not contempt, but affection. Then there’s the role of oxytocin, often dubbed the ‘love hormone.’ This powerful neurotransmitter plays a significant part in bonding, enhancing feelings of trust and empathy, essential ingredients in the recipe of a best friendship.

But what really cements someone as a best friend over just a good friend? It’s the depth of understanding and empathy. A best friend can often feel what you’re feeling, sometimes even before you fully understand it yourself.

This emotional resonance is what sets apart a best friend from the rest of our social circle. It’s not just about liking the same music or enjoying the same activities; it’s about how deeply you connect on emotional and psychological levels.

From personal triumphs to heartaches, these experiences are shared chapters in your life stories, creating a bond that’s hard to break. This journey from stranger to best friend isn’t just about the good times, it’s about enduring the storms together and coming out stronger. [Read: Fair-weather friends: 20 signs your friend doesn’t care about you]

High-Quality Friends are Better Than High-Quantity

It’s perfectly fine if you’re the type of person to have a lot of friends. However, you do want to make sure you’re putting quality above quantity.

Sure, it helps to know you’ll always have someone there simply because there’s so many, but it’s better to know a single person will be there no matter what.

Therefore, choosing to keep only the best people around is really important. Not only will it help keep you sane and happy, but we’re also greatly affected by the company we keep.

Having toxic friends around or having a lot of friends, but no good ones, can have horrible effects on your life. [Read: Toxic friends: 22 types, 54 signs & ways to end friendships that hurt you]

What is a Best Friend?

You may want to know the signs of a best friend so you can recognize when someone is going above and beyond to be there for you. These are the qualities all best friends tend to have. Keep an eye out and be aware of who’s doing the most.

1. They know You Inside and Out

A true best friend will know just about everything about you. Why? Because you told them. You don’t have to hold anything back and what makes them truly the best is their ability to remember that information. They know what’s important and they made an effort to remember it. [Read: 35 questions to prove if your friends know you or not]

2. You Don’t Have to Say Anything for Them to Know You’re Upset

They can just tell by your demeanor. They’re like dogs in that way. They can sense when something is off just by the way your face looks. Only a best friend who knows you really well can tell something’s wrong even when you’re trying to hide it.

3. You Never Have to Hide How You’re Feeling

This is the ultimate truth. Whenever you’re upset, feeling insecure, or are even beyond angry about something – even if they caused it – you can tell them. You don’t have to hide anything from them because you know they won’t judge you no matter what.

4. They’re There no Matter the Time or Circumstance

It can be two in the morning and they’re there if you need them to be. A true best friend is selfless when it comes to your needs, so long as it’s mutual, of course.

They’ll be there to pick you up when you’re down or even to celebrate the great things in life. Bottom line: they make an effort to be around for all the important stuff. [Read: All the signs of a great friend and BFF]

5. They Never Ask for Anything in Return

As much as being a great friend should be a mutual thing, your bestie will never ask for stuff in return. They don’t do what they do because they’ll get something back. They do it because they want to and they love you.

6. You Always Have a Great Time

Best friends are always a hoot. No matter what you do, you’re always having fun. Whether it’s sitting on the couch, sending each other memes or going on rides at an amusement park, it’s all a great time and you never feel like time is wasted.

7. Their Family Feels Like Yours

This really says a lot about your friendship. If their family feels like your own just because of how close you are, they’re definitely your best friend.

Pay attention to how their family treats you and how you feel about them and you’ll know who’s the best. [Read: Signs of a one-sided friendship you need to get out of]

8. Your Enemies are Their Enemies and Vice Versa

Loyalty is a very powerful, and important, thing. Even if they don’t know someone, they’ll hate them if you do. It’s about being supportive and sticking to those you trust. If you hate that person and your friend does too, without even a reason, they’re the best.

9. They’re Supportive of Everything You Want To Do

No matter what whacky thing you want to try next, they’re supportive of it. It doesn’t matter what it is, so long as it makes you happy. Because that’s ultimately what a best friend wants – you to be happy. [Read: Signs your friend is truly supportive of all your goals]

10. They’re Blunt and Honest When They Need To Be

If they’re your best friend, they will tell you when you’re being annoying and needy. They’ll also tell you when a dress looks awful on you or when you need to leave your boyfriend alone and stop being paranoid. They don’t mind telling you stuff that might hurt, as long as it’s good for you.

11. There are Very Few Boundaries, If Any

No topic is really off-limits. No matter how inappropriate or touchy it may be, you can always talk about it. You both respect each other’s opinions enough to not let anything ruin your friendship.

12. You Have Inside Jokes for Days

You know each other so well and have been friends for so long that inside jokes just pile up. When you’re at the point of just looking at an empty soda bottle and you can burst out laughing, you know it’s real.

You both thought the same thing at that moment and it was about a really funny joke made a long time ago. [Read: How to get your best friend back when you lost them]

13. You Basically Have to Talk Every Day

It’s not that you do, but you feel weird if you don’t talk to them. You feel like your day is just off and not normal if you don’t spend some time chatting with your best friend. That’s how you know they’re the best.

14. They Give the Best Advice

It’s not just like they whip out the same old advice you hear everywhere. No. They give you the real advice that comes from them and their experiences.

They really make an effort to understand your situation and help you based on what they know about you, too. It’s the good stuff. [Read: 23 must-know relationship advice for women]

15. They Feel More Like Family Than Friend

This is the gist of it. If your friend feels more like a family member than just a friend, they’re the best. You don’t get to choose your own family, except for your best friend. [Read: Signs of bad friends and when you need to get rid of them]

16. They Remember the Little Things

A best friend pays attention to the small details that others might overlook. Whether it’s recalling your favorite snack when you’re feeling down or remembering the anniversary of a significant event in your life, these gestures show how deeply they care.

A best friend understands that sometimes, it’s the smallest acts that mean the most. This attentiveness is a defining aspect of what a best friend is, highlighting their deep connection to your life.

17. They Challenge You to Grow

A true best friend isn’t just a cheerleader; they’re also a coach. They push you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to be your best self.

This might mean encouraging you to take on new opportunities or gently pointing out areas where you can improve. It’s a unique balance of support and motivation, making them an integral part of your personal development journey.

18. Unwavering Loyalty in Tough Times

When the going gets tough, a best friend stands by your side unwaveringly. They are there during the highs, but more importantly, they don’t leave when things get challenging.

This kind of loyalty is rare and invaluable, often becoming the anchor you need during life’s storms. Their steadfast presence during difficult moments truly defines what a best friend is. [Read: Fickle friends: 23 signs, must-dos & ways to know if they’re hurting you]

19. They Respect Your Independence

A best friend understands the importance of personal space and independence. They know that a healthy friendship isn’t about being inseparable, but about being secure enough to support each other’s need for growth and individual experiences.

Respect for personal boundaries enhances the trust and longevity of the friendship. It’s a delicate balance that best friends navigate skillfully, knowing when to step in and when to step back. [Read: Important habits you need to be more independent]

20. Shared Values and Perspectives

Beyond just common interests, a best friend often shares your core values and perspectives on life. This deep alignment creates a strong foundation for your relationship, allowing for meaningful conversations and a shared understanding of each other’s worldview.

It’s not just about enjoying the same activities; it’s about resonating on a fundamental level. This shared philosophy is a key element in what a best friend is, fostering a bond that goes beyond surface-level connections.

21. Loyalty Behind Your Back

You can be confident that a best friend will defend and speak positively about you, even in your absence. This kind of loyalty is rare. It’s about having someone who stands by your side and upholds your reputation, no matter the setting. [Read: Be careful who you trust: Ways to recognize the backstabbers]

Their support isn’t just limited to when you’re around but also extends to every situation, demonstrating the depth of their commitment to your friendship.

Why Everyone Should Have a Best Friend

If you’re someone who’s thinking, “I can go without a best friend, I’ll pass,” wait up! The value of having a best friend extends far beyond just having someone to hang out with.

1. Emotional Support and Reduced Stress

A best friend acts as a primary source of emotional support, which is crucial for mental health. Numerous studies have shown that having close friendships can significantly reduce stress levels.

This support ranges from having someone to talk to about your day to receiving comfort during tough times. The presence of a best friend during challenging periods can be a buffer against anxiety and depression, underscoring what a best friend truly means in our lives.

2. Increased Sense of Belonging and Improved Self-Confidence

Having a best friend provides a sense of belonging, an essential human need. This bond often leads to higher self-esteem, as affirmed by research indicating that people with close friendships have a stronger sense of self-worth.

The acceptance and understanding from a best friend reinforce a positive self-image, crucial for personal growth. [Read: 55 secrets & self-love habits to build confidence and realize your worth]

3. Better Physical Health

The bond with a best friend does more than just uplift your spirits; it also contributes significantly to your physical health. Studies link strong social ties to various health improvements, such as lower blood pressure and a decreased risk of heart disease.

Managing stress more effectively, a direct benefit of the emotional support from a best friend, plays a critical role in maintaining good physical health.

4. Longevity

Having a best friend might just be as important as regular exercise for living a longer life, according to PLOS Medicine research.

This study highlights the profound impact of social relationships on mortality risk, emphasizing the role of companionship in enhancing lifespan.

5. Enhanced Coping Skills

Developing and refining effective coping skills often involves the input and support of a best friend. Their role in your life can significantly influence how you tackle life’s challenges, leading to more resilient and effective coping mechanisms.

6. Unconditional Acceptance and Love

The unconditional acceptance and love from a best friend are essential for your mental and emotional well-being.

It’s this non-judgmental support that provides a safe haven for you to be authentically yourself, playing a crucial role in fostering a healthy sense of security and self-worth. [Read: How to be a good friend: 49 traits & friend codes that define a real pal]

7. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Your best friend can act as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Their unique ability to reflect aspects of yourself back to you encourages exploration of new interests, challenges existing beliefs, and broadens your perspectives, significantly contributing to your personal development journey.

8. Shared Joy and Happiness

You know that incredible feeling when you get some amazing news and immediately share it with your best friend? It’s like your happiness level just skyrockets. Suddenly, you’re both jumping around in excitement, and your joy feels ten times bigger.

Psychology backs this up too, showing that our happiest moments become even brighter when we share them with a best friend. It’s like they have this superpower to multiply the good vibes just by being there. [Read: 70 true secrets to happiness to have a happy life & enjoy everything you do]

9. Reliability and Security

The unmatched reliability of a best friend brings a sense of security and stability to your life. Whether it’s practical support like airport pickups or emotional support during tough times, you can always count on them, reinforcing the importance of their presence in your life.

10. Improved Mental Sharpness and Creativity

Regular interaction and deep conversations with a best friend can sharpen your mental faculties and boost creativity.

By challenging your thought processes and providing different perspectives, these interactions don’t just enrich your conversations; they enhance your cognitive abilities and creative thinking.

Can You Have More Than One Best Friend?

Okay, the ultimate question here: Can you have more than one best friend?

When it comes to best friendships, people often have different views. Some see their best friend as a one-and-only kind of deal, where this person is their main confidante and closest ally. On the flip side, others feel their hearts and lives are big enough to include multiple best friends.

This isn’t about ranking friends but acknowledging that you can have strong, equally meaningful relationships with more than one person. [Read: 85 fun questions to ask a new friend & get to know them like a BFF ASAP]

Life is multifaceted, and so are we. One best friend might be your rock when it comes to career advice or intellectual conversations, while another could be your soulmate in hobbies and fun activities.

Each best friend can resonate with different parts of your personality, making your life richer and more colorful. It’s like having a team of specialists where each one brings something unique to your life.

Having more than one best friend means juggling different relationships, each with its own rhythm and requirements. It’s about giving each friendship the time and attention it deserves.

This might mean balancing your schedule to spend quality time with each friend or being open about your commitments to avoid misunderstandings. The key is communication and ensuring that each friend feels valued and appreciated.

In a nutshell, whether or not you can have more than one best friend is a personal choice. It’s about what feels right for you and how you define a best friend. What matters most is the depth of connection and mutual support that defines each friendship.

Best Friends are the Family We Choose

How great is it to know you have a ride-or-die person in your life? Someone who’s not just there for the fun times but stands steadfastly by your side through every twist and turn.

They’re the ones who know you inside out, share your laughter and tears, and understand you in ways that sometimes you don’t even understand yourself.

[Read: How to get your best friend back: Why we drift & 20 ways to feel close]

So what is a best friend, you ask? They’re everything listed above and so much more. Whether it’s providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times, celebrating your successes like they’re their own, or just being present in the mundane moments of life, their significance is immeasurable. Best friends are the family we choose, the confidants we trust, and the companions who make the journey of life that much more enjoyable.

The post What is a Best Friend? 30 Essential Reasons Everyone Needs One! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Lay Report: Girl Offers “5 Date System” (LOL)

lay report: 5-date systemIn this report by NarrowJ, a girl met out shopping offers her “5 Date System.” But can NarrowJ lay her in just a fraction of that time? He can & does!

This report was originally posted by NarrowJ on the forum here.

Around 3 PM yesterday I saw a super hot looking little brunette trying on shoes in Macy’s. Walked over and hovered a bit by a rack of sunglasses, pretending to browse them until I could tell she was almost done with the shoes.

I catch her looking at me a couple times.

The first time she turned away quickly, the second time she smiled shyly and looked down. I don’t even walk over to her, I'm about 15 feet away from her and turn in her direction and say "Hey there" and she looks in my direction like she doesn’t know who just said it, and once she realizes it was me I say with a smile: "Come here when you're done over there."

She nods and smiles, hurries up and finishes what she’s doing and walks over.

Sex Talk Tonality: How to Use Your Voice During Sex Talk

sex talk tonalityWhat voice tone should you use when you talk to women about sex? Guys often get it wrong, talking too excited – but you’ll usually want normal tonality, not eager.

Hi everyone, and welcome back.

Those of you who read this blog know that my signature technique is sex talk. Talking about sex is a safe and rejection-free way to set a sexual frame. This helps convey that you are a safe and good lover (sexual prizing).

The idea is NOT to be direct and “say what you want to do to her,” as many imagine when hearing the term “sex talk,” but rather to talk about sexuality and related topics as any other subject to make the interaction about sex (set a sexual frame). The girl you are talking with will realize that you know what you are doing in bed without explicitly showing any particular interest in her, as this can trigger resistance and perhaps even a rejection (it becomes too much too quick for her).

I have discussed this in-depth at in “Sleazy Sexy Talk vs. Sexy Sex Talk: What’s the Difference?

You may also check out my forum post, which compiles all the sex talk articles and more. These include every theoretical post about sex talk, how to talk about sex in a safe and non-creepy way, calibrating sex talk, how to transition into it, as well as many different gambits and examples.

I have not yet written a post on voice tonality and sex talk. Better late than never; here it is!

Friday, 7 June 2024

How Long Do Most Guys Keep at Pickup?

how long do men stay in the game?Lots of guys get into pick up artistry imagining they’ll sleep with tons of women. Most drop out before that point. How long does the average guy stay in?

Picking up girls, like anything new, exciting, yet challenging that people embark on, drops practitioners steadily along the way as you go.

Most folks are aware that most guys who try pickup soon give up. Fewer stick with it. Fewer still stay with it long enough to become good.

But where’s the point where most guys drop out?

Where are the OTHER points along the way that bleed guys from the art of seduction?

Thursday, 6 June 2024

45 Classic, Modern & Timeless Long Love Quotes to Inspire and Enthuse

Love has captivated artists, writers, and thinkers for centuries. Explore their most inspiring long love quotes that still touch our hearts today.

long love quotes

What do Renaissance painters, Greek philosophers, and country artists all have in common? An obsession with the subject of love and writing long love quotes, of course. Throughout centuries of human existence, it has been at the center of our attention and thoughts. You only have to take a look at the music charts at any given moment to see how often musicians praise the word “love”.

Here are some of the most beautiful and heart-touching love quotes to get your heart fluttering and your hopes rising.

[Read: 40 romantic movie quotes about love and relationships]

The Psychology of the “L” Word

Language is our trusty sidekick in the game of love. When you use a long love quote, it’s like hitting the jackpot on the slot machine of emotions. It’s like being in a rom-com and delivering that killer line that leaves everyone saying “aww.” [Read: 69 best and most romantic movies that are a must-watch in 2024]

But it’s not all about the wow factor, there’s real psychology at play here. Sharing these longer quotes does wonders for strengthening your bond.

Throwing out a few short words can be seen by your partner as thoughtless. But long love quotes, ones that take the time to explain just how deep your love is, scream sincerity. You’re showing that you’re not afraid to go deep with your feelings, which has been found to boost relationship satisfaction.

And let’s not forget, pouring your heart out is pretty therapeutic. Telling your partner exactly how you feel for them is like unloading your emotional backpack after a long hike. And the cool thing is, this works both ways. When you share a long love quote, you’re not just giving a gift of words; you’re opening up a two-way street of empathy and understanding. Everyone likes to hear nice things about themself, after all.

Love experts back this up all the time. They encourage us to ditch the small talk and really dive deep with our words. In our fast-paced world, taking the time to craft a heartfelt, long love quote is like a breath of fresh air. [Read: How to be vulnerable in a relationship, open up, and 28 secrets to grow closer]

Classic Literary Long Love Quotes

Where’s the best place to find long, heartfelt expressions of love? Look no further than the pages of classic literature. These novels have stood the test of time, not just for their compelling narratives or complex characters, but also for their rich, deeply moving portrayals of love.

Here are some of the most beautiful, paragraph-long love quotes from these timeless works, capturing the essence of love in its many forms.

1. From “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë

“Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?—a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I could make it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal—as we are!”

2. From “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell

“I loved something I made up, something that’s just as dead as Melly is. I made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it. And when I saw that it was just a suit of clothes and couldn’t love me back, it was as though I found it out for the first time. I saw then that I’d never really loved Ashley. […] I loved you but I was going to try my best to let you go back to her because I thought I was about your happiness even though it meant breaking my heart. But you were so nasty and so mean that night, so dirty, that I’ve never been able to forget it.”

[Read: Unrequited love – 58 signs, types, and steps to get out of unreciprocated love]

3. From “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy

“He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began. He felt this from the agonizing sensation of division that he experienced at that instant. He was offended, but instantly felt that he could not be offended by her, that she was him. For the first time now, with his whole being, he experienced that previously unknown feeling of inner, spiritual tenderness, and did not know what to say to her.”

4. From “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë

“I cannot express it; but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is or should be an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation, if I were entirely contained here? My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff’s miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”

5. From “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

“He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.”

[Read: Dating a bookworm like you’re in a romance novel]

6. From “A Room with a View” by E.M. Forster

“You and I are what we are, and will be what we will be. As for the future, our task is not to foresee it, but to enable it. My attitude towards you is the result of reflection upon the mirror of my soul, and I know that your attitude towards me is the same. I do not want to foresee you. I am filled with a desire for certainty, and with a desire that you should see me as I really am. I hate the thought of a life that drifts along in the stream of time, without a firm and definite aim. I hate the thought of anything that takes away from me the freedom of my soul.”

7. From “Middlemarch” by George Eliot

“What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life—to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”

8. From “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy

“Love was once offered to me in a form too difficult for me to accept. It was not attached to conditions, but my very acceptance was a kind of condition. I was to renounce the world for it, to give up all the hopes that had been instilled into me, to forget ambitions, to forget my kin, to forget all loves but one. Every effort of loyalty within me recoiled from the sacrifice.”

9. From “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

“Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams. Love in dreams is greedy for immediate action, rapidly performed and in the sight of all. Men will even give their lives if only the ordeal does not last long but is soon over, with all looking on and applauding as though on the stage. But active love is labor and fortitude, and for some people too, perhaps, a complete science.”

10. From “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf

“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.” [Read: When will I find love? 25 secrets what will help you find the one]

11. From “Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville

“Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. For could the sun do that, then could I do the other; since there is ever a sort of fair play… I’d strike the sun if it insulted me. Aye, and I’d chase it round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I’d let it go. And this is what ye have shipped for, men! to chase that white whale on both sides of land, and over all sides of earth, till he spouts black blood and rolls fin out.”

12. From “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens

“It is a curious thing that I felt angry with my wife; I cannot account for it, but my impotent desire to reach her, and my powerless state, made me almost frantic. It is a curious thing, too, that I felt no tenderness towards her; I felt only such anger as I have never felt before, and have never felt since. It must have been the sense of the desertion of me that inspired this resentment. What had she ever done for me but follow my path, and then leave me? But the power of her love was still upon me, and it was stronger than my own will.”

[Read: Relationship arguments – 38 tips and ways to fight fair and grow closer in love]

13. From “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

“We have wronged each other; mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into a false and unnatural relation with my decay. Therefore, as a man who has not thought and philosophized in vain, I seek no vengeance, plot no evil against thee. Between thee and me, the scale hangs fairly balanced. But Hester, the man lives who has wronged us both! Who is he?”

14. From “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott

“I can’t help loving you more than is good for me; I shall do it all my life, and no man can do it half as well, for no man can love you as I did, if you’ll pardon the conceit. Nothing shall hurt you, I’ll keep them away, I’ll stand between you and trouble, as I’d try to keep death away from you if I could… I don’t think I shall ever be afraid of anything again.”

15. From “Les Misérables” by Victor Hugo

“Do I belong to myself any longer? No, that is past. You belong to yourself and I belong to you. In that lies my torment and my happiness. It is the divine law; let there be a being in whom I exist, a dependence in which I lose myself, a possible loss of myself, a perpetual danger of bankruptcy. That is love, love, love, cursed love, that is the life of man. It is the love that makes and unmakes; it is the love that comes and goes; it is the love that arrives and departs.”

[Read: Why am I codependent? 37 reasons and signs you overstep boundaries in love]

Modern Musings

For those seeking a more contemporary take on the language of love, modern literature and popular culture offer a fresh, relatable perspective. Today’s authors and creators approach love with a blend of realism, wit, and emotional depth that resonates with our current experiences.

16. From “The Time Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger

“I place my hands over her ears and tip her head back, and kiss her, and try to put my heart into hers, for safekeeping, in case I lose it again. I kiss her and kiss her and kiss her. I try to think of it as an old-fashioned cure for amnesia. I am kissing her to save my life, to bring myself back into being.”

[Read: 29 sensual, romantic secrets to kiss someone passionately and deeply]

17. From “Normal People” by Sally Rooney

“At times he believed that he would never love anyone as he loved her; that the only thing worth thinking about was when he would see her next; that all his future happiness was bound up in her existence. He felt that he had been alone for years, for his whole life, and that she had come to save him from that condition.”

18. From “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern

“I am not sure I can adequately describe the feeling of being recognized by someone who has seen you only in their dreams. It is something like finding a part of yourself you never knew was missing, and then suddenly you meet this person and you are whole.”

19. From “Call Me By Your Name” by André Aciman

“I’m like you,’ he said. ‘I remember everything.’ I stopped for a second. If you remember everything, I wanted to say, and if you are really like me, then before you leave tomorrow, or when you’re just ready to shut the door of the taxi and have already said goodbye to everyone else and there’s not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this once, turn to me, even in jest, or as an afterthought, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, look me in the face, hold my gaze, and call me by your name.”

20. From “Atonement” by Ian McEwan

“Falling in love could be achieved in a single word—a glance. The absentmindedness of an otherwise thoughtful act, the habit of a minute’s silence, but a word at the right time shown the way that the future would take. The way that bodies, seemingly impossibly, learned the rhythm of the other’s thoughts—returning touch for touch, word for word.”

[Read: Soul gazing – the science, 32 steps, and secrets to create an eye gaze bond]

21. From “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

“Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. The first time he saw her, he knew she was the one. She was standing there, laughing, in a crowd of friends, and in that moment, something inside him recognized something inside her.”

22. From “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro

“I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end, it’s just too much. The current’s too strong. They’ve got to let go, drift apart. That’s how it is with us. It’s a shame, because we’ve loved each other all our lives. But in the end, we can’t stay together forever.”

[Read: 59 signs it’s time to break up and give up instead of trying to fix a relationship]

23. From “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold

“I loved you on this earth and I will love you in heaven. You will be my one and only; my everything. No matter where I am, and no matter where you are, I’ll be there beside you, watching over you, loving you.”

24. From “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert

“I am here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.”

[Read: Loving someone with depression – why it’s not your job to fix them]

25. From “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. The wind, the rain, the desert, they all speak to me of your love. It’s everywhere; I don’t need to see it or hear it. I can feel it. I can feel all of it, at every moment, in every gesture, in every breath, in every word you’ve ever said, in every moment we’ve shared.”

26. From “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer

“Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living. You and me, we could have had a life, a house, children, we could have lived. I could be a person who has breakfast at Tiffany’s, I could be a person who can afford to not make his own bed. I could be a person who has a history, instead of this emptiness, this strip of death.”

27. From “The Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman

“I can’t explain why, but I know that when I’m with you, I’m at home. The best I can do is this: the best part of my day is when I get to talk to you. When I hear your voice, when I see your face, I forget about the rest of the world, even if it’s for a little while.”

28. From “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens

“I wasn’t aware that words could hold so much. I didn’t know a sentence could be so full. That a mind could open so wide. I love you, I want to tell him. I love you. I love you. I love you. But I only sit there, staring at my hands, the whole universe is now wrapped inside me, every single atom exploding in me and each one bearing your name.”

[Read: 47 sweet ways to tell someone you love them with your words and actions]

29. From “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah

“In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are. It’s the tragedy and the triumph of our lives. It’s the one thing that can change us, make us better or completely destroy us. You’re the reason I feel this way, the reason I want to be better, to live more fully. I never knew love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in your eyes, telling me that you would never betray me.”

30. From “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein

“There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose. I know this: when you do something from your heart, you leave a heart print. It’s the heart print you leave behind that defines you. In every relationship, every touch, every glance, every kiss, every person you meet, you leave a heart print. And no one, no one, is ever the same once you’ve touched their heart. That’s how I feel about you. My heart prints are all over you, and no matter where you go, or who you are with, they’ll always be there, marking the presence of our love.”

[Read: What is the point of life? The theories, paradoxes, and secrets to find meaning]

Timeless Letters and Personal Testimonies

We’ve picked out some really touching pieces from historical letters, diaries, and personal accounts that are just brimming with love and affection. These aren’t your typical love quotes; they’re real words from real people, sharing their heartfelt emotions. Here are 15 paragraph-long quotes that give us a peek into their hearts and the timeless nature of love.

31. From “The Letters of Abelard and Heloise”

“In your absence, I am racked with despair. Sometimes, I seem to behold your beloved presence, and then again I find that I am deceived by my longing hope. If I lose you through death, I shall seek you among the dead. If you remain in this life, I shall never cease to seek you among the living.”

32. From “Love Letters of Great Men – Vol. 2” by Ludwig van Beethoven

“Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us. I can live only wholly with you or not at all. Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits.”

33. From “Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke: 1892-1910”

“How should I be able to forget those days, Bella? It is only that life is now once again strange and full of waiting and I don’t quite know what to do with my thoughts that they don’t fold and tear and lose their shape. But I often think of you, dear friend, and of those days. And I have no wishes and no hopes for them; it is as if their coming back depended not at all upon my desire.”

[Read: Missed connection – what it means and the best way to find and rekindle it ASAP]

34. From “The Diary of Anne Frank”

“Remembering you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away. I hope you believe me when I say I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. The good times we had before will always be a part of my memories.”

35. From “Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche”

“It is a curious sensation: the sort of pain that goes mercifully beyond our powers of feeling. When your heart is broken, your boats are burned: nothing matters any more. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace.”

[Read: 36 healing steps to get over heartbreak and deal with the pain of fixing it]

36. From “Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne”

“I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again – my Life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb’d me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving.”

37. From “Letters of Vincent Van Gogh”

“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. There is the same difference in a person before and after he is in love as there is in an unlighted lamp and one that is burning. The lamp was there and was a good lamp, but now it is shedding light too, and that is its real function.”

38. From “The Letters of Frida Kahlo: Cartas Apasionadas”

“I love you more than my own skin and even though you don’t love me the same way, you love me anyway, don’t you? And if you don’t, I’ll always have the hope that you do, and I’m satisfied with that. Love me a little. I adore you.”

[Read: Does he love me? 86 warm signs he’s past like and seriously in love with you]

39. From “Letters of Napoleon to Josephine”

“Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly I live over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of the incomparable Josephine kindle continually a burning and a glowing flame in my heart.”

40. From “Zelda Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald”

“Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold. I love you, that’s all I can tell you, and that’s all I know. It’s really very simple. I love you – and I know it’s our life – I love you, I love you, and I’ll never be tired of saying it.”

41. From “The Selected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley”

“I do not wish to live – to exist – unless I can live with you. My life without you is a torture. The time must come when we shall be together always and until then, I can only suffer.”

42. From “Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf”

“I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way.”

[Read: 20 romantic secrets and examples to write a love letter and melt their heart]

43. From “Letters of Sylvia Plath to Ted Hughes”

“I cannot talk to you without feeling the wonder of the miraculous fact of human communication, that we are utterly other, that no feelings, thoughts, known to you are known to me: yet we talk, we give each other something. I am so grateful for your words.”

44. From “Letters of Ernest Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich”

“I can’t say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home. Nor can I say how much you mean to me; the pleasure in the simple touch of your hand, the glow and the warmth of your smile.”

45. From “The Letters of Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas”

“Your sonnet is quite lovely, and it is a marvel that those red-rose-leaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing. Your slim gilt soul walks between passion and poetry.”

[Read: Symbols of love – the psychology, how it works, and 53 most common signs of love]

There’s a Long Love Quote Out There That Perfectly Captures Every Moment

Isn’t it just amazing how love has this incredible power to inspire such beautiful words? It’s like every time someone sits down to write about their feelings, they tap into this universal well of emotion, and out pours these incredible, heartfelt messages.

Whether it’s in the lines of a classic novel, the intimate words of a personal letter, or the insights of modern literature, love continues to be the ultimate muse.

[Read: Timing is everything in a relationship – 30 secrets to get it right in love]

For every twist and turn in the romantic road, there’s a long love quote out there that perfectly captures the moment. Whether you’re head-over-heels in love, in the midst of a complicated relationship, or just daydreaming about that special someone, these quotes offer clarity and understanding. So go ahead, sift through our selection, and find the one that speaks to your heart.

The post 45 Classic, Modern & Timeless Long Love Quotes to Inspire and Enthuse is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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